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Waves Models

Vladimir edited this page Jul 23, 2019 · 12 revisions

This collection contains the models of transactions and other data transfer objects that you will need for integrating the Waves Services functionality. To read more about transactions please visit the definitions page.

Each transaction has a type number

enum TransactionType: Int8 {
    case issue = 3
    case transfer = 4
    case reissue = 5
    case burn = 6
    case exchange = 7
    case lease = 8
    case cancelLease = 9
    case alias = 10
    case massTransfer = 11
    case data = 12
    case script = 13
    case sponsorship = 14
    case assetScript = 15
    case invokeScript = 16

Common transaction parameters

public protocol BaseTransactionQueryProtocol {
      ID of the transaction type. Correct values in [1; 16]
    var type: Int { get }

      Version number of the data structure of the transaction.
      The value has to be equal to 2
    var version: Int { get }

     Determines the network where the transaction will be published to.
     T or 84 in bytes for test network,
     W or 87 in for main network
    var chainId: String { get }

      A transaction fee is a fee that an account owner pays to send a transaction.
      Transaction fee in WAVELET
      [Wiki about Fee](
    var fee: Int64 { get }

      Unix time of sending of transaction to blockchain, must be in current time +/- 1.5 hour
    var timestamp: Int64 { get }

      Account public key of the sender in Base58
    var senderPublicKey: String { get }

      Signatures v2 string set.
      A transaction signature is a digital signature
      with which the sender confirms the ownership of the outgoing transaction.
      If the array is empty, then S= 3. If the array is not empty,
      then S = 3 + 2 × N + (P1 + P2 + ... + Pn), where N is the number of proofs in the array,
      Pn is the size on N-th proof in bytes.
      The maximum number of proofs in the array is 8. The maximum size of each proof is 64 bytes
    var proofs: [String] { get }

TransferTransaction – sends amount of asset on address

public extension NodeService.DTO {

      Transfer transaction sends amount of asset on address.
      It is used to transfer a specific amount of an asset (WAVES by default)
      to the recipient (by address or alias).
    struct TransferTransaction: Decodable {
        public let type: Int
        public let id: String
        public let sender: String
        public let senderPublicKey: String
        public let fee: Int64
        public let timestamp: Date
        public let version: Int
        public let height: Int64?

        public let signature: String?
        public let proofs: [String]?

          Address or alias of Waves blockchain
        public let recipient: String

          Id of transferable asset in Waves blockchain, different for main and test net
        public let assetId: String?

          Asset id instead Waves for transaction commission withdrawal
        public let feeAssetId: String?

          Amount of asset in satoshi
        public let amount: Int64

          Additional info [0,140] bytes of string
        public let attachment: String?

DataTransaction – stores data in account data storage of the blockchain

public extension NodeService.DTO {

     The Data transaction stores data in account data storage of the blockchain.
     The storage contains data recorded using a data transaction or an invoke script transaction.
     The maximum length of the data array is 100 elements.
     The maximum size of the data array is 140 kilobytes.
     Each element of the data array is an object that has 3 fields: key, type, value.
     The array of data cannot contain two elements with the same key field.
     Fee depends of data transaction length (0.001 per 1kb)
    struct DataTransaction: Decodable {

          Data of Data transaction
        public struct Data: Decodable {

            public enum Value {
                case bool(Bool)
                case integer(Int)
                case string(String)
                case binary(String)

              Key of data of Data transaction
            public let key: String
              Type of data of the Data transaction type can be only "string", "boolean", "integer", "binary"
            public let type: String
              Data transaction value can be one of four types:
              [Long] for integer(0),
              [Boolean] for boolean(1),
              [String] for binary(2) You can use "base64:binaryString" and just "binaryString".
              and [String] string(3).
              Can't be empty string
            public let value: Value

        public let type: Int
        public let id: String
        public let sender: String
        public let senderPublicKey: String
        public let fee: Int64
        public let timestamp: Date
        public let height: Int64?
        public let version: Int

        public let proofs: [String]?
          Data as JSON-string as byte array
          The value of the key field is a UTF-8 encoded string
          of length from 1 to 100 characters inclusive.
          It can be of four types - integer(0), boolean(1), binary array(2) and string(3).
          The size of value field can be from 0 to 65025 bytes.
          "data": [
               {"key": "int", "type": "integer", "value": 24},
               {"key": "bool", "type": "boolean", "value": true},
               {"key": "blob", "type": "binary", "value": "base64:BzWHaQU="}
               {"key": "My poem", "type": "string", "value": "Oh waves!"}
        public let data: [Data]

