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Pull requests that update a dependency file
experience: easy
experience: easy
experience: hard
experience: hard
help wanted
help wanted
PR: Approved. Additional fixes required.
PR: Approved. Additional fixes required.
Maintainer approved the PR in general. Additional Actions required from the Author to continue.
PR: Approved. Blocked.
PR: Approved. Blocked.
Maintainer approved the PR in general, but the merging is temporary blocked by some reasons.
PR: In review. Comments to address.
PR: In review. Comments to address.
Maintainer started review process, and put additional questions and comments to be addressed.
PR: Long Standing
PR: Long Standing
There were no updates from the Author for a long time.
PR: Work in progress
PR: Work in progress
PR is not ready for final review yet
release blocker
release blocker
This issue was introduced in the latest `master`, and needs to be fixed before the next release
status: blocked
status: blocked
status: needs investigation
status: needs investigation
status: needs review
status: needs review
status: needs testing
status: needs testing
status: unknown-cause
status: unknown-cause
status: wontfix
status: wontfix
status: workable
status: workable
type: documentation
type: documentation
type: performances
type: performances
type: question
type: question
type: safety
type: safety