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Joanna Waczyńska*, Piotr Borycki*, Sławomir Tadeja, Jacek Tabor, Przemysław Spurek (* indicates equal contribution)

This repository contains the official authors implementation associated with the paper "GaMeS: Mesh-Based Adapting and Modification of Gaussian Splatting". Check also project page

Abstract: * Recently, a range of neural network-based methods for image rendering have been introduced. One such widely-researched neural radiance field (NeRF) relies on a neural network to represent 3D scenes, allowing for realistic view synthesis from a small number of 2D images. However, most NeRF models are constrained by long training and inference times. In comparison, Gaussian Splatting (GS) is a novel, state-of-the-art technique for rendering points in a 3D scene by approximating their contribution to image pixels through Gaussian distributions, warranting fast training and swift, real-time rendering. A drawback of GS is the absence of a well-defined approach for its conditioning due to the necessity to condition several hundred thousand Gaussian components. To solve this, we introduce the Gaussian Mesh Splatting (GaMeS) model, which allows modification of Gaussian components in a similar way as meshes. We parameterize each Gaussian component by the vertices of the mesh face. Furthermore, our model needs mesh initialization on input or estimated mesh during training. We also define Gaussian splats solely based on their location on the mesh, allowing for automatic adjustments in position, scale, and rotation during animation. As a result, we obtain a real-time rendering of editable GS.*

Check us if you want to make a flying hotdog:


GaMeS Gaussian Mesh Splatting

      author         = {Joanna Waczyńska and Piotr Borycki and Sławomir Tadeja and Jacek Tabor and Przemysław Spurek},
      title          = {GaMeS: Mesh-Based Adapting and Modification of Gaussian Splatting},
      year           = {2024},
      eprint         = {2402.01459},
      archivePrefix  = {arXiv},
      primaryClass   = {cs.CV},

Gaussian Splatting

      author         = {Kerbl, Bernhard and Kopanas, Georgios and Leimk{\"u}hler, Thomas and Drettakis, George},
      title          = {3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering},
      journal        = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
      number         = {4},
      volume         = {42},
      month          = {July},
      year           = {2023},
      url            = {}

Multiple animation is possible like dancing ficus:


Since, the software is based on original Gaussian Splatting repository, for details regarding requirements, we kindly direct you to check 3DGS. Here we present the most important information.


  • Conda (recommended)
  • CUDA-ready GPU with Compute Capability 7.0+
  • CUDA toolkit 11 for PyTorch extensions (we used 11.8)

Clone the Repository with submodules

git clone --recursive


git clone --recursive


Local Setup

To install the required Python packages we used 3.7 and 3.8 python and conda v. 24.1.0

conda env create --file environment.yml
conda gaussian_splatting_mesh

Common issues:

  • Are you sure you downloaded the repository with the --recursive flag?
  • Please note that this process assumes that you have CUDA SDK 11 installed, not 12. if you encounter a problem please refer to 3DGS repository.

Available options

Our solution proposes several model types, which you set using the gs_type flag. You can run the following models in the repository:

Available models


Use it if you want to run basic gaussian splatting


GaMeS model -- gaussians align exactly on the surface of the mesh. Note, the dataset requires a mesh. Use num_splats to set number of Gaussian per face.


Basic gaussian splicing which one scale value is epsilion, thus the resulting gaussians are flat. Model used to parameterize by the gs_points GaMeS model.


GaMeS model -- GS allowing parameterization of the FLAME model. Note, the FLAME model is required. Download FLAME models and landmark embedings and place them inside games/flame_splatting/FLAME folder, as shown here.


GaMeS model -- different version of gs_mesh, when more meshes are available. Gaussians align exactly on the surface of the meshes. Define them using meshes flag.

During render there is one more model available:


GaMeS model - used to parameterize the flat Gaussian splatting model. Can not be used for training.

Additional command Line Arguments for (based on 3DGS repo)

--source_path / -s

Path to the source directory containing a COLMAP or Synthetic NeRF data set.

--model_path / -m

Path where the trained model should be stored (output/<random> by default).

--images / -i

Alternative subdirectory for COLMAP images (images by default).


Add this flag to use a MipNeRF360-style training/test split for evaluation.

--resolution / -r

Specifies resolution of the loaded images before training. If provided 1, 2, 4 or 8, uses original, 1/2, 1/4 or 1/8 resolution, respectively. For all other values, rescales the width to the given number while maintaining image aspect. If not set and input image width exceeds 1.6K pixels, inputs are automatically rescaled to this target.