InvokeScriptTransaction – invokes functions of the dApp script

extension NodeService.DTO {
      Invoke script transaction is a transaction that invokes functions of the dApp script.
      dApp contains compiled functions  developed with [Waves Ride IDE]({
      You can invoke one of them by name with some arguments.
    public struct InvokeScriptTransaction: Decodable {

          Call the function from dApp (address or alias) with typed arguments
        public struct Call: Decodable {

              Arguments for the function call
            public struct Args: Decodable {
                public enum Value {
                    case bool(Bool)
                    case integer(Int)
                    case string(String)
                    case binary(String)
                public let type: String
                public let value: Value

              Function unique name
            public let function: String

              List of arguments
            public let args: [Args]

          Payment for function of dApp. Now it works with only one payment.
        public struct Payment: Decodable {
              Amount in satoshi
            public let amount: Int64
              Asset Id in Waves blockchain
            public let assetId: String?
        public let type: Int
        public let id: String
        public let sender: String
        public let senderPublicKey: String
        public let fee: Int64

        public let timestamp: Date
        public let proofs: [String]?
        public let version: Int

        public let height: Int64?

          Asset id instead Waves for transaction commission withdrawal
        public let feeAssetId: String?

          dApp – address or alias of contract with function on RIDE language
        public let dApp: String

          Function name in dApp with array of arguments
        public let call: Call?

          Payments for function of dApp. Now it works with only one payment.
        public let payment: [Payment]

AliasTransaction – creates short readable alias for address

public extension NodeService.DTO {

     The Alias transaction creates short readable alias for address
    struct AliasTransaction: Decodable {
        public let type: Int
        public let id: String
        public let sender: String
        public let senderPublicKey: String
        public let fee: Int64
        public let timestamp: Date
        public let version: Int
        public let height: Int64?
        public let signature: String?
        public let proofs: [String]?

          Alias, short name for address in Waves blockchain.
          Alias bytes must be in [4;30]
          Alphabet: -.0123456789@_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
        public let alias: String

BurnTransaction – irreversible deletes amount of some asset. It's impossible to burn WAVES with the burn transaction.

public extension NodeService.DTO {

      The Burn transaction irreversible deletes amount of some asset
      It's impossible to burn WAVES with the burn transaction.
    struct BurnTransaction: Decodable {
        public let type: Int
        public let id: String
        public let sender: String
        public let senderPublicKey: String
        public let fee: Int64
        public let timestamp: Date
        public let version: Int
        public let height: Int64?
        public let signature: String?
        public let proofs: [String]?
        public let chainId: Int?

          Id of burnable asset in Waves blockchain, different for main and test net
        public let assetId: String
          Amount of asset to burn in satoshi
        public let amount: Int64

IssueTransaction – add a new asset in blockchain

public extension NodeService.DTO {

      The Issue transaction add a new asset in blockchain.
      Issue transaction is used to give the user the possibility to issue his/her own tokens
      on Waves blockchain. The user can define the exact amount of the issued tokens
      and he can reissue more tokens later by enabling the reissuable flag (1- true).
      Script can be developed with [Waves Ride IDE]({
    struct IssueTransaction: Decodable {
        public let type: Int
        public let id: String
        public let sender: String
        public let senderPublicKey: String
        public let fee: Int64
        public let timestamp: Date
        public let version: Int
        public let height: Int64?       
        public let signature: String?
        public let proofs: [String]?
        public let assetId: String
          Name of your new asset byte length must be in [4,16]
        public let name: String
          Quantity defines the total tokens supply that your asset will contain.
        public let quantity: Int64
          Reissuability allows for additional tokens creation that will be added
          to the total token supply of asset.
          A non-reissuable asset will be permanently limited to the total token supply
          defined during the transaction.
        public let reissuable: Bool
          Decimals defines the number of decimals that your asset token will be divided in.
          Max decimals is 8
        public let decimals: Int
          Description of your new asset byte length must be in [0;1000]
        public let description: String
          A Smart Asset is an asset with an attached script that places conditions
          on every transaction made for the token in question.
          Each validation of a transaction by a Smart Asset's script increases the transaction fee
          by 0.004 WAVES. For example,

