Sane way to know if a date has expired or not.
npm install watsondg/has-date-expired -S
var hasExpired = require('has-date-expired');
var season = hasExpired('06/20/2016') ? 'summer' : 'spring';
var isNoon = hasExpired('06/20/2016 12:00:00');
Return true if the input date has expired, false otherwise.
Calculated with
) - The target date. Date components are separated by slashes. Time components (optional) are separated by colons. Shorthands work too (i.e. year can be on 2 or 4 digits).format
- (OPTIONAL) - 3 letters, in any order, 'YMD' to represent the order of Year, Month and Day. Defaults to MDY. Note that time format is always 0-23.