This repository includes all versions of the NPoS and Parachain Economics models. The Codes folder includes the jupyter notebooks for the python implementation of the models as well as the figure and data files, and the Data folder includes the Kusama genesis account balances. The Notes folder include the notes for the very first version of the stochastic NPoS Economic model.
1 NPoS Modeling: An Agent Based Stochastic Microeconomic Model V1
2 NPoS Modeling: Statistical Analysis of Kusama Genesis Balances
3 NPoS Modeling: NPoS Economics V1
4 NPoS Modeling: NPoS Economics V2: Staking Stickiness
5 NPoS Modeling: NPoS Economics V3: Staking Stickiness & Slashing
6 NPoS Modeling: NPoS Economics V4: Staking Stickiness, Slashing & Delegated Validators
7 NPoS Economics: NPoS Economics V4 (Code Redesign)
8 NPoS Economics: NPoS Economics V5: Equally Paid Validators
9 NPoS Economics: NPoS Economics V6: Daily Validator Assignment
10 NPoS Economics: NPoS Economics V7: Sequential Phragmen (Final Version)
1 Parachain Economics: Parachain Economics V1: DOT and Parachain Prices
3 Parachain Economics: A Microeconomic Model for Parachains with Native Tokens V3 (Final Version)
The accompanying writeups for all the microeconomic models are included in the jupyter notebooks.
The notes for the very first version of the stochastic NPoS Economic model V1
The writeups and the accompanying jupyter notebooks for the final versions of the models can be found here:
A Microeconomic Model for Polkadot: NPoS Economics