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🍣 Nigiri Bitcoin

Nigiri provides a command line interface that manages a selection of docker-compose batteries included to have a ready-to-use Bitcoin regtest development environment. Out of the box, you get:

  • Bitcoin Node: A Bitcoin Core node running in regtest mode
  • Electrum: Backend and frontend explorer for quick blockchain inspection
  • Chopsticks: A JSON HTTP proxy that adds handy endpoints like /faucet and automatic block generation

You can extend your setup with:

  • Ark: A Bitcoin layer two implementation for scalable off-chain transactions
  • Elements/Liquid sidechain with --liquid flag
  • Lightning Network nodes with --ln flag (Core Lightning, LND, and Taproot Assets)

No time to make a Nigiri yourself?

Pre-built binary

  • Download and install nigiri command line interface
$ curl | bash

This will also install several configurable files, such as bitcoin.conf and elements.conf, that can be edited. These can be found browsing the following directory:

POSIX (Linux/BSD): ~/.nigiri

macOS: $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Nigiri

Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Nigiri

Plan 9: $home/nigiri

  • Lauch Docker daemon (Mac OSX)
$ open -a Docker

You may want to Manage Docker as a non-root user

  • Close and reopen your terminal, then start Bitcoin and Ark
$ nigiri start --ark

That's it.

Go to http://localhost:5000 for quickly inspect the Bitcoin blockchain.

Want more? Add Elements/Liquid, Lightning nodes, or Ark:

$ nigiri start --ark --liquid  # Add Elements/Liquid sidechain
$ nigiri start --ark --ln      # Add Lightning Network nodes
$ nigiri start --liquid --ln   # Add both Liquid and Lightning
$ nigiri start --ark --liquid --ln  # Add all features

Note for users of macOS Monterey an onward

Show more... When trying to start Nigiri, you might get an error similar to the following:
Error response from daemon: Ports are not available: listen tcp bind: address already in use
exit status 1

This is due to AirPlay Receiver using port 5000, conflicting with Esplora trying to run using the very same port.

There are two ways to deal with this issue:

  1. Uncheck AirPlay Receiver in System Preferences β†’ Sharing β†’ AirPlay Receiver
  2. Change Esplora’s port to something other than 5000. This can be done by changing it in docker-compose.yml found in your data directory. If you previously tried starting Nigiri getting an error – you might have to run nigiri stop --delete before restarting it.


At the moment bitcoind, elements and electrs are started on regtest network.

Start nigiri

$ nigiri start
  • Use the --liquid flag to let you do experiments with the Liquid sidechain. A liquid daemon and a block explorer are also started when passing this flag.

  • Use the --ln flag to start a Core Lightning node, a LND node and a Tap daemon.

Stop nigiri

$ nigiri stop

Use the --delete flag to not just stop Docker containers but also to remove them and delete the config file and any new data written in volumes.

Generate and send bitcoin to given address

# Bitcoin
$ nigiri faucet <bitcoin_address>
## Fund the Core Lightning node
$ nigiri faucet cln 0.01

## Fund the LND node
$ nigiri faucet lnd 0.01

# Elements
$ nigiri faucet --liquid <liquid_address>

Send Liquid asset to given address

$ nigiri faucet --liquid <liquid_address> <amt> <liquid_asset>

Liquid only Issue and send a given quantity of an asset

$ nigiri mint <liquid_address> 1000 VulpemToken VLP

Broadcast a raw transaction and automatically generate a block

# Bitcoin
$ nigiri push <hex>

# Elements
$ nigiri push --liquid <hex>

Check the logs of Bitcoin services

# Bitcoind
$ nigiri logs bitcoin
# Electrs
$ nigiri logs electrs
# Chopsticks
$ nigiri logs chopsticks

Check the logs of Liquid services

# Elementsd
$ nigiri logs liquid
# Electrs Liquid
$ nigiri logs electrs-liquid
# Chopsticks Liquid
$ nigiri logs chopsticks-liquid

Check the logs of Lightning services

# Core Lightning
$ nigiri logs cln
$ nigiri logs lnd

Use the Bitcoin CLI inside the box

$ nigiri rpc getnewaddress "" "bech32"

Use the Elements CLI inside the box

$ nigiri rpc --liquid getnewaddress "" "bech32"

Use the Core Lightning & LND CLIs inside the box

# Core Lightning
$ nigiri cln listpeers
$ nigiri lnd listpeers
# Tap (Taro)
$ nigiri tap assets list

Connect Core Lightning to LND

$ nigiri cln connect `nigiri lnd getinfo | jq -r .identity_pubkey`@lnd:9735

Open a channel between cln and lnd

$ nigiri lnd openchannel --node_key=`nigiri cln getinfo | jq -r .id` --local_amt=100000
$ nigiri cln fundchannel `nigiri lnd getinfo | jq -r .identity_pubkey` 100000

Pay invoices between cln and lnd

$ nigiri lnd payinvoice `nigiri cln invoice 21000 $(date +%s) "test" | jq -r .bolt11`
$ nigiri cln pay `nigiri lnd addinvoice 21 | jq -r .payment_request`

Use the Ark CLI inside the box

# Check versions
$ nigiri ark --version    # or -v
$ nigiri arkd --version   # or -v

# Initialize the Ark client (only needed once)
$ nigiri ark init --network regtest --password secret --server-url localhost:7070 --explorer http://chopsticks:3000

# Use the Ark client
$ nigiri ark config                # Show wallet configuration
$ nigiri ark receive              # Show receiving addresses
$ nigiri ark balance              # Show wallet balance

# Use the Ark daemon client
$ nigiri arkd wallet status       # Show wallet status
$ nigiri arkd wallet create --password secret  # Create a new wallet
$ nigiri arkd wallet unlock --password secret  # Unlock the wallet

Update the docker images

$ nigiri update

Nigiri uses the default directory ~/.nigiri to store configuration files and docker-compose files. To set a custom directory use the --datadir flag.

Run the help command to see the full list of available flags.

Make from scratch




Preparation Time: 5 min Cooking Difficulty: Easy
  • Clone the repo:
$ git clone
  • Enter project directory and install dependencies:
$ make install
  • Build binary
$ make build

Done! You should be able to find the binary in the local ./build folder. Give it permission to execute and move/rename into your PATH.

  • Clean

Remeber to always clean Nigiri before running install to upgrade to a new version.

$ make clean

Nutrition Facts

Chopsticks service exposes on port 3000 (and on 3001 if started with --liquid flag) all Esplora's available endpoints and extends them with the following:

Bitcoin & Liquid

  • POST /faucet which expects a body { "address": <receiving_address> }
  • POST /tx has been extended to automatically mine a block when is called.

Liquid only

  • POST /mint which expects a body {"address": "ert1q90dz89u8eudeswzynl3p2jke564ejc2cnfcwuq", "quantity": 1000, "name":"VULPEM", "ticker":"VLP"}
  • POST /registry to get extra info about one or more assets like name and ticker which expects a body with an array of assets {"assets": ["2dcf5a8834645654911964ec3602426fd3b9b4017554d3f9c19403e7fc1411d3"]}


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