Repository to collect official, verified and runnable templates for the awless CLI
You need at least awless version v0.1.3 to run those examples
Here are some non exhaustive Examples of what you can do with templates. You can also read more about awless templates
On each change all templates are verified & compiled against the latest version of awless
You can run the verification locally with:
go get # if needed
go test -v
- ECS Autoscaling Cluster
- Awless readonly group
- Pre-defined policies for awless users
- Awless readwrite group
- Create a postgres instance
- Group of instances scaling with CPU consumption
- Highly-available wordpress infrastructure
- Install awless scheduler
- Create an instance accessible with ssh with a new keypair
- Create an instance with preinstalled awless with completion
- Create an instance with preconfigured awless and awless-scheduler
- Create an instance with tags and public IP
- Create a classic Kafka infra
- Create VPC with a Linux host bastion
- Create a dbsubnetgroups
- Attach usual readonly AWS policies (set of permissions) on group
- Create a public network enabling routing from the Internet
- Create a AWS role with usual readonly policies that applies on a resource
- Create a AWS role with usual readonly policies that applies on a user
- Create a static website on S3
- Simple wordpress deployment
- Upload Image from local file
- Create a user with its SDK/Shell access key and console password
- Create a VPC with its internet routing gateway
- Create a VPC with 3 internal subnets
- Highly-available wordpress behind a loadbalancer, with a RDS database
-> Minimal awless version required: v0.1.3
Note that the AMI in this template is working only in eu-west-1 region
tags: autoscaling, container, infra
(run it locally with: awless run repo:ECS_autoscaling_cluster -v
First, create the ECS cluster with awless create containercluster name={}
Then, create a policy to allow to connect to ECS
policy = create policy name=AWSEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role effect=Allow resource="*" description="Access for ECS containers" action=[ecs:DeregisterContainerInstance,ecs:DiscoverPollEndpoint,ecs:Poll,ecs:RegisterContainerInstance,ecs:StartTelemetrySession,ecs:Submit*,ecr:GetAuthorizationToken,ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability,ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer,ecr:BatchGetImage,logs:CreateLogStream,logs:PutLogEvent]
Set role name variable
roleName = AWSEC2ContainerServiceRole
Create a AWS role that applies on a resource
create role name=$roleName principal-service="" sleep-after=15
Attach the policy to the role
attach policy arn=$policy role=$roleName
Create the ECS instances launch configuration. The instances must be launched with a userdata file containing:
echo ECS_CLUSTER=ecs-cluster-name >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
launchconfig = create launchconfiguration image=ami-95f8d2f3 keypair={instance.keypair} name=ECSClusterLaunchconfig type={instance.type} userdata={instance.userdata} role=$roleName
Create the scalinggroup
create scalinggroup desired-capacity={scalinggroup.desired-capacity} launchconfiguration=$launchconfig max-size={scalinggroup.desired-capacity} min-size={scalinggroup.desired-capacity} name=ecsClusterScalingGroup subnets={instance.subnets}
(run it locally with: awless run repo:awless_readonly_group -v
Here we define a group that allow users in that group
to use the awless
CLI in a readonly mode (i.e. sync, listing).
