- Install https://nodejs.org/en/
- Download archive from link provided
- Unzip file and cd into it
- run
npm install
node app.js
npm test
docker build -t my-todo-list .
docker run -p 49160:8080 -d my-todo-list
Visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser
- Multiple users should be able to view the shared public todo list
- Should be able to add items
- Should be able to delete items
- Should be able to edit items (Missing feature)
- Must be able to deploy in docker (Missing feature)
- Add missing requirement #4 to the application
- Add sufficient test coverage to the application and update readme on howto run the tests
- Add missing requirement #5 to the application (Dockerfile and update readme with instructions)
- Display test coverage after tests are executed
- Find and fix the XSS vulnerability in the application. Also make sure that it wont happen again by including a test.
- Update the code as needed and document what you have done in the readme below
- Will be nice if you can git tag the tasks by number
Task 1 -Seperated the todo-list logic from the express framework to loosely couple it and make it unit testable. -Implemented requirement #4.
Task 2 -Added Mocha test framework to unit test the models. -fixed a bug that the test exposed.
Task 3 -Dockerized the node js web app.
Task 4 -Added nyc test coverage for mocha.
Task 5 -Fixed the XSS Vulnerability by encoding the content that gets displayed.