Release notes
This release adds several modules that, when combined, enable a user to create an AWS instance that runs WordPress with all the supporting infrastructure. The main part of the WordPress setup is taken from this guide.
- Module for creating a VPC.
- Module for creating a Route53 hosted zone.
- Module for creating Route53 DNS records.
- Module for creating an EC2 instance. The module configures the instance via a user data script as follows:
- It uses the latest Ubuntu 20.04 AMI.
- It installs all the WordPress dependencies.
- It creates an S3 bucket for storing WordPress backups.
- It configures the S3 bucket to use versioning and discard old backups after 14 days.
- It sets up an instance profile to enable the instance to access the S3 bucket.
- It performs the necessary steps to secure the default MySQL setup.
- it creates the MySQL database for WordPress.
- It installs WordPress on the instance.
- It sets up automated backup to S3 via a cron job.