The BLANK Application is a collaborative Content Management Framework which allows users to store and share various type of contents (articles, videos, files, pictures, RSS Feed). Content is organized in workspaces with rights applied on them. A configuration page allows superadministrator to custom content types, rights, filters, translations and other common stuff (Logo, name, exception mail).
We call it Framework rather than System cause BlankApplication is a developer oriented application and it’s build to simplify your work guys. That’s how we create in thinkDRY live applications in days.
The application is RESTful, use Test-Driven and Behaviour-Driven development and try to include few good practices :
Use of engines
DRY & Commented code
As good Rails stuffs always came from space, we are connected to them and widely used their special combos:
Make ressourcefull
and much more
This is a live a application with daily commits on Public GitHub version is as stable as possible. BlankApplication is currently live:
and is comming on,
We have a heavy bag of ideas and are still open to get more. Believe us something is happening here.
If you need to know more about BlankApplication, go on RDOC is published on Tickets, main git repo and team is working on
Git repository on GitHub: git://
1) Unzip or clone BlankApplication in the desired folder
2) Database Initialization
Create a database.yml file in /config/ , an example model can be found in /config/install_files/ Note: .yml files require proper indentation to work properly. Settings can be put depending on your Database for EX: for Mysql production: adapter: mysql encoding: utf8 database: blank_production username: mysql_user_name password: mysql_password socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock Note: for socket path go to mysql prompt and type "status". Copy UNIX socket path.
3) Run the installation rake task:
rake blank:install RAILS_ENV=production
4) Start the server with ./script/server -e production
Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser Use The Default User Created by blank:install called 'boss' and password as 'monkey' Use the superadministration panel to customize 'Blank Application'
If you start from a new virtual machine or if you are a Newbee, here are some additional things to do.
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev
sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libxml2-dev
sudo apt-get install libcurl3-dev
sudo apt-get install libopenssl-ruby
sudo apt-get install imagemagick libmagick9-dev
sudo apt-get install libxapian15 libxapian-ruby1.8
sudo apt-get install libxml-ruby1.8 libxml-parser-ruby1.8
This module is needed to encode the video with x264 codec and audio files with LameMP3 on the server.
git clone git:// cd /path/to/x264-dir sudo ./configure –enable-shared –disable-asm sudo make && make install sudo ldconfig
wget tar zxf lame* cd lame* sudo ./configure && make && make install
mkdir src cd src svn checkout svn:// ffmpeg cd ffmpeg sudo ./configure –enable-libx264 –enable-gpl –enable-libmp3lame –enable-shared sudo make sudo make install ffmpeg (to check installation)
Tips: if ffmpeg is not working after install do: nano /etc/ Add the line : /usr/local/lib And run: sudo ldconfig
Download ImageMagick from Windows Version. Unzip the file and install ImageMagick.
Download from Unzip the downloaded file Copy the file to C:Rubylibruby1.8i386-mswin32 Copy the xapian.rb file to C:Rubylibruby1.8 Now you need to download the latest Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86). You can find it in Download the file, install it and restart your machine. You should be good for xapian