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0.10.2 Release Notes

Gregory Engel edited this page Jun 13, 2019 · 3 revisions

ANS 0.10.2

Enhanced Text Element: Dropcap

The text element now includes an option for indicating a dropcap on the first letter of the text.

    "type": "text",
    "block_properties": {
        "dropcap": "letter"
    "content": "Why are Americans, whose homes average about 2,200 square feet, so obsessed with tiny homes? Perhaps they are responding to the benefits tiny-house owners cite: financial and emotional freedom, a greener lifestyle, the satisfaction of building one’s own refuge."


Enhanced Tags: Subtype

The subtype property is now available on each tag attached to a document in taxonomy.tags. As with subtype in other contexts, the values are left to each organization to define, and may be used to determine rendering logic in downstream consumers.

  "type": "story",
  "version": "0.10.2",

  "taxonomy": {
    "tags": [
        "_id": "whitehouse",
        "type": "tag",
        "subtype": "basic",
        "text": "White House",
        "slug": "white-house",
        "description": "Related to the White House"