Specifies where to put the source image data, cuda by default, recommended to use cpu if training on large/high-resolution dataset, will reduce VRAM consumption, but slightly slow down training. Thanks to HrsPythonix.

--white_background / -w

Add this flag to use white background instead of black (default), e.g., for evaluation of NeRF Synthetic dataset.


Order of spherical harmonics to be used (no larger than 3). 3 by default.


Flag to make pipeline compute forward and backward of SHs with PyTorch instead of ours.


Flag to make pipeline compute forward and backward of the 3D covariance with PyTorch instead of ours.


Enables debug mode if you experience erros. If the rasterizer fails, a dump file is created that you may forward to us in an issue so we can take a look.


Debugging is slow. You may specify an iteration (starting from 0) after which the above debugging becomes active.


Number of total iterations to train for, 30_000 by default.


IP to start GUI server on, by default.


Port to use for GUI server, 6009 by default.


Space-separated iterations at which the training script computes L1 and PSNR over test set, 7000 30000 by default.


Space-separated iterations at which the training script saves the Gaussian model, 7000 30000 <iterations> by default.


Space-separated iterations at which to store a checkpoint for continuing later, saved in the model directory.


Path to a saved checkpoint to continue training from.


Flag to omit any text written to standard out pipe.


Spherical harmonics features learning rate, 0.0025 by default.


Opacity learning rate, 0.05 by default.


Scaling learning rate, 0.005 by default.


Rotation learning rate, 0.001 by default.


Number of steps (from 0) where position learning rate goes from initial to final. 30_000 by default.


Initial 3D position learning rate, 0.00016 by default.


Final 3D position learning rate, 0.0000016 by default.


Position learning rate multiplier (cf. Plenoxels), 0.01 by default.


Iteration where densification starts, 500 by default.


Iteration where densification stops, 15_000 by default.


Limit that decides if points should be densified based on 2D position gradient, 0.0002 by default.


How frequently to densify, 100 (every 100 iterations) by default.


How frequently to reset opacity, 3_000 by default.


Influence of SSIM on total loss from 0 to 1, 0.2 by default.


Percentage of scene extent (0--1) a point must exceed to be forcibly densified, 0.01 by default.

**## Quick start In this section we describe general information; please find below section Tutorial for more details, or if you are here first time :)


  1. Download dataset and put it in data directory.
  • We use the NeRF Synthetic; dataset available under the link, more precisely here and meshes blend_fileshere
  • For gs_flame we used dataset available under the link, more precisely here
  • The MipNeRF360 scenes are hosted by the paper authors under the link.
  1. What scenario do you want check? To train a model in general use: --eval -s <path to data>  -m <path to output> --gs_type <model_type> # use -w, if you want white background
  • if you don't have mesh (or you don't want use it): --eval -s /data/hotdog -m output/hotdog_flat --gs_type gs_flat -w
  • if you have mesh (in data/hotdog you should have mesh.obj file): --eval -s /data/hotdog -m output/hotdog_gs_mesh --gs_type gs_mesh -w
  • for FLAME initiation mesh:: --eval -s /data/<id_face> -m output/<id_face> --gs_type gs_flame -w


To eval a model in general use:

python scripts/ -m <path to output> --gs_type <model_type> # Generate renderings
python -m <path to output> --gs_type <model_type> # Compute error metrics on renderings

Tip: If you have trouble with imports running scrips/ You should remember export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/a/project

  • if you don't have mesh (or you don't want use it):
scripts/ -m output/hotdog_flat --gs_type gs_flat


scripts/ -m output/hotdog_flat --gs_type gs_points

then to calculate metrics:

python -m <path to output> --gs_type <model_type> # Compute error metrics on renderings


  • if you don't have mesh (or you don't want use it), and in fact you use pseudo-mesh:
scripts/ -m output/hotdog_flat  --skip_train


In this section we describe more details, and make step by step how to run GaMeS.

Scenario I: we have mesh; and we want use it.


