ForPasses we need php 8.1 only
Install or update composer
composer install
- Run migrations
php artisan migrate
- Run database seeder for super admin credentionals, email and password will be displayed in the console
php artisan db:seed
- Generate passport keys for the project
php artisan passport:install
- Create new project keys
php artisan key:generate
- Create Storage Link
php artisan storage:link
rm public/storage || rm -rf public/storage
php artisan storage:link
To chk which functions is not enable in php.ini file
php -i | grep disable_functions
To make the symlink function work, please remove it from the list. You can check from PHP Configuration > PHP option > disableFunctions > Remove Symlink.
Verify the Certificate File Path
ls -l storage/app/certificates/certificates.p12
Check its permissions:
chmod 644 storage/app/certificates/certificates.p12
If facing this issue cURL error 6: Could not resolve host laravel then
composer dump-autoload
Internal Server Error response: { "message": "Personal access client not found. Please create one.", "exception": "RuntimeException", "file" (truncated...)
php artisan passport:client --personal