          if a regular tx is made for a Smart Asset, the cost is 0.001 + 0.004 = 0.005 WAVES.
          If an exchange transaction is made, the cost is 0.003 + 0.004 = 0.007 WAVES.

          Null - issue without script.

          You can update it later only if here in issue script != null.
          You can't update later if set script == null now

          You can use "base64:compiledScriptStringInBase64" and just "compiledScriptStringInBase64"
          Can't be empty string
        public let script: String?

LeaseCancelTransaction – cancel leasing transaction

public extension NodeService.DTO {

      The Cancel leasing transaction reverse [LeaseTransaction].
      Lease cancel transaction is used to to cancel
      and discontinue the WAVES leasing process to a Waves node.
    struct LeaseCancelTransaction: Decodable {
        public let type: Int
        public let id: String
        public let sender: String
        public let senderPublicKey: String
        public let fee: Int64
        public let timestamp: Date
        public let version: Int
        public let height: Int64?
        public let signature: String?
        public let proofs: [String]?
        public let chainId: Int?
          Id of Leasing Transaction to cancel
        public let leaseId: String
        public let lease: NodeService.DTO.LeaseTransaction?

LeaseTransaction – leases amount of Waves to node operator

public extension NodeService.DTO {

      The Leasing transaction leases amount of Waves to node operator.
      it can be address or alias by Proof-of-Stake consensus. It will perform at non-node address.
      You always can reverse the any leased amount by [LeaseCancelTransaction]
    struct LeaseTransaction: Decodable {
        public let type: Int
        public let id: String
        public let sender: String
        public let senderPublicKey: String
        public let fee: Int64
        public let timestamp: Date
        public let version: Int
        public let height: Int64?
        public let signature: String?
        public let proofs: [String]?
          Amount to lease of Waves in satoshi
        public let amount: Int64
          Address or alias of Waves blockchain to lease
        public let recipient: String

MassTransferTransaction – sends a lot of transactions of asset for recipients set

public extension NodeService.DTO {

      The Mass-Transfer transaction sends a lot of transactions of asset for recipients set

      Transfer transaction is used to combine several ordinary transfer transactions
      that share single sender and asset ID (it has a list of recipients,
      and an amount to be transferred to each recipient).
      The maximum number of recipients in a single transaction is 100.

      The transfers to self are allowed, as well as zero valued transfers.
      In the recipients list, a recipient can occur several times, this is not considered an error.

      Fee depends of mass transactions count
      0.001 + 0.0005 × N, N is the number of transfers inside of a transaction
    struct MassTransferTransaction: Decodable {

          * The item of the Mass-transfer transaction
        public struct Transfer: Decodable {
              Address or alias of Waves blockchain
            public let recipient: String

              Amount of asset in satoshi
            public let amount: Int64

        public let type: Int
        public let id: String
        public let sender: String
        public let senderPublicKey: String
        public let fee: Int64
        public let timestamp: Date
        public let version: Int
        public let height: Int64?
        public let proofs: [String]?

          Id of transferable asset in Waves blockchain, different for main and test net
        public let assetId: String?

