Custom snippets designed for RStudio.
Snippets make use of system variables Currently, these include:
Copy the snippets into the correct language file from the Tools > Edit Code Snippets
Or use the following script to do it in R:
This will append the snippets to your existing R snippets.
# URL of the GitHub file
github_file_url <- ""
# Path to the temporary file where we will save the downloaded content
temp_file_path <- fs::path_temp("r.snippets")
# Download the file from GitHub
downloaded_file_path <- vusa::download_github_file(github_file_url, temp_file_path)
# Read the contents of the downloaded file
downloaded_contents <- readLines(downloaded_file_path)
snippets_SA <- downloaded_contents %>%
## Trim whitespaces from the rightside, but keep tabs
str_replace("[ \r\n]+$", "")
# read in the first file and split it into chunks
file2_chunks <- split_file(temp_file_path)
# read in the second file and split it into chunks
file1_chunks <- split_file(vusa::get_snippets_file(type = "r"))
# find the chunks in file2 that are not in file1
diff_chunks <- setdiff(lapply(file2_chunks, paste, collapse="\n"), lapply(file1_chunks, paste, collapse="\n"))
# append the missing chunks to file1
if (length(diff_chunks) > 0) {
file1 <- readLines(get_snippets_file(type = "r"))
file1[length(file1) + 1] <- ""
file1[length(file1) + 1] <- paste(diff_chunks, collapse="\n\n")
writeLines(file1, get_snippets_file(type = "r"))
message("Local snippet file has been edited.")
# Clean up the temporary file