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mattsaxon edited this page Mar 4, 2016 · 3 revisions

This page offers up an idealise workflow for the current focus of the Task Force.

The current focus is the raising of issues for FPWD (early April) based on findings where the API does not meet the needs of the current flows.


  1. Create Target flows in the TargetFlows folder of this Repo

  2. Base these on the generic API flow here

  3. Add Observations about the resultant Target Flows here

  4. Update the Flows review matrix to point to the Target Flow here (

  5. If appropriate raise an issue on the API specification itself here

Note: API Specification Editors would prefer GitHub Pull Request to be submitted rather than issues, so please respect that, but it is likely that the issues that arise from Flow analysis will need discussion, so raising an issue is likely to be the right approach here.

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