Create group name variable:
groupName = AwlessReadOnlyPermissionsGroup
Create the group:
create group name=$groupName
Attach corresponding readonly AWS policies (set of permissions) on group related to the awless
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSNSReadOnlyAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSQSReadOnlyAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonVPCReadOnlyAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AutoScalingReadOnlyAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/IAMReadOnlyAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonRDSReadOnlyAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonRoute53ReadOnlyAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaReadOnlyAccess group=$groupName
-> Minimal awless version required: v0.1.3
Useful pre-defined readonly & readwrite policies for awless users
(run it locally with: awless run repo:awless_readonly_policies -v
Infra resources
create policy name=AwlessInfraReadonlyPolicy effect=Allow resource="*" description="Readonly access to infra resources" action=[ec2:Describe*,autoscaling:Describe*,elasticloadbalancing:Describe*]
Access resources
create policy name=AwlessAccessReadonlyPolicy effect=Allow resource="*" description="Readonly access to access resources" action=[iam:GenerateCredentialReport,iam:GenerateServiceLastAccessedDetails,iam:Get*,iam:List*,sts:Get*]
Storage resources
create policy name=AwlessStorageReadonlyPolicy effect=Allow resource="*" description="Readonly access to storage resources" action=[s3:Get*,s3:List*]
Messaging resources
create policy name=AwlessMessagingReadonlyPolicy effect=Allow resource="*" description="Readonly access to notification and queueing for messaging resources" action=[sns:GetTopicAttributes,sns:List*,sqs:GetQueueAttributes,sqs:ListQueues]
Lambda resources
create policy name=AwlessLambdaReadonlyPolicy effect=Allow resource="*" description="Readonly access to lambda resources" action=[cloudwatch:Describe*,cloudwatch:Get*,cloudwatch:List*,cognito-identity:ListIdentityPools,cognito-sync:GetCognitoEvents,dynamodb:BatchGetItem,dynamodb:DescribeStream,dynamodb:DescribeTable,dynamodb:GetItem,dynamodb:ListStreams,dynamodb:ListTables,dynamodb:Query,dynamodb:Scan,events:List*,events:Describe*,iam:ListRoles,kinesis:DescribeStream,kinesis:ListStreams,lambda:List*,lambda:Get*,logs:DescribeMetricFilters,logs:GetLogEvents,logs:DescribeLogGroups,logs:DescribeLogStreams,s3:Get*,s3:List*,sns:ListTopics,sns:ListSubscriptions,sns:ListSubscriptionsByTopic,sqs:ListQueues,tag:GetResources,kms:ListAliases,ec2:DescribeVpcs,ec2:DescribeSubnets,ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups,iot:GetTopicRules,iot:ListTopicRules,iot:ListPolicies,iot:ListThings,iot:DescribeEndpoint]
DNS resources
create policy name=AwlessDNSReadonlyPolicy effect=Allow resource="*" description="Readonly access to DNS resources" action=[route53:Get*,route53:List*,route53:TestDNSAnswer,route53domains:Get*,route53domains:List*]
Monitoring resources
create policy name=AwlessMonitoringReadonlyPolicy effect=Allow resource="*" description="Readonly access to monitoring resources" action=[autoscaling:Describe*,cloudwatch:Describe*,cloudwatch:Get*,cloudwatch:List*,logs:Get*,logs:Describe*,logs:TestMetricFilter,sns:Get*,sns:List*]
CDN resources
create policy name=AwlessCDNReadonlyPolicy effect=Allow resource="*" description="Readonly access to CDN resources" action=[acm:ListCertificates,cloudfront:Get*,cloudfront:List*,iam:ListServerCertificates,route53:List*,waf:ListWebACLs,waf:GetWebACL]
Cloud formation resources
create policy name=AwlessCloudFormationReadonlyPolicy effect=Allow resource="*" description="Readonly access to CloudFormation resources" action=[cloudformation:DescribeStacks,cloudformation:DescribeStackEvents,cloudformation:DescribeStackResource,cloudformation:DescribeStackResources,cloudformation:GetTemplate,cloudformation:List*]
(run it locally with: awless run repo:awless_readwrite_group -v
Here we define a group that allow users in that group to use the awless
CLI in write mode.
