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Ethereum Balance Checker

A smart contract and library pair that allows you to check for multiple ERC20 and Ether balances across multiple addresses in a single RPC call.


You can find a demo over here:

The source for that demo is available here:

NPM Package

npm install --save eth-balance-checker
# OR
yarn add eth-balance-checker


The main contract is in contracts/BalanceChecker.sol. Its associated ABI is in abis/BalanceChecker.abi.json. Both of these are included in the NPM package if you want to compile them yourself, or extend them with another contract.

Deployed Addresses

  • mainnet: 0xb1f8e55c7f64d203c1400b9d8555d050f94adf39
  • ropsten: 0x8D9708f3F514206486D7E988533f770a16d074a7
  • rinkeby: 0x3183B673f4816C94BeF53958BaF93C671B7F8Cf2
  • kovan: 0x55ABBa8d669D60A10c104CC493ec5ef389EC92bb
  • goerli: 0x9788C4E93f9002a7ad8e72633b11E8d1ecd51f9b
  • binance smart chain mainnet: 0x2352c63A83f9Fd126af8676146721Fa00924d7e4
  • binance smart chain testnet: 0x2352c63A83f9Fd126af8676146721Fa00924d7e4
  • polygon: 0x2352c63A83f9Fd126af8676146721Fa00924d7e4
  • mumbai: 0x2352c63A83f9Fd126af8676146721Fa00924d7e4
  • Optimism: 0xB1c568e9C3E6bdaf755A60c7418C269eb11524FC
  • Optimism Kovan: 0xB1c568e9C3E6bdaf755A60c7418C269eb11524FC
  • arbitrum: 0x151E24A486D7258dd7C33Fb67E4bB01919B7B32c
  • avalanche: 0xD023D153a0DFa485130ECFdE2FAA7e612EF94818 and 0xE0baF851F839874141bB73327f9C606147a52358
  • fantom: 0x07f697424ABe762bB808c109860c04eA488ff92B and 0xfC701A6b65e1BcF59fb3BDbbe5cb41f35FC7E009
  • ether-classic: 0xfC701A6b65e1BcF59fb3BDbbe5cb41f35FC7E009
  • Tron: TN8RtFXeQZyFHGmH1iiSRm5r4CRz1yWkCf --> Yes, it also works in Tron! Use hex addresses format to interact with it (41...).


There are separate libraries for web3.js and ethers.js, both with identical APIs. Just import the functions from either eth-balance-checker/lib/web3 or eth-balance-checker/lib/ethers. For all functions, pass "0x0" as the "token" address to get the ether balance of an address.

All functions also take in an optional 4th options parameter, those options are as follows:

interface Options {
  // Choose a custom contract address. Must be provided to run the
  // code on non-mainnet network.
  contractAddress?: string;


  • provider: Web3 | Ethers.Provider - The provider to use for the contract call.
  • address: string - The address to lookup balances for
  • tokens: string[] - Array of token contract addresses. Only supports ERC20 tokens.
  • options?: Options - Options for the contract, see above for options.
  // Ether balance
  "0x0": "100",
  // Token balances
  "0x123...": "500",
  "0x456...": "100000",
import Web3 from 'web3';
import { getAddressBalances } from 'eth-balance-checker/lib/web3';

const web3 = new Web3(...);
const address = '0x123...';
const tokens = ['0x0', '0x456...'];
getAddressBalances(web3, address, tokens).then(balances => {
  console.log(balances); // { "0x0": "100", "0x456...": "200" }


  • provider: Web3 | Ethers.Provider - The provider to use for the contract call.
  • addresses: string[] - Array of addresses to lookup balances for.
  • tokens: string[] - Array of token contract addresses. Only supports ERC20 tokens.
  • options?: Options - Options for the contract, see above for options.
  // Address as the key
  "0x123...": {
    // Ether balance
    "0x0": "100",
    // Token balances
    "0x456...": "500",
    "0x789...": "10000",
import * as Ethers from 'ethers';
import { getAddressesBalances } from 'eth-balance-checker/lib/ethers';

const ethers = Ethers.getDefaultProvider();
const addresses = ['0x123...', '0x456...'];
const tokens = ['0x0', '0x789...'];
getAddressesBalances(ethers, addresses, tokens).then(balances => {
  console.log(balances); // { "0x123...": { "0x0": "100", ... }, ... }



Requires node 8+. Just install packages, then use commands as needed:

npm install
# OR


  • build:contract - Runs truffle compile on the contract, and extracts ABI.
  • build:lib - Runs tsc and outputs js and typedefs to lib/
  • build - Runs build:contract then build:lib
  • test:contract - Runs truffle test
  • test:lib - No tests implemented yet
  • test - Runs tst:contract and test:lib
