A fork of steel99xl's Mac-like-automatic-brightness script for use with the 13 inch AMD Framework.
Ensure the script can be executed: chmod +x AutomaticBrightness.sh
Create a simple unit file: $HOME/.config/systemd/user/autobrightness.service
With the contents:
Description=Mac like automatic brightness service
And then start it systemctl --user enable --now autobrightness
A simple script to provide a "Mac" like automatic brightness adjustemnt/ animation
made for the FrameWork laptop
based on 2017 MacBook Pro
read Configuration
for detailed informatoion about what options you have to easily customize/ adjust the bightness or animation speed
Your sensor has a diffrent range thant the 12th Gen Intel Framework laptop sensors, please see chart bellow
Type | Sensor Rnge | STDScale
11th Gen Intel | 0 - 3207633 | 1
12th Gen Intel | 0 - 3984 | 24
./AutomaticBrightness.sh | Defualt running mode of script
./AutomaticBrightness.sh -i [NUMBER] | Increase the offset your brightness sensors raw reading
./AutomaticBrightness.sh -d [NUMBER] | Decrease the offset your brightness sensors raw reading
/tmp/AB.offset | Stores current offset for the sensor
/tmp/AB.stop | Stops AutomaticBrightness.sh
/tmp/AB.start | Starts stopped AutomaticBrightness.sh
/tmp/AB.kill | Kills AutomaticBrightness.sh
when running you will see a AB.running
file and AB.offset
in /tmp
Light Change
The percent of light change needed to be seen by the sensor for it to change the screen brightness
Time in seconds the script will wait to check the sensor for a luminess change after the animation (LevelSteps * AnimationDelay)
The ratio from sensor to screen brighness, recommended minimum 24 for 12th gen framework laptops. Increasing the value will give a brighter screen for the amount of light in the room/ enviroment
Sets amount of brightness steps, recomended to match refeshrate
Speed of the brightness animation(delay between each step), recomended screen refreshrate in seconds
The highest value your screen supports, check /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/max_brightness
on framework laptops
The minimum screen brightness, recomended minumim 001 so the backlight dosn't turn off
~~ Other things to note
The file where your lightsensor has its current value
The file where your screen stores its current brightness