This module is used to create customized navigation for Magento 2.
Run the following:
Optional, run only if "Core" module is not installed yet:
composer config repositories.module-core git
composer require scandiweb/module-core:"dev-master as 0.1.0"
composer config repositories.module-menumanager git
composer require scandiweb/module-menumanager:0.1.9
php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
For configuration and more details you can visit wiki.
By default layout update is done in the module's view/frontend/layout/default.xml.
If you want to customize it in the theme you are using:
- you will need to update your theme’s default.xml in order to replace the main navigation with the newly created menu;
- in default.xml please add the following (replace “identifier” parameter with your Menu Identifier):
So for example, if your Menu Identifier is 'cool-menu':
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
<referenceBlock name="catalog.topnav" remove="true"/>
<referenceBlock name="">
<block class="Scandiweb\Menumanager\Block\Menu" name="custom.navigation" template="html/menu.phtml" before="-" ttl="3600">
<argument name="identifier" xsi:type="string">cool-menu</argument>
- if default.xml in the theme is using - please remove dafult.xml inside the module.