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Releases: wallix/awless

Beta Release 0.1.1

06 Jul 15:39
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  • Detach/Attach rapidly AWS policies to user, group or role with: attach policy service=ec2 access=readonly group=sysadmin. More info with awless attach policy -h
  • Better template TAB completion: suggest on properties, suggest nothing if not relevant
  • Create access keys: prompt user to potentially store them locally under a specific profile
  • Conveniently prompting and storing locally (~/.aws/credentials) for AWS profile credentials when access keys not found
  • awless ssh: support SSH agent thanks to @justone
  • New --port flag for awless ssh: specifying non-standard SSH port thanks to @justone
  • Use --no-headers flag in awless list to display the results without headers
  • New flag --values-for in awless show to output machine readable values for resource properties. Ex: awless show my_instance --values-for name,publicip
  • Sync works on best effort now. Meaning it does not bail out when an error happens (most often it can be an access right issues on some AWS services)
  • awless ls policies now returns: your managed policies + all policies attached to any users, role or group
  • Table display now use full terminal width when possible
  • Much friendlier first install

New AWS Services

  • Support of EC2 NAT Gateways: awless list natgateways / awless create/delete natgateway
  • Support ECR repositories and registry: awless list repositories / awless create/delete repository / awless authenticate registry
  • Support ECS clusters, services, containerinstances and containers: awless list containerclusters/containertasks/containerinstances awless attach/detach/delete/start/stop containertask
  • Create/Delete ApplicationAutoScaling scalable target and policies: awless create/delete appscalingtarget/appscalingpolicy


  • Template TAB completion: do not display non relevant id/name listing for each prompt
  • Parse successfully template parameters starting with a digit

Beta release 0.1.0

31 May 15:57
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  • Add documentation for all template parameters (awless create instance -h, awless update s3object -h...)
  • Listing with filter invalid keys: return error and help
  • awless whoami now has flags to return specific account properties only: --account-only, --id-only, --name-only, --resource-only, --type-only
  • Rename template parameters for standardization:
    • delete keypair id=... -> delete keypair name=...
    • create listener target=... -> create listener targetgroup=...
    • delete database skipsnapshot=... snapshotid=... -> delete database skip-snapshot=... snapshot=...
    • delete dbsubnetgroup id=... -> delete dbsubnetgroup name=...
    • create queue maxMsgSize=... retentionPeriod=... msgWait=... redrivePolicy=... visibilityTimeout=... -> create queue max-msg-size=... retention-period=... msg-wait=... redrive-policy=... visibility-timeout=...

Release v0.0.25

26 May 15:29
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You can find attached binaries for OSX, Linux and Windows. Note that Windows has only been lightly tested.



  • #98: awless ssh searches SSH keys in both ~/.awless/keys and ~/.ssh folders.
  • When awless ssh in an instance, you can now specify only -i keyname, if the key is stored in ~/.awless/keys or ~/.ssh.
  • #99: Suggesting the right command when typing awless create instance ID or awless create ID rather than awless create instance id=ID
  • Use a s3 bucket as a public website with awless update bucket name=my-bucket-name public-website=true
  • Set/update buckets or s3objects predefined ACL (private / public-read / public-read-write / bucket-owner-read...): awless update s3object acl=public-read
  • List CloudFront distributions: awless list distributions
  • Create/Update/Check/Delete a CloudFront distribution: awless create/update/check/delete distribution
  • List CloudFormation stacks: awless list stacks
  • Create/Update/Delete a CloudFormation stack: awless create/delete stack
  • awless log --raw-json shows the full info stored on template execution (context, fillers used, region, ...). Typically this contextual info can be reused for replay and updates of templates

Release v0.0.24

22 May 09:12
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You can find attached binaries for OSX, Linux and Windows. Note that Windows has only been lightly tested.