Create group name variable:
groupName = AwlessReadWritePermissionsGroup
Create the group:
create group name=$groupName
Attach corresponding AWS policies (set of permissions) on group related to the awless
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2FullAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSNSFullAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSQSFullAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonVPCFullAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AutoScalingFullAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonRDSFullAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonRoute53FullAccess group=$groupName
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess group=$groupName
Note that we keep the IAM access readonly
attach policy arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/IAMReadOnlyAccess group=$groupName
-> Minimal awless version required: v0.1.7
Create a private basic postgres instance with firewall. As an example, instance has only basic required properties filled in
(run it locally with: awless run repo:db_postgres -v
Create a new VPC open to Internet to host the subnets
vpc = create vpc cidr= name=postgres-vpc
gateway = create internetgateway
attach internetgateway id=$gateway vpc=$vpc
Create a route table for this network
rtable = create routetable vpc=$vpc
Enable routing from the Internet
create route cidr= gateway=$gateway table=$rtable
One public subnet to later deploy or host public applications or a bastion to access your private DBs
pubsubnet = create subnet cidr= vpc=$vpc name=public-subnet
update subnet id=$pubsubnet public=true
Make the public subnet open to the Internet (through vpc that has an internetgateway)
attach routetable id=$rtable subnet=$pubsubnet
Two private subnet to constitute the dbsubnetgroup hosting the DB
privsubnet1 = create subnet cidr= vpc=$vpc name=postgres-priv-subnet1 availabilityzone={availabilityzone.1}
privsubnet2 = create subnet cidr= vpc=$vpc name=postgres-priv-subnet2 availabilityzone={availabilityzone.2}
subnetgroup = create dbsubnetgroup subnets=[$privsubnet1, $privsubnet2] name=PostgresDBSubnetGroup description="DB subnet group hosting postgres instances"
Firewall for the postgres instance
postgres_sg = create securitygroup name=postgres description='Postgres firewall access' vpc=$vpc
update securitygroup id=$postgres_sg inbound=authorize protocol=tcp portrange=5432 cidr=
Create the database and connect to it through: psql --host=? --port=5432 --username=? --password --dbname=?
create database engine=postgres id={database.identifier} subnetgroup=$subnetgroup password={password.minimum8chars} dbname={} size=5 type=db.t2.small username={database.username} vpcsecuritygroups=$postgres_sg
Create a small jump instance in your public subnet to run command on your postgres DB and give SSH access to this instance with a SSH security group Run the CLI with: awless .... office.ip=$(awless whoami --ip-only)
sshsecgroup = create securitygroup vpc=$vpc description="SSH access from office IP only" name=ssh-from-office
update securitygroup id=$sshsecgroup inbound=authorize protocol=tcp cidr={office.ip}/32 portrange=22
create instance distro=debian keypair={my.keypair} name=jump subnet=$pubsubnet securitygroup=$sshsecgroup type=t2.micro
Then to administrate your DB you can do: $ HOST=$(awless show production --values-for PublicDNS --local) $ awless ssh jump $ sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-client-9.4 $ psql --host={VALUE FROM HOST ABOVE} --port=5432 --username=... --password --dbname=...
Create an autoscaling group of instances and watch their CPU to dynamically allocate/delete instances when needed.
tags: infra, autoscaling
(run it locally with: awless run repo:dynamic_autoscaling_watching_CPU -v
Create the instances launch configuration
launchconfig = create launchconfiguration image={instance.image} keypair={instance.keypair} name=scalingLaunchConf type={instance.type}
Create the scalinggroup
create scalinggroup desired-capacity=2 launchconfiguration=$launchconfig max-size={instance.max-number} min-size={instance.min-number} name=instancesScalingGroup subnets={instance.subnets}
