+DEPRECATED. This project is obsolete due to new features introduced in Meteor 1.3
Specify the addresses of a RESTful server, and of its Swagger spec, and then immediately interact with it.
Swagger is a powerful tool for creating REST APIs. With a comprehensive JSON specification both client and server interfaces can be generated automatically.
This Meteor package encapsulates the NodeJs module "swagger-client" adding a synchronous version of every asynchronous API method.
NOTICE : This is a beta stage project. Basic functionality is working, but I'll be adding/testing stuff like 3rd party authentication and webhooks soon.
- Typical Swagger API documentation
- The underlying JSON file
- The NodeJS module
on GitHub
`curl https://install.meteor.com | /bin/sh` # Install Meteor
`sudo apt-get install -y nodejs-legacy npm` # In case deeper analysis is
`sudo npm install -g node-inspector` # needed with `node-inspector`
`sudo npm install -g eslint babel-eslint` # needed for meeting Meteor
`sudo npm install -g eslint-plugin-react` # coding standards
`sudo npm install -g jsdoc` # to make HTML documentation
`sudo npm install -g jsdoc-to-markdown` # to make Markdown docs
* `export PET_STORE_SPEC="http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json"`
* `export TRELLO_KEY="dc7bb1d947 ??? d0a71245c7"`
* `export TRELLO_USER_A="alphawarehouseman"`
* `export TRELLO_TOKEN_A="fcbb1c7cf9d33ae54 ??? 239e7def3c6eb0d5b53dfbd"`
* `export TRELLO_SPEC="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warehouseman/trello-swagger-generator/master/TrelloAPI.json"`
* `# export TRELLO_SPEC=""`
* `# export MONGO_URL="mongodb://?:?@ds?.mongolab.com:?/meteor-node-trello"`
* `# export TRELLO_USER_B="bravowarehouseman"`
* `# export TRELLO_TOKEN_B="2b64529be4a2a67d4 ??? b3f5a668826a3be52defaca"`
* `# export TRELLO_USER_C="charliewarehouseman"`
* `# export TRELLO_TOKEN_C="3c183da0e7719301b ??? 07b504459c68b07e675ad9a"`
meteor test-packages ../meteor-swagger-client
env DEBUG=wm:msc:err meteor test-packages ../meteor-swagger-client
env DEBUG=wm:msc:* meteor test-packages ../meteor-swagger-client
env NODE_OPTIONS='--debug' DEBUG=wm:msc:* meteor test-packages ../meteor-swagger-client
eslint package.js
eslint meteor-swagger-client.js
eslint tests/meteor-swagger-client-tests.js
jsdoc ./*.js -p -d ./jsdoc --readme ./README.md
jsdoc2md "./*.js" > documentation.md