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The program query the IPStack API to get geolocation data of the provided IP. After downloading it print selected (at the moment latitude and longitude) information onto standard output.


  • IPStack API key
  • request python library

IPStack API key

The key can be obtained from the website. The free plan allows to have 100 queries per month. Please note, that the registration, even for free plan, requires credit card details.

Python libraries

This is a Python program which required the requests library. Dependencies are defined in the requirements.txt file and can be installed into a Python virtual environment.

python -m venv ipstack
cd ipstack
source bin/active
git clone
cd ipstack-test
pip install -r requirements.txt

Alternatively, use provided Dockerfile to create an image and run the program in a container.


Along the python program the Dockerfile makes it possible to create a docker container. Docker address the dependencies issue, but still requires the IPStack API key. It should be mounted as a volume.

Below, an example of the command to run the docker container.

docker run -v ./.ipstack_key:/app/.ipstack_key <IMAGENAME> <IPADDRESS>

Please not that if the IPADDRESS is not provide the container fails back to the default IP of This is not a valid IP, and the IPStack won't be queried (to save API tokens).

Shell script to run the docker

To make the docker usage easier the script is provided. It runs the image, and, if required, builds it first. The script take the IP address as an input and mounts the .ipstack_key file. The invocation is:


Technical comments

The image uses simple Python image based on the Alpine Linux. To avoid running the program (and pip) as the root user, extra appuser is created.

Python program details


The script required exactly one parameter to run. It has to be a public IP address.


The output of the program consist of two float numbers. They represent the:

  • latitude
  • longitude

of the given IP. Numbers in both columns have 6 decimal points. Columns are 12 characters wide with string aligned to right and separated by 2 spaces.


In case of a problem program will exit with a error defined in the EXIT dictionary. The dictionary can be found in the script itself. The errors are triggered by invalid input or API key.

Getting response from the servers

The program get the whole response from the server and process it (remove everything else the latitude and longitude) locally. The alternative would be to use the parameters from the API and modified the request url. E.g.
    ? access_key = 27563c51eb5ad7de6af22a24de51947e
    & fields = latitude,longitude


A test case using IPStack API







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