  • Template runner is now persisted in awless log using the caller identity
  • #93: Supporting EC2 tags: syncing locally; filtering in awless list with --tag, --tag-value, --tag-key
  • #84: Create AMI by importing VM image from S3: awless import image bucket=my-bucket s3object=my-object. Add template to create AMI from local VM file (OVA, VMDK ...): awless run repo:upload_image.
  • Listing pending import image tasks with awless list importimagetasks
  • Deleting images and optionally its related snapshots awless delete image delete-snapshots=true
  • Create/Update/Delete login profiles (AWS Console credentials): awless create/update/delete loginprofile username=...
  • Autowrapping results in tables when too long for awless list. No longer truncate results in --format csv/tsv/json
  • Adjust the width of table columns to the terminal width in awless show
  • Using local EC2 metadata to set region when installing awless on an EC2 instance
  • #94: Add short flags for --aws-profile: -p and --aws-region: -r


  • Listing in CSV: remove extra spaces; proper listing in TSV (only 1 tab separator)
  • Avoid double sync on first install due to pre defined default region value us-east-1
  • #92: Impossible to set a region in config when aws.region was empty
  • #89: Fix awless whoami when using STS credentials.

Release 0.0.23

05 May 09:00
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Release 0.0.23 Pre-release

You can find attached binaries for OSX, Linux and Windows. Note that Windows has only been lightly tested.



  • Create and attach role to a user or resource (instance, ...). See an example
  • Get my IP as seen by AWS: awless whoami --ip-only. Example: awless create securitygroup ... cidr=$(awless whoami --ip-only)/32 ...
  • #86: SSH using private IP with --private flag. Thanks @padilo.
  • awless ssh now checks the remote host public key before connecting. Check can be disabled with the (insecure) --disable-strict-host-keychecking flag.
  • #74: support of encrypted SSH keys for generation awless create keypair encrypted=true and in awless ssh.
  • Better documentation of awless-templates; listing remote templates in awless with awless run --list.
  • Friendlier (using units: B, K, M, G) display for storage size (s3objects, volumes, lambda functions)
  • Better help for template parameters (ex: awless create loadbalancer -h)
  • Create/delete and list Lambda functions: awless list functions / awless create/delete function
  • Create/delete/attach/detach and list elastic IPs: awless list elasticips / awless create/delete/attach/detach elasticip
  • Create/delete and list volume snapshots: awless list snapshots / awless create/delete snapshot
  • Create/delete and list autoscaling launch configurations, scaling policies and scaling groups: awless create/delete launchconfiguration/scalingpolicy/scalinggroup. See an example
  • Create/delete/start/stop/attach/detach and list cloudwatch alarms. List cloudwatch metrics: awless list alarms/metrics
  • List EC2 images (AMIs) of which you are the owner: awless list images
  • Copy an EC2 image from a given region to the current region: awless copy image name=... source-id=... source-region=...
  • List your IAM access keys: awless list accesskeys


  • Update SSH library to fix CVE-2017-3204.
  • Take the file name rather than full path as default name when uploading a s3object
  • Correctly create repo on first install on machine with git not installed

Release 0.0.22

13 Apr 15:11
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Release 0.0.22 Pre-release

You can find attached binaries for OSX, Linux and Windows. Note that Windows has only been lightly tested.


Note that storageobject has been renamed to s3object.

If you have any data or config issues, you can run rm -Rf ~/.awless/awless.db ~/.awless/aws/ to start with a fresh install, or simply rm -Rf ~/.awless/aws/rdf to remove local cloud data


  • Amazon userdata support. Give the data as local file or remote http file resource. Ex: awless create instance userdata=/tmp/ ... or awless create instance userdata=
  • Global rename of storageobject to s3object for shorter typing in CLI.
  • awless model/storing is now full RDF ;). Allow exploration of all your infra in RDF tools and ontology editor (Ex: Protege)
  • Faster, better and simpler RDF & triples management now done through the nifty library triplestore
  • Ability to use strings with spaces and special characters in template parameters by surrounding them with single or double quotes.
  • Loggers are now sent to the stderr file descriptor which makes easier piping and redirecting output.
  • Warn when creating an instance without access key.
  • ssh: print SSH configuration (~/.ssh/config) or the CLI one-liner to connect with SSH using --print-config or --print-cli flags.
  • ssh: better handle when several instances have the same name (e.g., with a running and a terminated instance)
  • ssh: more warning; provide help and context on failing connections
  • Manage properly security groups on instances with awless attach/detach secgroup id=... instance=@my-instance
  • Logging more info when running templates


