This artifact contains the data and code used in the paper "Analysis and Detection of Information Types in Open Source Software Issue Discussions."
It comprises three main folders: data, code, and results. The components are as follows:
data: This folder contains all the data used in the experiments.
- new data: Contains all the new data files, both separately and in a combined set.
- old data: Contains all data collected by Arya2019.
- combined_dataset: A combination of old and new data.
- combined_data_oversampled: Data after applying the random oversampling technique to the combined dataset.
- old_data_oversampled: Old data after applying the random oversampling technique.
code: This folder contains the logistic regression code used to detect information types.
- ClassBalancing.ipynb: Contains the random oversampling technique to balance the minority classes.
- 5fold_LTC_LTS_hyperparameter_experiment.ipynb: Contains the code to detect the information types of the given data. It was used to experiment the combination of hyperparameter values.
- 5fold_LTC_LTS.ipynb: This file contains logistic regression code without using the smote technique by Arya2019.
- 5fold_LTC_LTS_smote.ipynb: This file contains logistic regression code using the smote technique by Arya2019.
results: Contains all the experiments that have been conducted, along with the hyperparameters and results of all the datasets used.
- hyperparameter_results: Contains results of the different combinations of hyperparameters.