Create a scaling policy to add instances (scale-in) and a scaling policy to remove instances (scale-out)
adjustmentType = ChangeInCapacity
scalein = create scalingpolicy adjustment-scaling=1 adjustment-type=$adjustmentType name=policy-scaling-in scalinggroup=instancesScalingGroup
scaleout = create scalingpolicy adjustment-scaling=-1 adjustment-type=$adjustmentType name=policy-step-scaling-2 scalinggroup=instancesScalingGroup
metrics statistic functions
statFunction = Average
alarmThreshold = 75
monitoredMetric = CPUUtilization
Add a monitoring alarm to enable scalein when CPU load is above 75% during 2 * 5 min
create alarm namespace=AWS/EC2 dimensions=AutoScalingGroupName:instancesScalingGroup evaluation-periods=2 metric=$monitoredMetric name=scaleinAlarm operator=GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold period=300 statistic-function=$statFunction threshold=$alarmThreshold
attach alarm name=scaleinAlarm action-arn=$scalein
Add a monitoring alarm to enable scaleout when CPU load is below 75% during 2 * 5 min
create alarm namespace=AWS/EC2 dimensions=AutoScalingGroupName:instancesScalingGroup evaluation-periods=2 metric=$monitoredMetric name=scaleoutAlarm operator=LessThanOrEqualToThreshold period=300 statistic-function=$statFunction threshold=$alarmThreshold
attach alarm name=scaleoutAlarm action-arn=$scaleout
-> Minimal awless version required: v0.1.7
tags: infra
(run it locally with: awless run repo:highly_available_wordpress_infra -v
- Basic networking VPC and its Internet gateway
vpc = create vpc cidr= name=wordpress-ha-vpc
igw = create internetgateway
attach internetgateway id=$igw vpc=$vpc
pubSub1 = create subnet cidr= vpc=$vpc name=wordpress-ha-public-subnet-1 availabilityzone={availabilityzone.1}
update subnet id=$pubSub1 public=true
pubSub2 = create subnet cidr= vpc=$vpc name=wordpress-ha-public-subnet-2 availabilityzone={availabilityzone.2}
update subnet id=$pubSub2 public=true
rt = create routetable vpc=$vpc
create route table=$rt cidr= gateway=$igw
attach routetable id=$rt subnet=$pubSub1
attach routetable id=$rt subnet=$pubSub2
2 private subnets in different AZs
privSub1 = create subnet cidr= vpc=$vpc name=wordpress-ha-private-subnet-1 availabilityzone={availabilityzone.1}
privSub2 = create subnet cidr= vpc=$vpc name=wordpress-ha-private-subnet-2 availabilityzone={availabilityzone.2}
NAT Gateway in public subnet with a fixed IP
ip = create elasticip
natgw = create natgateway elasticip-id=$ip subnet=$pubSub1
check natgateway id=$natgw state=available timeout=180
Routing between private subnets and NAT gateway
natgw_rtable = create routetable vpc=$vpc
attach routetable id=$natgw_rtable subnet=$privSub1
attach routetable id=$natgw_rtable subnet=$privSub2
create route cidr= gateway=$natgw table=$natgw_rtable
- Provision loadbalancer Create the load balancer security group
lbsecgroup = create securitygroup vpc=$vpc description="authorize HTTP from the internet" name=wordpress-ha-lb-securitygroup
update securitygroup id=$lbsecgroup inbound=authorize protocol=tcp cidr= portrange=80
Provision the load balancer listening in the public subnets, with its target group and HTTP listener
tg = create targetgroup name=wordpress-ha-workers port=80 protocol=HTTP vpc=$vpc
update targetgroup id=$tg stickiness=true
lb = create loadbalancer name=wordpress-ha-loadbalancer subnets=[$pubSub1,$pubSub2] securitygroups=$lbsecgroup
create listener actiontype=forward loadbalancer=$lb port=80 protocol=HTTP targetgroup=$tg
- Provision instances Create keypair and instance
keypair = create keypair name={}
instSecGroup = create securitygroup vpc=$vpc description="HTTP + SSH within VPC" name=wordpress-ha-private-secgroup
update securitygroup id=$instSecGroup inbound=authorize cidr= portrange=22
update securitygroup id=$instSecGroup inbound=authorize cidr= portrange=80
launchconf = create launchconfiguration distro=amazonlinux keypair=$keypair name=wordpress-ha-launch-configuration type={instance.type} userdata= securitygroups=$instSecGroup
create scalinggroup desired-capacity=2 launchconfiguration=$launchconf max-size=2 min-size=2 name=wordpress-scalinggroup subnets=[$privSub1, $privSub2] targetgroups=$tg
-> Minimal awless version required: v0.1.7
