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Move Wasp file logic into a separate module
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sodic committed Dec 10, 2024
1 parent e8badd2 commit 6d03463
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Showing 8 changed files with 200 additions and 165 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ import StrongPath (Abs, Dir, File, Path')
import Wasp.Cli.Command.CreateNewProject.Common (defaultWaspVersionBounds)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.CreateNewProject.ProjectDescription (NewProjectAppName, NewProjectName)
import Wasp.NodePackageFFI (InstallablePackage (WaspConfigPackage), getPackageInstallationPath)
import Wasp.Project.Analyze (WaspFilePath (..), findWaspFile)
import Wasp.Project.Analyze (WaspFilePath (..))
import Wasp.Project.Common (WaspProjectDir)
import Wasp.Project.ExternalConfig.PackageJson (findPackageJsonFile)
import Wasp.Project.WaspFile (findWaspFile)
import qualified Wasp.Util.IO as IOUtil

replaceTemplatePlaceholdersInTemplateFiles :: NewProjectAppName -> NewProjectName -> Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir) -> IO ()
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion waspc/src/Wasp/AI/GenerateNewProject/WaspFile.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import qualified Wasp.AI.GenerateNewProject.Common.Prompts as Prompts
import Wasp.AI.GenerateNewProject.Plan (Plan)
import Wasp.AI.OpenAI.ChatGPT (ChatMessage (..), ChatRole (..))
import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.Ctx (Ctx (..))
import Wasp.Project.Analyze (analyzeWaspFileContent)
import Wasp.Project.WaspFile (analyzeWaspFileContent)
import qualified Wasp.Psl.Ast.Schema as Psl.Schema
import qualified Wasp.Util.Aeson as Utils.Aeson

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ tuple4 eval1 eval2 eval3 eval4 = evaluation $ \(typeDefs, bindings) -> withCtx $
extImport :: TypedExprEvaluation AppSpec.ExtImport.ExtImport
extImport = evaluation' . withCtx $ \ctx -> \case
TypedAST.ExtImport name extImportPath ->
-- NOTE(martin): This parsing here could instead be done in Parser.
-- NOTE(martin): This parsing here could instead be done in Parser.
-- I don't have a very good reason for doing it here instead of Parser, except
-- for being somewhat simpler to implement.
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161 changes: 1 addition & 160 deletions waspc/src/Wasp/Project/Analyze.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,57 +1,30 @@
module Wasp.Project.Analyze
( analyzeWaspProject,
WaspFilePath (..),

import Control.Arrow (ArrowChoice (left))
import Control.Concurrent (newChan)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (concurrently)
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT (..), liftEither, runExceptT)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.List (find, isSuffixOf)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import StrongPath
( Abs,
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
import qualified Wasp.Analyzer as Analyzer
import Wasp.Analyzer.AnalyzeError (getErrorMessageAndCtx)
import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.Ctx (Ctx)
import qualified Wasp.AppSpec as AS
import Wasp.AppSpec.Core.Decl.JSON ()
import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.Valid as ASV
import Wasp.CompileOptions (CompileOptions)
import qualified Wasp.CompileOptions as CompileOptions
import qualified Wasp.ConfigFile as CF
import Wasp.Error (showCompilerErrorForTerminal)
import qualified Wasp.Generator.ConfigFile as G.CF
import qualified Wasp.Generator.Job as J
import Wasp.Generator.Job.IO (readJobMessagesAndPrintThemPrefixed)
import Wasp.Generator.Job.Process (runNodeCommandAsJob)
import Wasp.Project.Common
( CompileError,
WaspFilePath (..),
Expand All @@ -63,13 +36,12 @@ import Wasp.Project.Env (readDotEnvClient, readDotEnvServer)
import qualified Wasp.Project.ExternalConfig as EC
import qualified Wasp.Project.ExternalFiles as ExternalFiles
import Wasp.Project.Vite (findCustomViteConfigPath)
import Wasp.Project.WaspFile (analyzeWaspFile, findWaspFile)
import qualified Wasp.Psl.Ast.Schema as Psl.Schema
import qualified Wasp.Psl.Parser.Schema as Psl.Parser
import Wasp.Psl.Valid (getValidDbSystemFromPrismaSchema)
import qualified Wasp.Psl.Valid as PslV
import Wasp.Util.Aeson (encodeToString)
import qualified Wasp.Util.IO as IOUtil
import Wasp.Util.StrongPath (replaceRelExtension)
import Wasp.Valid (ValidationError)
import qualified Wasp.Valid as Valid

