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April 14, 2017, Friday

Liya Wang edited this page May 2, 2017 · 1 revision
  • Optimization
    • Need to support direct link, which will resolve the tutorial link above!
      • Ask to set it up on brie for dev1
    • Can we select the file (box) when click on the filename? I know, for folders, we want to open it
    • Database rebuilt after updates
      • Need instructions to dump and reload old contents (if possible, depends on specific schema modifications)
    • Add a refresh button for file browsing
    • Job history management
      • Select/check all jobs (for building a workflow to save)
    • Load workflow
      • Need to clear out current history panel to make sure steps are consistent between workflow forms and job histories
      • Should warn user that history panel will be cleared out and give them option to save it before loading
    • CSS modifications
  • TACC Workflow
    • Use RNA-seq workflow as an example
    • All apps run at TACC Stampede
    • For job and workflow, outputs will be saved to sci_data
      • Need to work with Tony to make sure sci_data is automatically linked to TACC's resource server
      • If not, set up a storage system ( at TACC (similar with
  • SciApps Web API
    • Code is already in place
    • Just need documentation and systematic design
    • Might need to add new API end points depending on community inputs
      • Take the JBrowse-Galaxy use case to see whether we need to add new end points
  • Not discussed
    • Remove credentials from repo
    • Update queryGramene, Maker
    • Support job history checking for debugging
    • Direct link no longer working for local version
    • Browse Data Store will default to public (to user if log in? and change user to home?)
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