Welcome to MicroProjectsHub, a collection of small to medium projects aimed at learning and practicing various programming concepts and technologies. Each project in this repository serves as a standalone example, demonstrating specific skills or solving unique problems.
MicroProjectsHub is designed as a playground for exploring new ideas, honing skills, and sharing knowledge. Whether you're a beginner looking to get your hands dirty with real-world projects or an experienced developer seeking to experiment with new technologies, you'll find something of interest here.
Below is a list of projects included in this repository, along with a brief description of each and technologies used:
- Digital Clock: The Digital Clock is a visually appealing representation of a digital clock(to me at least), showcasing the current time with smooth transitions between each second/minute/hour. (Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
- Table Search: Table search, was created to test the functionality of adding and sorting table data in HTML with Vanilla JS through a search bar. (Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Feel free to explore the projects, and don't hesitate to fork, star, or contribute!
To get started with any of the projects in MicroProjectsHub, simply clone the repository and navigate to the project of interest.