Expand All @@ -79,7 +51,6 @@ analyzeWaspProject ::
IO (Either [CompileError] AS.AppSpec, [CompileWarning])
analyzeWaspProject waspDir options = do
waspFilePathOrError <- left (: []) <$> findWaspFile waspDir

case waspFilePathOrError of
Left err -> return (Left err, [])
Right waspFilePath ->
Expand All @@ -94,118 +65,6 @@ analyzeWaspProject waspDir options = do
Left errors -> return (Left errors, [])
Right externalConfigs -> constructAppSpec waspDir options externalConfigs prismaSchemaAst declarations

data CompiledWaspJsFile

data AppSpecDeclsJsonFile

analyzeWaspFile :: Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir) -> Psl.Schema.Schema -> WaspFilePath -> IO (Either [CompileError] [AS.Decl])
analyzeWaspFile waspDir prismaSchemaAst = \case
WaspLang waspFilePath -> analyzeWaspLangFile prismaSchemaAst waspFilePath
WaspTs waspFilePath -> analyzeWaspTsFile waspDir prismaSchemaAst waspFilePath

analyzeWaspTsFile :: Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir) -> Psl.Schema.Schema -> Path' Abs (File WaspTsFile) -> IO (Either [CompileError] [AS.Decl])
analyzeWaspTsFile waspProjectDir prismaSchemaAst waspFilePath = runExceptT $ do
-- TODO: I'm not yet sure where tsconfig.node.json location should come from
-- because we also need that knowledge when generating a TS SDK project.
compiledWaspJsFile <- ExceptT $ compileWaspTsFile waspProjectDir [relfile|tsconfig.wasp.json|] waspFilePath
declsJsonFile <- ExceptT $ executeMainWaspJsFileAndGetDeclsFile waspProjectDir prismaSchemaAst compiledWaspJsFile
ExceptT $ readDecls prismaSchemaAst declsJsonFile

compileWaspTsFile ::
Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir) ->
Path' (Rel WaspProjectDir) File' ->
Path' Abs (File WaspTsFile) ->
IO (Either [CompileError] (Path' Abs (File CompiledWaspJsFile)))
compileWaspTsFile waspProjectDir tsconfigNodeFileInWaspProjectDir waspFilePath = do
chan <- newChan
(_, tscExitCode) <-
(readJobMessagesAndPrintThemPrefixed chan)
( runNodeCommandAsJob
[ "tsc",
fromAbsFile (waspProjectDir </> tsconfigNodeFileInWaspProjectDir),
fromAbsDir outDir
return $ case tscExitCode of
ExitFailure _status -> Left ["Got TypeScript compiler errors for " ++ fromAbsFile waspFilePath ++ "."]
ExitSuccess -> Right absCompiledWaspJsFile
outDir = waspProjectDir </> dotWaspDirInWaspProjectDir
absCompiledWaspJsFile = outDir </> compiledWaspJsFileInDotWaspDir
compiledWaspJsFileInDotWaspDir =
castFile $
(error $ "Couldn't calculate the compiled JS file path for " ++ fromAbsFile waspFilePath ++ ".")
(replaceRelExtension (basename waspFilePath) ".js")

executeMainWaspJsFileAndGetDeclsFile ::
Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir) ->
Psl.Schema.Schema ->
Path' Abs (File CompiledWaspJsFile) ->
IO (Either [CompileError] (Path' Abs (File AppSpecDeclsJsonFile)))
executeMainWaspJsFileAndGetDeclsFile waspProjectDir prismaSchemaAst absCompiledMainWaspJsFile = do
chan <- newChan
(_, runExitCode) <- do
(readJobMessagesAndPrintThemPrefixed chan)
( runNodeCommandAsJob
-- TODO: Figure out how to keep running instructions in a single
-- place (e.g., this is string the same as the package name, but it's
-- repeated in two places).
-- Before this, I had the entrypoint file hardcoded, which was bad
-- too: waspProjectDir </> [relfile|node_modules/wasp-config/dist/run.js|]
[ "wasp-config",
fromAbsFile absCompiledMainWaspJsFile,
fromAbsFile absDeclsOutputFile,
encodeToString allowedEntityNames
case runExitCode of
ExitFailure _status -> return $ Left ["Error while running the compiled *.wasp.ts file."]
ExitSuccess -> return $ Right absDeclsOutputFile
absDeclsOutputFile = waspProjectDir </> dotWaspDirInWaspProjectDir </> [relfile|decls.json|]
allowedEntityNames = Psl.Schema.getModelNames prismaSchemaAst

