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A zeromq interface to the Minisat2 SAT solver. Through this interface, you can push incremental clauses to Minisat and enumerate all possible solutions.

Minimal API Example (Python)

Our solver accepts clauses in the DIMACS CNF format. For a solution, minisat-zmq the variables which are true returns, this differs from DIMACS which additionally returns false variables negated.

Here is an example in python which interfaces with the minisat-zmq. Launch minisat-zmq as following:

./minisat-zmq -verb=2 -ipc-name=my_zmq

Then in a python interpreter

import zmq

ctx = zmq.Context()
socket = ctx.socket(zmq.REQ)
socket.send_multipart([b"r", b"-1 2 -3"])  # Register a DIMACS clause (1 or 2 or not 3)
assert socket.recv_multipart() == [b"OK"]
socket.send_multipart([b"r", "1"])  # Register another clause (... not 3) and (1)
assert socket.recv_multipart() == [b"OK"]
socket.send_multipart([b"s"])  # Ask for a solution
print(socket.recv_multipart())  # Prints ['1'] (The list of true variables which satisfy the equation)
print(socket.recv_multipart())  # Prints ['1 2'], another possible solution
print(socket.recv_multipart())  # Prints ['1 2 3']
print(socket.recv_multipart())  # Prints ['UNSAT'], no more solutions
socket.send_multipart([b"f"])  # Finished, close the server
assert socket.recv_multipart() == [b"OK"]

Below are the other types of messages which minisat-zmq accepts

o: (O)utput the full problem in the dimacs format
d: Add clauses incrementally from a (d)imacs file
r: Add a clause incrementally [(r)eceive]
f: (F)inish and exit
s: (S)olve and return a string of true variables
p: Register (p)lacement variables which used to generate the result.
   These are disallowed on the next iteration.
c: Register variables which you (c)are about. I.e. 's' only returns these

Docker Standalone Build

Rather than having to build multiple dependencies, we provide a script which uses an Alpine Linux docker to build a standalone executable to: ./build/standalone/bin/minisat_zmq.

Alternatively, you can download the standalone release directly from the GitHub releases.

~ ./
Standalone binary saved as ./build/standalone/bin/minisat-zmq
Returning to a shell within the docker
Type exit to exit
~ exit
Exiting ...
~ build/standalone/bin/minisat-zmq --help
USAGE: ./build/standalone/bin/minisat_zmq [options] -ipc-name=<name>


Full Install

Download the required dependencies for Debian.

apt install minisat2 libzmq3-dev

Download and build zmqpp

git clone
cd zmqpp
make install
cd ..

To build minisat-zmq using default settings:

make install

Useful configuration options

To override the default path to minisat2:

~ make config MINISAT_INCLUDE=-I<minisat2 include>
~ make config MINISAT_LIB="-L<minisat2 lib> -lminisat"

To override the default install location:

~ make config prefix=$NEW_PREFIX


This code is based on the example code in minisat-examples and retains that original LICENSE. See the included LICENSE file.