In this project, we wreated a challenge to classify images of different categories of plankton.
This challenge was made by the GAIASAVERS team :
- Alban Petit
- Eric Wang
- Maxime Chor
- Sébastien Warichet
- Timothée Babinet
- Wafa Bouzouita
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The dataset of the challenge contains pictures of life forms found in the Bering Sea and was created by Kaichang Cheng. It was used in his 2019 paper to show the effectiveness of an enhanced convolutional neural network. The dataset is composed of 7 different classes with 2560 images each.
The competition protocol was designed by Isabelle Guyon.
The starting kit was adapted from a Jupyter notebook designed by Balazs Kegl for the RAMP platform.
This challenge was generated using Chalab, a competition wizard designed by Laurent Senta.