readDecls :: Psl.Schema.Schema -> Path' Abs (File AppSpecDeclsJsonFile) -> IO (Either [CompileError] [AS.Decl])
readDecls prismaSchemaAst declsJsonFile = runExceptT $ do
entityDecls <- liftEither entityDeclsOrErrors
remainingDecls <- ExceptT $ left (: []) <$> declsFromJsonOrError
return $ entityDecls ++ remainingDecls
entityDeclsOrErrors =
left (map fst) $
left (map getErrorMessageAndCtx) $
Analyzer.getEntityDecls prismaSchemaAst

declsFromJsonOrError = do
declsBytestring <- IOUtil.readFileBytes declsJsonFile
return $
left ("Error while reading the declarations from JSON: " ++) $
Aeson.eitherDecode declsBytestring

analyzeWaspLangFile :: Psl.Schema.Schema -> Path' Abs (File WaspLangFile) -> IO (Either [CompileError] [AS.Decl])
analyzeWaspLangFile prismaSchemaAst waspFilePath = do
waspFileContent <- IOUtil.readFile waspFilePath
left (map $ showCompilerErrorForTerminal (waspFilePath, waspFileContent))
<$> analyzeWaspFileContent prismaSchemaAst waspFileContent

analyzeWaspFileContent :: Psl.Schema.Schema -> String -> IO (Either [(String, Ctx)] [AS.Decl])
analyzeWaspFileContent prismaSchemaAst = return . left (map getErrorMessageAndCtx) . Analyzer.analyze prismaSchemaAst

constructAppSpec ::
Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir) ->
CompileOptions ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,24 +107,6 @@ constructAppSpec waspDir options externalConfigs parsedPrismaSchema decls = do

return $ runValidation ASV.validateAppSpec appSpec

findWaspFile :: Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir) -> IO (Either String WaspFilePath)
findWaspFile waspDir = do
files <- fst <$> IOUtil.listDirectory waspDir
return $ case (findWaspTsFile files, findWaspLangFile files) of
(Just _, Just _) -> Left bothFilesFoundMessage
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Left fileNotFoundMessage
(Just waspTsFile, Nothing) -> Right waspTsFile
(Nothing, Just waspLangFile) -> Right waspLangFile
findWaspTsFile files = WaspTs <$> findFileThatEndsWith ".wasp.ts" files
findWaspLangFile files = WaspLang <$> findFileThatEndsWith ".wasp" files
findFileThatEndsWith suffix files = castFile . (waspDir </>) <$> find ((suffix `isSuffixOf`) . fromRelFile) files

fileNotFoundMessage = "Couldn't find the *.wasp or a *.wasp.ts file in the " ++ fromAbsDir waspDir ++ " directory"
bothFilesFoundMessage =
"Found both *.wasp and *.wasp.ts files in the project directory. "
++ "You must choose how you want to define your app (using Wasp or TypeScript) and only keep one of them."

analyzePrismaSchema :: Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir) -> IO (Either [CompileError] Psl.Schema.Schema, [CompileWarning])
analyzePrismaSchema waspProjectDir = do
findPrismaSchemaFile waspProjectDir >>= \case
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion waspc/src/Wasp/Project/Common.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ dotWaspInfoFileInGeneratedCodeDir = [relfile|.waspinfo|]
packageJsonInWaspProjectDir :: Path' (Rel WaspProjectDir) (File PackageJsonFile)
packageJsonInWaspProjectDir = [relfile|package.json|]

-- TODO: The entire tsconfig story is very fragile
getSrcTsConfigInWaspProjectDir :: WaspFilePath -> Path' (Rel WaspProjectDir) (File SrcTsConfigFile)
getSrcTsConfigInWaspProjectDir = \case
WaspTs _ -> srcTsConfigInWaspTsProject
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