A server-less REST API using vanilla nodejs, dynamodb for storage and aws lambda.
- main.js the root of the lambda function.
- routes.js the routing engine for directing the requests to their proper destination while validating the user input
- controllers/payments.js a controller for payments api
- models/payment.js to handle all payment specific database logic
- models/db.js a dynamoDB specific driver to handle the basic functions for our models
- clone/download this repo
- zip the repo
- create a lambda function on aws, and upload the zipped repo, use the function name "paymentsApi" or update routes.js to reflect for the new name
- create two dynamodb tables named "payments" with primary "id" field, and a table named "ids" with primary "table_name" field
- create the API gateway for aws based on the diagram above
- configure IAM to make sure to have the right permissions/policies for the lambda function to access CloudWatch, DynamoDB, API Gateway
- configure models/db.js with the new DynamoDB region settings
- to create a new payment item:
curl -X POST \
https://aws-lambda.aws/paymentsApi/create \
-d '{ "contractId" : 17689, "value": 100, "time": "2016-12-09T00:00:00.00Z", "description": "Rent for the 2nd month" }'
- to update a payment item:
curl -X PUT \
https://aws-lambda.aws/paymentsApi/update/1389 \
-d '{ "time": "2019-02-13T16:49:31.679Z", "description": "we updated all available attributes", "value": 200}'
- to get a payment item:
curl -X GET \
- to get all payment items for a time range for a specific contract
curl -X GET \
https://fuu548k90l.execute-api.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/default/paymentsApi/get/all \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d '{ "contractId" : 17689, "startDate": "2016-12-01T12:57:09.708Z", "endDate": "2016-12-12T12:57:09.708Z" }'
- to delete a payment item:
curl -X DELETE \
- also all these curls are available as a postman collection here
- create tests for payments api and db.js module
- auto deploy on aws lambda using ansible
- update status code responses to fit with rest api standards (e.g 201 for created resources)