sidekiq "my-queue" do
user "deploy"
concurrency 2
processes 2
queues "job-queue" => 5, "other-queue" => 1
There are two ways to deploy a Sidekiq Monitor. You can run the sidekiq::monitor
recipe, which will install a service named sidekiq-monitor
configured based on
node attributes. You can also use the sidekiq_monitor
Both ways use a small wrapper Rack application to run the monitoring Sinatra app that ships with Sidekiq.
The user by which Sidekiq Monitor is run is set via the node attribute
The RACK_ENV by which Sidekiq Monitor is run is set via
Ruby should be in the PATH. This can by set by adding to the array
The LWRP can be used where multiple Sidekiq Monitors may be on the same node.
service 'my-sidekiq-monitor' do
supports :enable => true, :disable => true, :restart => true, :reload => true
action :nothing
sidekiq_monitor 'my-sidekiq-monitor' do
user 'myuser'
group 'staff'
path_additions ['/opt/rbenv/versions/2.0.0/bin']
redis_host node['privateaddress']
redis_port 6379
redis_db 11
redis_namespace 'sk'
unicorn_host node['privateaddress']
unicorn_port 8880
rack_env 'production'
notifies :restart, 'service[my-sidekiq-monitor]'
By default the LWRP will create a user 'sidekiq-monitor' and group
'sidekiq-monitor' to run as. It will check out a small Rack application
at /opt/sidekiq-monitor
. Configuration files will go into
and log files will go in