          Additional info in Base58 converted string
          [0,140] bytes of string encoded in Base58
        public let attachment: String

          Not necessary
        public let transferCount: Int

          Not necessary
        public let totalAmount: Int64

          Collection of recipients with amount each
        public let transfers: [Transfer]

ReissueTransaction – used to give the ability to reissue more tokens of an asset

public extension NodeService.DTO {

      The Reissue transaction is used to give the ability to reissue more tokens of an asset
      by specifying the amount and the asset id. Only quantity and reissuable can be new values
    struct ReissueTransaction: Decodable {
        public let type: Int
        public let id: String
        public let sender: String
        public let senderPublicKey: String
        public let fee: Int64
        public let timestamp: Date
        public let version: Int
        public let height: Int64?
        public let signature: String?
        public let proofs: [String]?
        public let chainId: Int?
          Id of asset that should be changed
        public let assetId: String
          Quantity defines the total tokens supply that your asset will contain
        public let quantity: Int64
          Reissuability allows for additional tokens creation that will be added
          to the total token supply of asset.
          A non-reissuable asset will be permanently limited to the total token supply
          defined during the transaction.
        public let reissuable: Bool

SetAssetScriptTransaction – set script to account

public extension NodeService.DTO {

      Set asset script transaction (set script to asset)

      You can only update script of asset, that was issued before by [IssueTransaction]

      An asset script is a script that is attached to an asset with a set asset script transaction.
      An asset with the attached script is called a smart asset.
      You can attach a script to an asset only during the creation of the asset.
      Script can be developed with [Waves Ride IDE]({

      Smart assets are unique virtual currency tokens that may represent a tangible real-world asset,
      or a non-tangible ownership that can be purchased, sold, or exchanged as defined
      by the rules of a script on the Waves blockchain network.

      Only the issuer of that asset can change the asset's script.
    struct AssetScriptTransaction: Decodable {

        public let type: Int
        public let id: String
        public let sender: String
        public let senderPublicKey: String
        public let fee: Int64
        public let timestamp: Date
        public let height: Int64?
        public let signature: String?
        public let proofs: [String]?
        public let chainId: Int?
        public let version: Int
          Selected for script asset Id
        public let assetId: String
          Base64 binary string with Waves Ride script
          You can use "base64:compiledScriptStringInBase64" and just "compiledScriptStringInBase64".
          Can't be empty string
        public let script: String?

SetScriptTransaction – set script to account

public extension NodeService.DTO {

      Script transactions (set script to account) allow you to extend the available functionality
      of the standard Waves application. One of the uses of script transaction
      is creating a multi-signature wallet. Script can be developed
      with [Waves Ride IDE]({

      An account with the attached script is called a smart account.

      You can also cancel the active script transaction. You must send transaction with null script.

      Before you start, please keep in mind.
      We do not recommend you submit script transactions unless you are an experienced user.

      !!! Errors can lead to permanent loss of access to your account.

      Set script transaction is used to setup an smart account,
      The account needs to issue Set script transaction which contains the predicate.
      Upon success, every outgoing transaction will be validated not by the default mechanism
      of signature validation, but according to the predicate logic.

      Account script can be changed or cleared if the script installed allows
      the new set script transaction to process. The set script transaction can be changed
      by another set script transaction call unless it’s prohibited by a previous set script.
    struct ScriptTransaction: Decodable {

        public let type: Int
        public let id: String
        public let sender: String
        public let senderPublicKey: String
        public let fee: Int64
        public let timestamp: Date
        public let height: Int64?
        public let signature: String?
        public let proofs: [String]?
        public let chainId: Int?
        public let version: Int
          Base64 binary string with Waves Ride script
          Null for cancel script. Watch out about commissions on set and cancel script
          You can use "base64:compiledScriptStringInBase64" and just "compiledScriptStringInBase64".
          Can't be empty string
        public let script: String?

SponsorshipTransaction – moves Waves-fees for selected asset for all transfer transactions to your account

public extension NodeService.DTO {

      Sponsorship transaction (or is Autonomous Assets)
      moves Waves-fees for selected asset for all transfer transactions
      to your account.

      Sponsorship transaction is used to set a transaction fee nominated in an asset.
      However, node owners need to explicitly allow transaction fees in the asset
      by manually editing node configuration file.
      Otherwise, node won't be able to mine a block with these transactions.

      The sponsorship could be set for an asset. In this case miner will receive fee in waves
      for the processing of transactions, the fee of which is nominated in sponsored asset.

