Make sure you are running linux. In M1 macs, isolate
won't work.
docker build -t waffledotcom-judge-compilers -f Dockerfile-compilers . && docker build -t waffledotcom-judge -f Dockerfile-server .
docker-compose up -d # or docker compose up -d
# Stop running Docker
test -z "$(docker ps -q 2>/dev/null)" && osascript -e 'quit app "Docker"'
# Install jq and moreutils so we can merge into the existing json file
brew install jq moreutils
# Add the needed cgroup config to docker settings.json
echo '{"deprecatedCgroupv1": true}' | \
jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' ~/Library/Group\ Containers/ - | \
sponge ~/Library/Group\ Containers/
# Restart docker desktop
open --background -a Docker
Judge0 is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.