(run it locally with: awless run repo:install_awless_scheduler -v
Full CLI example:
awless run repo:install_awless_scheduler
Launch new instance running remote user data script installing awless
create instance name={} distro=canonical:ubuntu type=t2.nano keypair={ssh.keypair} userdata= role={}
tags: infra, ssh
(run it locally with: awless run repo:instance_ssh -v
Create a new security group for this instance
securitygroup = create securitygroup vpc={instance.vpc} description={securitygroup.description} name=ssh-from-internet
Authorize access on port 22 to instances in this security group
update securitygroup id=$securitygroup inbound=authorize protocol=tcp cidr= portrange=22
Create a new keypair
keypair = create keypair name={}
Create an instance in this security group accessible with the new keypair
create instance subnet={instance.subnet} image={instance.image} type={instance.type} keypair=$keypair name={} count=1 securitygroup=$securitygroup
tags: infra, awless
(run it locally with: awless run repo:instance_with_awless -v
role name variable
roleName = {awless.role-name}
Create a AWS role that applies on a resource
create role name=$roleName principal-service="" sleep-after=10
Attach typical necessary awless readonly permissions to the role
attach policy role=$roleName service=ec2 access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=s3 access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=sns access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=sqs access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=vpc access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=autoscaling access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=iam access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=rds access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=route53 access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=lambda access=readonly
Launch new instance running remote user data script installing awless
create instance name=awless-commander type=t2.nano keypair={ssh.keypair} userdata= role=$roleName
tags: infra, awless, awless-scheduler
(run it locally with: awless run repo:instance_with_awless_scheduler -v
Awless scheduler role variable
roleName = {awless-scheduler.role-name}
First we define a role that an EC2 instance can assume to use awless/awless-scheduler (write mode)
create role name=$roleName principal-service="" sleep-after=10
Attach typical necessary awless permissions to the role
attach policy role=$roleName service=ec2 access=full
attach policy role=$roleName service=s3 access=full
attach policy role=$roleName service=sns access=full
attach policy role=$roleName service=sqs access=full
attach policy role=$roleName service=vpc access=full
attach policy role=$roleName service=autoscaling access=full
attach policy role=$roleName service=rds access=full
attach policy role=$roleName service=route53 access=full
attach policy role=$roleName service=lambda access=full
We keep IAM on read only mode
attach policy role=$roleName service=iam access=readonly
Launch new instance running remote user data script installing awless
create instance name=AwlessWithScheduler type=t2.nano keypair={ssh.keypair} userdata= role=$roleName
Create an instance with mulitple tags and attach to it an elastic IP
(run it locally with: awless run repo:instance_with_tags_and_publicip -v
inst = create instance subnet={instance.subnet} image={instance.image} type={instance.type} keypair={instance.keypair} name={} securitygroup={instance.securitygroup}
Putting a tag on the instance
create tag resource=$inst key={instance.tagkey} value={instance.tagvalue}
Creating a elastic IP
pubip = create elasticip domain=vpc
Attaching the IP onto the instance
attach elasticip id=$pubip instance=$inst
-> Minimal awless version required: v0.1.7
Create a classic Kafka infra: brokers, 1 zookeeper instance
(run it locally with: awless run repo:kafka_infra -v
Full CLI example:
awless run repo:kafka_infra remote-access.cidr=$(awless whoami --ip-only)/32 broker.instance.type=t2.medium zookeeper.instance.type=t2.medium
Create the VPC and its internet gateway
vpc = create vpc cidr= name=kafka-vpc
igw = create internetgateway