      After this transaction is confirmed, it becomes possible to use this asset
      as a fee (automatically for all miners). When transaction with fee in sponsored fee
      asset appears any miner just puts it to forged block.
      Instead of just transferring fee asset to miner's balance blockchain does a bit different thing:
      It automatically moves fee asset to sponsor's (issuer's) account
      and transfers standard transaction cost in WAVES from sponsor's to miner's accounts.
      In fact two miners will receive these WAVES because of NG 40/60 fee distributions.

      I issue my own asset - Super Coin. I want others to use super coin as a fee.
      I create SponsorshipTransaction(asset="Super Coin's id", sponsored=true, transactionFee=0.1).
      Then I put 100 waves to my account. Now anyone can create Transfer transaction
      with 0.1 super coin as a fee. Someone creates transaction with fee = 0.1 super coin,
      as a result I get 0.1 super coin on my account, and miners get 0.001 waves from my account.
      Since I have 100 waves, users can do 100000 transaction until
      the deposit will be fully transferred to miners,
      at this moment I will have 10000 super coins from fees.
      When deposit is gone no new transactions with super coin fees can be made.

      Only the issuer of an asset can set up sponsorship.
      The sponsorship is set by giving the rate at which fee in an asset is converted to Waves.

      For cancel send with minSponsoredAssetFee == 0
    struct SponsorshipTransaction: Decodable {

        public let type: Int
        public let id: String
        public let sender: String
        public let senderPublicKey: String
        public let fee: Int64
        public let timestamp: Date
        public let height: Int64?
        public let signature: String?
        public let proofs: [String]?
        public let version: Int
          Selected your asset Id for sponsorship
        public let assetId: String
          Min sponsored asset fee. If "0" Sponsorship will be cancelled
        public let minSponsoredAssetFee: Int64?

ExchangeTransaction – Will available later! Matches a sell and buy orders

Matcher Requests

Find full methods list of the Matcher available in Matcher-Service

  • CreateOrderRequest – create a order to DEX-matcher, decentralized exchange of Waves
      Create Order Request to DEX-matcher, decentralized exchange of Waves.
      It collects orders from users who created CreateOrderRequest,
      matches and sends it to blockchain it by Exchange transactions.
    struct CreateOrder {
        public enum OrderType: String {
            case sell
            case buy
        public struct AssetPair {
            public let amountAssetId: String
            public let priceAssetId: String
            internal var paramenters: [String : String] {
                return [Constants.amountAsset : amountAssetId.normalizeWavesAssetId,
                        Constants.priceAsset : priceAssetId.normalizeWavesAssetId]
            public init(amountAssetId: String,
                        priceAssetId: String) {
                self.amountAssetId = amountAssetId
                self.priceAssetId = priceAssetId

          Matcher Public Key, available in MatcherService.matcherPublicKey() for DEX
        public let matcherPublicKey: String

          Account public key of the sender in Base58
        public let senderPublicKey: String

          Exchangeable pair. We sell or buy always amount asset and we always give price asset
        public let assetPair: AssetPair

          Amount of asset in satoshi
        public let amount: Int64

          Price for amount
        public let price: Int64

          Order type "buy" or "sell"
        public let orderType: OrderType

          Amount matcher fee of Waves in satoshi
        public let matcherFee: Int64

          Unix time of sending of transaction to blockchain, must be in current time +/- half of hour
        public let timestamp: Int64
          Unix time of expiration of transaction to blockchain
        public let expirationTimestamp: Int64
          If the array is empty, then S= 3. If the array is not empty,
          then S = 3 + 2 × N + (P1 + P2 + ... + Pn), where N is the number of proofs in the array,
          Pn is the size on N-th proof in bytes.
          The maximum number of proofs in the array is 8. The maximum size of each proof is 64 bytes
        public let proofs: [String]
  • CancelOrderRequest – cancel the order in DEX-matcher
      Cancel Order Request in DEX-matcher, decentralized exchange of Waves.

      It collects orders from users who created CreateOrderRequest,
      matches and sends it to blockchain it by Exchange transactions.
    struct CancelOrder {
          Order Id of order to cancel
        public let orderId: String

          Order signature by account private key
        public let signature: String

          Account public key of the sender in Base58
        public let senderPublicKey: String

        public let amountAsset: String
        public let priceAsset: String