pbdDMAT is a package for distributed matrix algebra and statistics computations. It uses the pbdBASE package for handling the heavy lifting, which amounts to interfacing to and extending ScaLAPACK.
pbdDMAT requires
- R version 2.14.0 or higher with pbdMPI, pbdSLAP, and pbdBASE.
- SUN HPC 8.2.1 (OpenMPI) for Solaris.
- OpenMPI for Linux.
- OpenMPI for Mac OS X.
- MS-MPI or MPICH2 for Windows.
For installing pbdDMAT,
- see "INSTALL" for Solaris, Linux and Mac OS, and
- see "INSTALL.win.*" for Windows.
More information about pbdDMAT can be found in
- pbdDMAT vignette at 'pbdDMAT/inst/doc/pbdDMAT-guide.pdf'
- 'http://r-pbd.org/'.