  • awless whoami now supports displaying info for root user and user with org path
  • Use securitygroup rather than group in templates, when appropriate.
  • Use keypair rather than key in templates, when appropriate.
  • Fix the fact you could not attach multiple security groups to an instance
  • Reverting the creation of a load balancer now waits the deletion of its network interfaces

Alpha release 0.0.21

23 Mar 13:42
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Alpha release 0.0.21 Pre-release

You can find attached binaries for OSX, Linux and Windows. Note that Windows has only been lightly tested



  • awless whoami now returns your identity, your attached (i.e. managed), inlined and group policies
  • Rudimentary security groups port scanner inspector via awless inspect -i port_scanner
  • Template: compile time check of undefined or unused references
  • Run official remote templates without specifying full url: awless run repo:create_vpc
  • #78: Show progress when uploading object to storage
  • #81: Global force flag --force to bypass confirm prompt


  • Fix regression: run templates/one-liners failed on storageobject, subscription entities
  • Filtering in awless list --filter now works with column types other than string
  • Users, groups and policies are now independent of the region
  • #83: Syncing while offline does not clear local cloud infra

Alpha release 0.0.20

20 Mar 17:00
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Alpha release 0.0.20 Pre-release

You can find attached binaries for OSX, Linux and Windows. Note that Windows has only been lightly tested



  • Auto completion of id/name to help fill in easily any missing info before template execution
  • Better error messaging on parsing template errors
  • Infra: basic support of RDS: listing, creation and deletion of databases and database subnets: awless list databases/dbsubnetgroups; awless create/delete database/dbsubnetgroup
  • Infra: attach/detach an instance to a targetgroup
  • Infra: delete tag: awless delete tag
  • Access: create an AWS access key for a user
  • DNS: allow to revert creation/deletion of records
  • #80 DNS: return the ChangeInfo id when creating/deleting a record


  • #79: awless list records do not add new lines between records.
  • Better compute table columns width to adjust the number of columns to display exactly to the terminal width.

Alpha release v0.0.19

16 Mar 16:22
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Alpha release v0.0.19 Pre-release

You can find attached binaries for OSX, Linux and Windows. Note that Windows has only been lightly tested



  • #76: Show private IP and availability zones when listing instances.
  • Run remote template when path prefixed with http. Ex: awless run
  • Fetch more instances properties when showing instances (ex: network interfaces, public and private DNS, Root device type and name...)
  • DNS: listing Route53 zones and records awless list zones/records
  • DNS: basic creation/deletion of Route53 zones and records awless create/delete zone/record
  • Infra: detach EBS volumes awless detach volume
  • Config: enable/disable the syncing of Route53 service awless config set aws.dns.sync
  • All listing with default format are now Markdown table compatible.
  • Better display of awless show. Added --siblings flag to display exhaustively all siblings
  • Reverse the sorting order when listing instances sorted by "up since"


  • Fix awless show to properly show relations between groups and users

Alpha release 0.0.18

13 Mar 10:49
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Alpha release 0.0.18 Pre-release

You can find attached binaries for OSX, Linux and Windows. Note that Windows has only been lightly tested



  • infra: support the creation/deletion of ELBv2 loadbalancers, listeners and target groups: awless create loadbalancer/listener/targetgroup
  • infra: add tag Name to subnets.
  • Format tsv supported when listing: awless list subnets --format tsv
  • Pricer inspector now resolves prices for any regions: awless inspect -i pricer


  • Fix alias, required and extra params parsing in template runs