A Python program for connecting to and interfacing with a HP4195A Network/Spectrum Analyser to view and save the data.
- HP4195A Network/Spectrum Analyser
- Prologix GPIB-ETHERNET (GPIB-LAN) Controller 1.2
- Python 3.0 +
- PyQt5 (+ PyQtWebEngine)
- telnetlib
- NumPy
- Matplotlib
- Markdown
- cx_Freeze
The following documents provide useful information regarding the 4195A Network/Spectrum Analyser and the Prologix GPIB-ETHERNET Controller including GPIB command definitions and data register names:
To run the program install the dependencies as specified above using pip, conda or a similar package management system. Then clone this repository, navigate to the project directory in a command terminal and type
python hp4195a_reader.py
The software can also be built into an executable with cx_Freeze. From the project directory run the following command in a terminal window
python setup.py build
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details