Notify is a (very stupid) ruby script that will periodically visit a web page and notify you based on changing web content which you specify.
For example - you would like to know when a certain product page no longer displays the text "Not in stock". IE you want a Logitech camera and don't want to spend all your free time refreshing the product page.
"url": "",
"criteria": {
"js_selector": "#section-product-hero > div.container.product-hero-container-top.js-productContainerTop > div.product-details-ctn.js-productDetailsCtn > div > > div > p.product-hero-availability-message",
"match": {
"condition": "ne",
"text": "Nicht auf Lager"
"interval": 60
(only macOS currently)
- Install chromedriver
- Fetch dependencies:
bundle install
ruby ./main.rb watch config.json
"url": "",
"criteria": {
"js_selector": "#section-product-hero > div.container.product-hero-container-top.js-productContainerTop > div.product-details-ctn.js-productDetailsCtn > div > > div > p.product-hero-availability-message",
"match": {
"condition": "ne",
"text": "Nicht auf Lager"
"interval": 60,
"notification": {
"name": "Logitech webcam stock check",
"from": "watcher@noti.fy",
"to": "",
"redirect": "",
"server": {
"address": "",
"port": 587,
"domain": "",
"username": "watcher@noti.fy",
"password": "$up@S3cu]Ur3"
Command helper:
ruby ./main.rb help