React Native Login and Register Screens This is a simple mobile application built using React Native that features a login and register screen UI. The application is designed to be responsive and easy to use, with a clean and modern interface.
Features Login screen UI that allows users to enter their email and password to sign in Register screen UI that allows new users to create an account by entering their name, email, and password Password validation on the register screen to ensure strong passwords are used Simple navigation system that allows users to switch between the login and register screens Fully responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes
This app was built using the following technologies:
- React Native
- Expo
- JavaScript
To run the app, you need to have Node.js and Expo CLI installed on your machine. If you don't have them, you can download and install them from the following links:
- Node.js:
- Expo CLI:
Once you have Node.js and Expo CLI installed, you can clone this repository and install the dependencies by running the following commands in your terminal:
git clone
cd rn-authentication-screen
npm install
To start the app, run the following command in your terminal:
expo start
This will open the Expo DevTools in your default browser, where you can run the app on an emulator or a physical device. Follow the instructions in the DevTools to launch the app on your preferred platform.
Credits Design Idea by
This project was created by @wadekar9 as a demonstration of React Native development skills. It was built using various online resources and tutorials, including the official React Native documentation and the React Navigation documentation.
If you find any issues or bugs in the app, feel free to create a new issue or pull request on this repository.