Enables the use of newer and more powerful GPUs on the Z97Extreme6 GPU
The .zip is the original BIOS I started with prior to modifiying it with ReBAR, created by Lost-n-BIOS on Win-Raid forums, and recovered from the file hoster in his absence. He modified the latest BIOS (2.80) for the motherboard available from AsRock.
The DSDT's include the slimmed version with SLI and other noncritical features cut from it in order to get ReBAR working, and the FINAL version that is the stock DSDT with the modifications but without features being cut. At time of writing, there is no way to modify the BIOS with the non-slimmed DSDT, and so, SLI will not work on this motherboard. The uncut DSDT is left here in case that changes in the future.
Tested with Tesla P40 and Devil's Canyon i7