attach internetgateway id=$igw vpc=$vpc
Create a public subnet
subnet_cidr =
subnet = create subnet cidr=$subnet_cidr vpc=$vpc name=kafka-subnet
update subnet id=$subnet public=true
routetable = create routetable vpc=$vpc
attach routetable subnet=$subnet id=$routetable
create route cidr= gateway=$igw table=$routetable
Create securitygroup for SSH: opening port 22 for all IPs
sshsecgroup = create securitygroup vpc=$vpc description=SSHSecurityGroup name=SSHSecurityGroup
update securitygroup id=$sshsecgroup inbound=authorize protocol=tcp cidr={remote-access.cidr} portrange=22
Create securitygroup for Kafka instances (brokers & zookeeper)
kafkasecgroup = create securitygroup vpc=$vpc description=KafkaSecurityGroup name=KafkaSecurityGroup
update securitygroup id=$kafkasecgroup inbound=authorize protocol=tcp cidr=$subnet_cidr portrange=0-65535
Create a role with policy for ec2 resources so that an instance can list other instances using a local awless
create role name=EC2ReadonlyRole principal-service="" sleep-after=20
attach policy role=EC2ReadonlyRole service=ec2 access=readonly
Create Zookeeper instance with security groups attached
zookeeper = create instance name=zookeeper distro=redhat type={zookeeper.instance.type} keypair={} subnet=$subnet securitygroup=[$sshsecgroup,$kafkasecgroup] userdata=
Wait the Zookeeper instance is up and running
check instance id=$zookeeper state=running timeout=180
Create Kafka broker instances with role created above and security groups attached
broker_1 = create instance name=broker_1 distro=redhat type={broker.instance.type} keypair={} subnet=$subnet role=EC2ReadonlyRole securitygroup=[$sshsecgroup,$kafkasecgroup] userdata=
broker_2 = create instance name=broker_2 distro=redhat type={broker.instance.type} keypair={} subnet=$subnet role=EC2ReadonlyRole securitygroup=[$sshsecgroup,$kafkasecgroup] userdata=
broker_3 = create instance name=broker_3 distro=redhat type={broker.instance.type} keypair={} subnet=$subnet role=EC2ReadonlyRole securitygroup=[$sshsecgroup,$kafkasecgroup] userdata=
-> Minimal awless version required: v0.1.3
This template build this typical Linux bastion architecture except it only deploys one host bastion on one public subnet
tags: infra
(run it locally with: awless run repo:linux_bastion -v
Create a new VPC and make it public with an internet gateway
vpc = create vpc cidr= name=BastionVpc
gateway = create internetgateway
attach internetgateway id=$gateway vpc=$vpc
Create 2 private subnets each on a different availability zone That is where you will deploy resources only accessible through the bastion
create subnet cidr= name=PrivSubnet1 vpc=$vpc availabilityzone={availabilityzone.1}
create subnet cidr= name=PrivSubnet2 vpc=$vpc availabilityzone={availabilityzone.2}
Create the the public subnet hosting the bastion
pubSubnet = create subnet cidr= name=PubSubnet1 vpc=$vpc availabilityzone={availabilityzone.1}
update subnet id=$pubSubnet public=true
Create a route table (with routing only allowed within VPC by default)
rtable = create routetable vpc=$vpc
Make the public subnet use the route table
attach routetable id=$rtable subnet=$pubSubnet
create route cidr= gateway=$gateway table=$rtable
Create the firewall with the remote access CIDR applied on each bastion host
bastionSecGroup = create securitygroup vpc=$vpc description=BastionSecGroup name=bastion-secgroup
update securitygroup id=$bastionSecGroup inbound=authorize protocol=tcp cidr={remoteaccess-cidr} portrange=22
update securitygroup id=$bastionSecGroup inbound=authorize protocol=icmp cidr={remoteaccess-cidr} portrange=any
Allow only a set of permitted actions for the 2 host bastions
create role name=BastionHostRole sleep-after=30
bastionEc2Policy = create policy name=BastionEc2Permissions action=[ec2:DescribeAddresses,ec2:AssociateAddress] resource="*" effect=Allow
attach policy role=BastionHostRole arn=$bastionEc2Policy
Create one elastic IPs for that will be dynamically aasigned to the host bastion by the bootstrap script
create elasticip domain=vpc
Create the autoscaling group
launchConfig = create launchconfiguration image={instance.image} keypair={} securitygroups=$bastionSecGroup name=BastionHostsLaunchConfig type=t2.micro role=BastionHostRole userdata=
