This repository holds the code used in our WWW-19 paper: Learning Travel Time Distributions with Deep Generative Model.
- Ubuntu OS (16.04 and 18.04 are tested)
- Julia >= 1.0
- Python >= 3.6
- PyTorch >= 0.4 (both 0.4 and 1.0 are tested)
Please refer to the source code to install the required packages in both Julia and Python. You can install packages for Julia in shell as
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("HDF5"); Pkg.add("CSV"); Pkg.add("DataFrames"); Pkg.add("Distances"); Pkg.add("StatsBase"); Pkg.add("JSON"); Pkg.add("Lazy"); Pkg.add("JLD2"); Pkg.add("ArgParse")'
The dataset contains 1 million+ trips collected by 1,3000+ taxi cabs during 5 days. This dataset is a subset of the one we used in the paper, but it suffices to reproduce the results that are very close to what we have reported in the paper.
git clone
cd deepgtt && mkdir -p data/h5path data/jldpath data/trainpath data/validpath data/testpath
Download the dataset and put the extracted *.h5
files into deepgtt/data/h5path
Each h5 file contains n
trips of the day. For each trip, it has three fields lon
(longitude), lat
(latitude), tms
(timestamp). You can read the h5 file using the readtripsh5
function in Julia. If you want to use your own data, you can also refer to readtripsh5
to dump your trajectories into the required hdf5 files.
First, setting up the map server and matching server by referring to barefoot.
Then, matching the trips
cd deepgtt/harbin/julia
julia -p 6 mapmatch.jl --inputpath ../data/h5path --outputpath ../data/jldpath
where 6
is the number of cpu cores available in your machine.
julia gentraindata.jl --inputpath ../data/jldpath --outputpath ../data/trainpath
cd .. && mv data/trainpath/150106.h5 data/validpath && mv data/trainpath/150107.h5 data/testpath
To run the python code, make sure you have set up the road network postgresql server by referring to the map server setup in barefoot. The road network server (see this file) is used to provide road segment features for the model.
cd deepgtt/harbin/python
python -trainpath ../data/trainpath -validpath ../data/validpath -kl_decay 0.0 -use_selu -random_emit
python -testpath ../data/testpath
author = {Xiucheng Li and
Gao Cong and
Aixin Sun and
Yun Cheng},
title = {Learning Travel Time Distributions with Deep Generative Model},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference on World Wide Web,
{WWW} 2019, San Francisco, California, May 13-17, 2019},
year = {2019},