This is the backend API server of Drone Cloud Platform, used for handle drone communication between drone's android app and the drone cloud platform.
- Src - The main source code
- Entity - Datebase schemas
- Helpers - Some helper funtions
- MiddleWares - Intermediate checkpoint services
- Routes - Restful API routes
- Services - The main business logic
- Types - TypeScript type definitions
- Server.ts - Main entry point
- Package.json - The dependency list
- Dockerfile - For creating docker container
- Docker-compose - For creating multi-containers/services environment
- .env - Environment variables
- Infra as a Service(IaaS)
- Google Coompute Engine (Ubuntu 20.04)
- Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- Cloud SQL (MySQL)
- Container Orchestration Platform
- Message Broker
- RabbitMQ AMQP server
Please start the simulator one by one!
docker run -p 5671:5672 -it --name sitl_1 waiting33118/ardupilot-sitl # 1st
docker run -p 5672:5672 -it --name sitl_2 waiting33118/ardupilot-sitl # 2nd
docker run -p 5673:5672 -it --name sitl_3 waiting33118/ardupilot-sitl # 3rd
After enter the terminal, execute the script
- MySQL server (Install locally/ Docker Image)
- RabbitMQ server (Install locally/Docker Image)
Recommend to install locally for more stable
npm install
Copy env example file and rename to .env
cp .env.example .env
Fill in credentials
RABBITMQ_SERVICE_USER=user (replace by your username)
RABBITMQ_SERVICE_PASSWORD=rabbitmq (replace by your password)
MYSQL_SERVICE_USER=root (replace by your username)
MYSQL_SERVICE_PASSWORD=password (replace by your password)
npm run dev
The server will now run on http://localhost:3080
npm run build
- Node.js >=v14.18.1
- Docker
- Docker-compose
git clone
- Please read the section to start the frontend localhost server
- Edit ENV variables in
# attach mode
docker-compose up
# detached mode
docker-compose up -d
# follow logs
docker-compose logs -f
# stop all containers(remove volumes)
docker-compose down -v
Attach the "sitl" container
docker attach drone-api-server_sitl
Run script to build sitl