create scalinggroup desired-capacity=1 launchconfiguration=$launchConfig max-size=1 min-size=1 name=autoscaling-instances-group subnets=$pubSubnet
Create 2 subnets on different availability zones to later on constitute the dbsubnet group
(run it locally with: awless run repo:new_dbsubnetgroup -v
Full CLI example:
run repo:new_dbsubnetgroup.draft first.subnet.cidr= first.subnet.availabilityzone=us-west-1a second.subnet.cidr= second.subnet.availabilityzone=us-west-1c vpc.cidr=
Create a new VPC open to Internet to host the subnets
vpc = create vpc cidr={vpc.cidr} name={}
gateway = create internetgateway
attach internetgateway id=$gateway vpc=$vpc
firstsubnet = create subnet cidr={first.subnet.cidr} vpc=$vpc name={} availabilityzone={first.subnet.availabilityzone}
update subnet id=$firstsubnet public=true
secondsubnet = create subnet cidr={second.subnet.cidr} vpc=$vpc name={} availabilityzone={second.subnet.availabilityzone}
update subnet id=$secondsubnet public=true
Create a route table for this network
rtable = create routetable vpc=$vpc
Make the subnets open to the Internet (through vpc that has an internetgateway)
attach routetable id=$rtable subnet=$firstsubnet
attach routetable id=$rtable subnet=$secondsubnet
create dbsubnetgroup name={} description={dbsubnetgroup.description} subnets=[$firstsubnet, $secondsubnet]
When you want your users to have a set of permissions, instead of attaching permissions directly on users it is a good practice and simpler to define a group having those permissions and then adding/removing as needed users from those groups.
tags: access, policy, role
(run it locally with: awless run repo:policies_on_group -v
attach policy service=ec2 access=readonly group={group-name}
attach policy service=s3 access=readonly group={group-name}
attach policy service=sns access=readonly group={group-name}
attach policy service=sqs access=readonly group={group-name}
attach policy service=vpc access=readonly group={group-name}
attach policy service=autoscaling access=readonly group={group-name}
attach policy service=iam access=readonly group={group-name}
attach policy service=rds access=readonly group={group-name}
attach policy service=route53 access=readonly group={group-name}
tags: infra
(run it locally with: awless run repo:public_subnet -v
Create the subnet
subnet = create subnet cidr={subnet.cidr} vpc={subnet.vpc} name={}
Allow instances in this network to have public IP addresses
update subnet id=$subnet public=true
Create a route table for this network
rtable = create routetable vpc={subnet.vpc}
attach routetable id=$rtable subnet=$subnet
Enable routing from the Internet to this subnet
create route cidr= gateway={vpc.internetgateway} table=$rtable
Create a AWS role that applies on a resource (retrieve the account id with awless whoami
tags: access, policy, role
(run it locally with: awless run repo:role_for_resource -v
roleName = {role-name}
create role name=$roleName principal-service={aws-service}
Attach policy (set of permissions) to the created role
attach policy role=$roleName service=ec2 access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=s3 access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=sns access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=sqs access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=vpc access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=autoscaling access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=iam access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=rds access=readonly
attach policy role=$roleName service=route53 access=readonly
Create a AWS role that applies on a user (retrieve the id with awless whoami
tags: access, policy, user
(run it locally with: awless run repo:role_for_user -v
newRole = create role name={role-name} principal-account={aws-account-id}
Attach policy (set of permissions) to the created role
attach policy role={role-name} service=ec2 access=readonly
attach policy role={role-name} service=s3 access=readonly
attach policy role={role-name} service=sns access=readonly
attach policy role={role-name} service=sqs access=readonly
attach policy role={role-name} service=vpc access=readonly
