Notes from the Author
To help bring the framework styles better in line with what Material Design dictates, the default application background color for both light and dark variants has been fixed. In addition, multiple components were updated to properly match the dark theme specification.
Affected styles:
Light Theme
application background color
Dark Theme
application background color
- #303030 -> #121212v-app-bar
- #212121 -> #272727v-bottom-navigation
- #424242 -> #2E2E2Ev-card
- #424242 -> #2E2E2Ev-navigation-drawer
- #424242 -> #363636v-toolbar
- #212121 -> #272727
You can revert to the previous values by setting up a SASS Variables variables.s(a|c)ss
file with the following snippet:
// styles/variables.scss
$material-dark: (
'app-bar': #212121,
'bottom-navigation': #424242,
'background': #303030,
'cards': #424242,
'navigation-drawer': #424242,
'toolbar': #212121
$material-light: ('background': #FAFAFA);
There is also a new SASS variable that contains the color value for each elevation outlined on the Material Design Specification for dark variants.
$material-dark-elevation-colors: (
'0': #000000,
'1': #1E1E1E,
'2': #222222,
'3': #252525,
'4': #272727,
'6': #2C2C2C,
'8': #2E2E2E,
'12': #333333,
'16': #363636,
'24': #373737
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to me in the Release Migration channel of the community.