A simple config file parser library for Go.
provides similar functionality to Python's ConfigParser module and deals specifically with settings files in the style of .gitconfig.
Options can also be registered in a similar manner to the flag library in order to provide an explicit set of config requirements.
expects config files in the following format:
[section heading]
option1 = value1
option2 = value2
All other lines are ignored - as are any options not found within a section.
See examples/basic.cfg.
Options from any section can be referenced by using the following format:
basedir = /opt/myapp
logs = %local(basedir)/logs
bindir = %global(basedir)/bin
See examples/interpolate.cfg
$ go get -u github.com/walkert/go-configparser
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new ConfigParser
cp := configparser.NewConfigParser("/etc/config.cfg")
// See if the 'global' section exists, and if it does, print the 'main' option value
if cp.HasSection("global") {
value, _ := cp.GetOption("global", "main")
To instead register options prior to parsing:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new ConfigParser
cp := configparser.NewConfigParser("/etc/config.cfg")
// Register an option called 'debug' in the 'main' section
// with a default value of 'false' and a required value of 'true'.
// Required options will cause an error if not present.
debug := cp.BoolOption("debug", "main", false, true)
err := cp.Parse()
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Error parsing config file: ", err)
fmt.Println("Debug has been set to: ", *debug)
See examples/configparser_example.go for more details.