This project is designed to scan through an input text file and output errors about its structure and typography.
- Wrong capitalization at the start of a new line.
- Wrong use of the word 'i' in a sentence.
- Wrong spacing between words(just one space is required).
- Wrong spacing before(no-space) and after(2 spaces) punctuation marks.
- You must have 2 lines indentation at the start of text.
- Third line must be a title with a 10 space indentation with all words capitalized.
- Maximum of 4 paragraphs allowed.
- All paragraphs must start with a 2 space indentation and must have a one line indentation at the start and end.
- Maximum word count of 300 words.
- Ruby
- Rspec
To get a local copy up and running, apply the following instructions.
- Ruby installed in local machine.
- RSpec should be installed on local computer.
- Clone the repository to your machine via :
$ git clone
gem install strscan
- Navigate to the project folder and paste a text in input/user1.txt
- Run bin/linters.rb to get results of fouls committed on the console.
- cd to spec folder and run rspec test_examples.rb to view test results.
👤 Author
- GitHub: @wandji20
- Twitter: @wandjibertrand
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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