  1. Go to nerf_synthetic, download hotdog dataset and put it in to data directory. For example:
|   |---<hotdog>
|   |---<ship>
|   |---...
  1. Go to blend_files and download blender files.
  2. Open blender app; you need download it (; open hotdog.blend. And save hotdog mesh: File -> Export -> Wavefront (.obj). File mesh.obj has to be in the same dir as dataset:
|   |---<hotdog>
|   |   |---transforms_train.json
|   |   |---mesh.obj
  1. Train model: Using rtx2070 it should take less than 15 minutes. --eval -s /data/hotdog -m output/hotdog_gs_mesh --gs_type gs_mesh

Tip: In default, 2 Gaussians per face in mesh is used, to change it use num_splats. In fact, we highly recommend do it (in paper we used 5 or 10, check appendix), since it improves results, but training will take a bit longer, and in this tutorial, we would like it make it as easy it will be possible. --eval -s /data/hotdog -m output/hotdog_gs_mesh --gs_type gs_mesh --num_splats 5 -w

Tip2: If you would like to, you can manually subdivide bigger faces in blender app.

In output/hotdog_gs_mesh you should find:

|   |---<hotdog>
|   |   |---transforms_train.json
|   |   |---mesh.obj
|   |   |---...
|   |---<hotdog_gs_mesh>
|   |   |---point_cloud
|   |   |---xyz
|   |   |---cfg_args
|   |   |---...

During training you should get information: Found transforms_train.json file, assuming Blender_Mesh data set!

  1. Evaluation:

Firstly let's check if our model correctly render files in init position. It should take less than 30 sec.

Tip: If you have trouble with imports running scrips/ You should remember export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/a/project

In this scenario let's run:

scripts/ -m output/hotdog_gs_mesh --gs_type gs_mesh

Use --skip_train, if you would like to skip train dataset in render.

Then, let's calculate metrics (it takes around 3 minutes):

python -m output/hotdog_gs_mesh --gs_type gs_mesh

In output/hotdog_gs_mesh you should find:

|   |---<hotdog_gs_mesh>
|   |   |---point_cloud
|   |   |---cfg_args
|   |   |---test
|   |   |---<ours_iter>
|   |   |   |---renders_gs_mesh
|   |   |---results_gs_mesh.json
|   |   |---...

In fact since it is just init position, you can use gs flag to render, and gets the same results.

  1. Flying Hotdog:

Simply run:

  scripts/ -m output/hotdog_gs_mesh # --skip_train

Please find renders in time_animated directory:

|   |---<hotdog_gs_mesh>
|   |   |---point_cloud
|   |   |---cfg_args
|   |   |---test
|   |   |---<ours_iter>
|   |   |   |---renders_gs_mesh
|   |   |   |---time_animated
|   |   |---...

If you want more transformation, we recommend you check scripts/ file. Transformation transform_hotdog_fly is default, but there is a few more. You can also create your own modification. 7. Own modification* (for blender users):

You can prepare your own more realistic transformation, for example an excavator lifting a shovel or spreading ficus branches, and save created mesh for example as ficus_animate.obj. Then you can use file.

Scenario II: we don't have mesh; or we don't want use it.


  1. Go to nerf_synthetic, download hotdog dataset and put it in to data directory. For example:
|   |---<hotdog>
|   |---<ship>
|   |---...

Here you don't need mesh.obj. If you already download it, it is okey, it can be in directory, it will be just not used.

  1. Train Flat Gaussian Splatting.

First step is train simple flat Gaussian Splatting, use gs_flat flag. It should take around 10 minutes (using rtx2070). --eval -s /data/hotdog -m output/hotdog_gs_flat --gs_type gs_flat -w

In output/hotdog_flat you should find:

|   |---<hotdog>
|   |   |---transforms_train.json
|   |   |---mesh.obj
|   |   |---...
|   |---<hotdog_gs_flat>
|   |   |---point_cloud
|   |   |---xyz
|   |   |---cfg_args
|   |   |---...

During training you should get information: Found transforms_train.json file, assuming Blender data set!

  1. Evaluation:

Firstly let's check you we can render Flat Gaussian Splatting:

  scripts/ -m output/hotdog_gs_flat --gs_type gs_flat

Use --skip_train, if you would like to skip train dataset in render.

Then, let's calculate metrics (it takes around 3 minutes):

python -m output/hotdog_gs_flat --gs_type gs_flat

In output/hotdog_gs_flat you should find:

|   |---<hotdog_gs_mesh>
|   |   |---point_cloud
|   |   |---cfg_args
|   |   |---test
|   |   |---<ours_iter>
|   |   |   |---renders_gs_flat
|   |   |---results_gs_flat.json
|   |   |---...

