Releases: wavemotion-dave/NINTV-DS
Releases · wavemotion-dave/NINTV-DS
Version 6.0
V6.0 : 01-Jan-2025 by wavemotion-dave
- Multi-overlays now supported for games like Mr. BASIC Meets Bits 'n Bytes, Inty BASIC Showcase collections, etc.
- Left/Right overlays now supported for games like Chess, Lode Runner or World Series Baseball.
- Ability to pick a different overlay for the game being played (use MENU and then 'PICK OVERLAY').
- A batch of new overlays to finally get the original 125 done!
Version 5.9
V5.9 : 27-Oct-2024 by wavemotion-dave
- Version 5.9 with a large number of new custom overlays (see and the pack)
Version 5.8
V5.8 : 20-Oct-2024 by wavemotion-dave
- Fix for game selection to revert to the proper directory (the last one you were in to select games).
- Fix for MOB collisions to not render for off-screen pixels which fixes the various Baseball Games (couldn't pick up ball in outfield).
- Many new and improved overlays. Almost 180 overlays in the pack!
Version 5.7
V5.7 : 12-Oct-2024 by wavemotion-dave
- Fix to allow JLP games to execute out of 16-bit RAM. Fixes Defender of the Crown.
- Fix ECS keyboard emulation to properly read back either port if configured for output (was causing FWDiagnostics to fail).
- Improved UI display of 'JLP FLASH' so it shows a bit longer (but doesn't interfere with emulation speed)
- Numerous new overlays added and updated some older ones. [154 overlays!!]
Version 5.6
V5.6 : 06-Oct-2024 by wavemotion-dave
- Massive overhaul to the way overlays are found and loaded. No longer do you need to have the overlays named the same as the game ROM file - the emulator should find the matching overlay 99% of the time (and yes, you can still force the issue by naming the .ovl the same as the base game .int/.bin/.rom file)
- If the system BIOS files are not found by name, a quick search is done by CRC32 to see if the emulator can load it.
- These improvements should go a long way to helping people get their Nintellivision system running quickly and with less fuss.
Version 5.5a
V5.5 : 23-Sep-2024 by wavemotion-dave
- Improved ECS support with new full-screen ECS Keyboard and ability to switch between keypad controllers, disc and full keyboard.
- Hotfix 5.5a to avoid the ECS keyboard or Disc overlay from inadvertently coming up with some custom overlays.
Version 5.5
V5.5 : 23-Sep-2024 by wavemotion-dave
- Improved ECS support with new full-screen ECS Keyboard and ability to switch between keypad controllers, disc and full keyboard.
Version 5.4
V5.4 : 10-Sep-2024 by wavemotion-dave
- Full Tutorvision Mode supported. See Tutorvision section in this README for details.
Version 5.3
V5.3 : 07-Sep-2024 by wavemotion-dave
- Integrated 2KGRAM build into the main code. There is now one unified Nintellivision build. Use Configuration to select 2KGRAM (aka Tutorvision mode) for games that support it.
Version 5.2
V5.2 : 22-Jun-2024 by wavemotion-dave
- Improved MOB collision detection to fix GORF
- Improved MOB rendering so that Y coordinates of zero don't draw (fixes minor glitch in Beauty and the Beast at end of levels)
- Improved JLP detection so we don't enable it inadvertently.