Releases: wbbly/time
Releases · wbbly/time
1. Redesigned "Invoices" page:
- the design has been changed
- added sorting by status
- added "reviewed" status - if someone other than the owner followed the invoice link
- revised pdf to be more consistent with the invoice
- the list of files that can be uploaded to the invoice logo is limited, now only jpeg and png are available
- added the ability to pay for invoices
- now pdf after the first download will be stored in the file system and deleted from there after editing, this is necessary for faster download
- added a modal window to confirm editing invoices with the "awaiting" and "reviewed" statuses
- when you click on the link of an invoice that has been deleted, the "This invoice was deleted" placeholder is displayed
2. Redesigned "Projects" page:
- added the ability to archive / unzip projects
- archived projects are not available for tracking
- added the ability to add users to the project
- all admins and owners are tied to default projects
- if the user is not added to the project, then the project is not available to him for tracking
3. Added the ability to archive / unzip clients:
- the archived client will not be available to sync with project
- when archiving a client, all his projects are archived too
- if you unzip at least one project of an archived client, the client will also be unzipped
4. Added the ability to combine tasks by number on the detailed report page, by analogy with a generalized csv file
5. Added the logic of transferring time between days:
- Case: If I synchronize a task from Jira, which was executed in the time interval between the transition from one day to another (for example, 22: 00-02: 00), then the task will be divided by the server into two records: 22: 00-00: 00 and 00: 00-02: 00
- Case: If I synchronize a task from Jira via reverse sync, then the Jira Time Zone is converted to Wobbly Time Zone during synchronization
- Case: If I sync a task from Wobbly to Jira via direct sync, then Wobbly Time Zone is converted to Jira Time Zone when syncing
1. Added the new field for invoices - Reference:
- The field is used for any notes to the invoice;
- User can't input more than 400 characters in the field;
- The field supports line wrapping;
- If the text reaches the border of the field, then a scroll appears, and the text itself is wrapped to the next line.
2. Added the new export variant - summary report:
- all tasks that have the same number (template Jira-1) are summarized over time;
- "User name" field, "Start date" field, "End date" field and comment to task absent in the summary report;
- tasks estimate is not taken into account by comparing tasks numbers for summary report.
3. Added the new team role - invoices manager:
- this role can only be assigned by the owner of the team to team members or admins;
- all invoices of the current team are available to the invoices manager;
- the invoice manager can do all the invoice actions like the team owner;
- the only limitation for the invoices manager is the inability to create new clients, using the modal window of the "To" field, since the creation of clients is available only to the team owner or admin.
- invoice detailed dublicate
- invoice list limit
- long team name
- payments
- clients
- crm
- invoices
- project
- timer
- technology
UPDATE | bug fixes
FIX | Discount delete button position and spinner style
FIX | no zero page
UPDATE | Invoices minor improvements
ADD | search bar , filters on team-page + small fixes
FIX | reports page. fixed bug for selecting a range in the calendar
UPDATES | Small fixes and improvements