Since we would like to use parametrized Gaussians Splatting let's check renders after parametrization, use gs_points flag:

  scripts/ -m output/hotdog_gs_flat --gs_type gs_points #--skip_train

Then, let's calculate metrics (it takes around 3 minutes):

python -m output/hotdog_gs_flat --gs_type gs_points

In output/hotdog_gs_flat you should find:

|   |---<hotdog_gs_mesh>
|   |   |---point_cloud
|   |   |---cfg_args
|   |   |---test
|   |   |---<ours_iter>
|   |   |   |---renders_gs_flat
|   |   |   |---renders_gs_points
|   |   |---results_gs_flat.json
|   |   |---results_gs_points.json
|   |   |---...

Please note, results_gs_flat and results_gs_points are differ slightly, this is due to numerical calculations.

  1. Modification / Wavy hotdog:

Simply run:

  scripts/ -m output/hotdog_flat # --skip_train

Please find renders in time_animated directory:

|   |---<hotdog_gs_mesh>
|   |   |---point_cloud
|   |   |---cfg_args
|   |   |---test
|   |   |---<ours_iter>
|   |   |   |---renders_gs_flat
|   |   |   |---renders_gs_points
|   |   |   |---time_animated_gs_points
|   |   |---...

Scenario III: we have initial mesh -- FLAME.

  1. Go to NeRFlame, more precisely here and download face_f1036_A dataset and put it in to data directory. For example:
|   |---<face_f1036_A>
|   |---...

Here you don't need mesh.obj. But... we use initial FLAME model. Hence: Download FLAME model from official website. You need to sign up and agree to the model license for access to the model. Copy the downloaded models and put it in games\flame_splatting\FLAME\model folder (for more details see games\flame_splatting\FLAME\ file).

  1. Train Flame Gaussian Splatting.

Train models with gs_flame flag. It should take around 50 minutes (using rtx2070). --eval -s data/face_f1036_A -m output/face_f1036_A --gs_type gs_flame -w

In output/face_f1036_A you should find:

|   |---<face_f1036_A>
|   |   |---transforms_train.json
|   |   |---...
|   |---<face_f1036_A>
|   |   |---point_cloud
|   |   |---xyz
|   |   |---cfg_args
|   |   |---...

During training you should get information: "Found transforms_train.json file, assuming Flame Blender data set!"

  1. Evaluation:

Firstly let's check you we can render original Gaussian Splatting (since we save scaling, ration etc you can use gs flag):

  scripts/ -m output/face_f1036_A --gs_type gs

Use --skip_train, if you would like to skip train dataset in render. You should see "assuming Blender data set" information.

Then, let's calculate metrics (it takes around 2 minutes):

python -m output/face_f1036_A --gs_type gs

In output/face_f1036_A you should find:

|   |---<face_f1036_A>
|   |   |---point_cloud
|   |   |---cfg_args
|   |   |---test
|   |   |---<ours_iter>
|   |   |   |---renders_gs
|   |   |---results_gs.json
|   |   |---...

Since we would like to use parametrized Flame Gaussians Splatting let's check renders after parametrization, use gs_flame flag:

  scripts/ -m output/face_f1036_A #--skip_train

Please note, you will see "assuming Flame Blender data set" information.

In output/face_f1036_A you should find:

|   |---<face_f1036_A>
|   |   |---point_cloud
|   |   |---cfg_args
|   |   |---test
|   |   |---<ours_iter>
|   |   |   |---renders_gs_flame
|   |   |---...

Renders renders_gs_flame and renders_gs should correspond to each other, that is, give the same results (except numerical differences).

  1. Modification: If you would like to change expression or position or any FLAME parameter please check render_set_animated function in scripts\ -- you should manage how to animate! :))

For render use animated flag:

  scripts/ -m output/face_f1036_A --animated #--skip_train

In output/face_f1036_A you should find:

|   |---<face_f1036_A>
|   |   |---point_cloud
|   |   |---cfg_args
|   |   |---test
|   |   |---<ours_iter>
|   |   |   |---flame_animated
|   |   |---...

Please note if you use Ubuntu 22.04

You will need to install a few dependencies before running the project setup.

# Dependencies
sudo apt install -y libglew-dev libassimp-dev libboost-all-dev libgtk-3-dev libopencv-dev libglfw3-dev libavdevice-dev libavcodec-dev libeigen3-dev libxxf86vm-dev libembree-dev
# Project setup
cd SIBR_viewers
cmake -Bbuild . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release # add -G Ninja to build faster
cmake --build build -j24 --target install

Common problem:

  1. We notice some of the people have problem "There are no g++ version bounds defined for CUDA", please check if gcc/g++ version is correct: link; probably the downgrade will help: link. Tip: Firstly, you should find where is CUDA installed, check path which g++.


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