attach policy role={role-name} service=autoscaling access=readonly
attach policy role={role-name} service=iam access=readonly
attach policy role={role-name} service=rds access=readonly
attach policy role={role-name} service=route53 access=readonly
Create a policy to allow user with this policy to assume only this role
You can then attach this policy to a user via awless attach policy arn=... user=jsmith
create policy name={assume-policy-name} effect=Allow action=sts:AssumeRole resource=$newRole
tags: s3
(run it locally with: awless run repo:s3website -v
Create the bucket where files will be stored
create bucket name={} acl=public-read
Publish this s3bucket as a website
update bucket name={} public-website=true redirect-hostname={}
Add files to the bucket with awless create s3object bucket={} file={input-file-path} acl=public-read
tags: infra
(run it locally with: awless run repo:simple_wordpress_infra -v
VPC and its Internet gateway
vpc = create vpc cidr= name=wordpress-vpc
igw = create internetgateway
attach internetgateway id=$igw vpc=$vpc
Subnet and its route table
subnet = create subnet cidr= vpc=$vpc name=wordpress-subnet
update subnet id=$subnet public=true
routetable = create routetable vpc=$vpc
attach routetable subnet=$subnet id=$routetable
create route cidr= gateway=$igw table=$routetable
Create a security group and authorize accesses from the Internet for port 22 and 80
secgroup = create securitygroup vpc=$vpc description="authorize ssh and http from internet" name=wordpress-secgroup
update securitygroup id=$secgroup inbound=authorize protocol=tcp cidr= portrange=22
update securitygroup id=$secgroup inbound=authorize protocol=tcp cidr= portrange=80
Create keypair and instance
keypair = create keypair name={}
create instance name=wordpress-instance subnet=$subnet keypair=$keypair securitygroup=$secgroup userdata=
This template uploads on s3 a local VM file (VHD, OVA, VMDK). Then it creates an AMI from the S3 object.
tags: infra, s3
(run it locally with: awless run repo:upload_image -v
Upload the image on s3
bucket = {image.bucket}
imageObject = create s3object bucket=$bucket file={image.filepath}
Create the AMI from the object on S3
import image description={image.description} bucket=$bucket s3object=$imageObject
tags: access, user
(run it locally with: awless run repo:user -v
username = {}
Create user
create user name=$username
Create AWS Console password
create loginprofile username=$username password={user.console-password}
Create SDK/shell access key
create accesskey user=$username
tags: infra, VPC
(run it locally with: awless run repo:vpc -v
vpc = create vpc cidr={vpc.cidr} name={}
gateway = create internetgateway
attach internetgateway id=$gateway vpc=$vpc
(run it locally with: awless run repo:vpc_with_subnets -v
Create a new VPC with private subnets (no internet gateway)
vpc = create vpc cidr= name=vpc_10.0.0.0_16
create subnet cidr= vpc=$vpc name=sub_10.0.0.0_24 availabilityzone={}
create subnet cidr= vpc=$vpc name=sub_10.0.1.0_24 availabilityzone={}
-> Minimal awless version required: v0.1.1
tags: infra, rds, autoscaling
(run it locally with: awless run repo:wordpress_ha -v
Create the load balancer with its security group, target group and listener
lbsecgroup = create securitygroup vpc={wordpress.vpc} description="authorize HTTP from the Internet" name=wordpress-lb-securitygroup
update securitygroup id=$lbsecgroup inbound=authorize protocol=tcp cidr= portrange=80
tg = create targetgroup name=wordpress-workers port=80 protocol=HTTP vpc={wordpress.vpc}
lb = create loadbalancer name=wordpress-loadbalancer subnets={wordpress.subnets} securitygroups=$lbsecgroup
create listener actiontype=forward loadbalancer=$lb port=80 protocol=HTTP targetgroup=$tg
Create the launch configuration for the instances and start it in a scaling group, to ensure having always 2 instances running
launchconf = create launchconfiguration image={instance.image} keypair={wordpress.keypair} name=wordpress-launch-configuration type=t2.micro userdata= securitygroups={instances.securitygroup}
create scalinggroup desired-capacity=2 launchconfiguration=$launchconf max-size=2 min-size=2 name=wordpress-scalinggroup subnets={wordpress.subnets} targetgroups=$tg