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364 lines (255 loc) · 14.7 KB


Load the API package

import 'package:openproject_dart_sdk/api.dart';

All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Method HTTP request Description
apiV3ProjectsAvailableParentProjectsGet GET /api/v3/projects/available_parent_projects list available parent project candidates
apiV3ProjectsGet GET /api/v3/projects List projects
apiV3ProjectsIdDelete DELETE /api/v3/projects/{id} delete project
apiV3ProjectsIdGet GET /api/v3/projects/{id} View project
apiV3ProjectsIdPatch PATCH /api/v3/projects/{id} update project
apiV3ProjectsPost POST /api/v3/projects create project
apiV3VersionsIdProjectsGet GET /api/v3/versions/{id}/projects List projects with version


Projects apiV3ProjectsAvailableParentProjectsGet(filters, of_, sortBy)

list available parent project candidates

Lists projects which can become parent to another project. Only sound candidates are returned. For instance a project cannot become parent of itself or it’s children.


import 'package:openproject_dart_sdk/api.dart';
// TODO Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';
// TODO Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<OAuth>('oAuth').accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

final api_instance = ProjectsApi();
final filters = filters_example; // String | JSON specifying filter conditions.
final of_ = of__example; // String | The id or identifier of the project the parent candidate is determined for
final sortBy = sortBy_example; // String | JSON specifying sort criteria. Accepts the same format as returned by the queries endpoint and allows all the filters and sortBy supported by the project list end point.

try {
    final result = api_instance.apiV3ProjectsAvailableParentProjectsGet(filters, of_, sortBy);
} catch (e) {
    print('Exception when calling ProjectsApi->apiV3ProjectsAvailableParentProjectsGet: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
filters String JSON specifying filter conditions. [optional]
of_ String The id or identifier of the project the parent candidate is determined for [optional]
sortBy String JSON specifying sort criteria. Accepts the same format as returned by the queries endpoint and allows all the filters and sortBy supported by the project list end point. [optional]

Return type



basicAuth, oAuth

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, application/hal+json

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Projects apiV3ProjectsGet(filters, sortBy)

List projects

Returns a collection of projects. The collection can be filtered via query parameters similar to how work packages are filtered. In addition to the provided filter, the result set is always limited to only contain projects the client is allowed to see.


import 'package:openproject_dart_sdk/api.dart';
// TODO Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';
// TODO Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<OAuth>('oAuth').accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

final api_instance = ProjectsApi();
final filters = filters_example; // String | JSON specifying filter conditions. Accepts the same format as returned by the [queries](#queries) endpoint. Currently supported filters are:  + ancestor: filters projects by their ancestor. A project is not considered to be it's own ancestor.
final sortBy = sortBy_example; // String | JSON specifying sort criteria. Currently supported orders are: + id + name + created_on + public + latest_activity_at + required_disk_space: There might also be additional orders based on the custom fields that have been configured.

try {
    final result = api_instance.apiV3ProjectsGet(filters, sortBy);
} catch (e) {
    print('Exception when calling ProjectsApi->apiV3ProjectsGet: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
filters String JSON specifying filter conditions. Accepts the same format as returned by the queries endpoint. Currently supported filters are: + ancestor: filters projects by their ancestor. A project is not considered to be it's own ancestor. [optional]
sortBy String JSON specifying sort criteria. Currently supported orders are: + id + name + created_on + public + latest_activity_at + required_disk_space: There might also be additional orders based on the custom fields that have been configured. [optional]

Return type



basicAuth, oAuth

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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delete project

Deletes the project permanently. As this is a lengthy process, the actual deletion is carried out asynchronously. So the project might exist well after the request has returned successfully. To prevent unwanted changes to the project scheduled for deletion, it is archived at once.


import 'package:openproject_dart_sdk/api.dart';
// TODO Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';
// TODO Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<OAuth>('oAuth').accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

final api_instance = ProjectsApi();
final id = 56; // int | Project id

try {
} catch (e) {
    print('Exception when calling ProjectsApi->apiV3ProjectsIdDelete: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
id int Project id

Return type

void (empty response body)


basicAuth, oAuth

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/hal+json

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Project apiV3ProjectsIdGet(id)

View project


import 'package:openproject_dart_sdk/api.dart';
// TODO Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';
// TODO Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<OAuth>('oAuth').accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

final api_instance = ProjectsApi();
final id = 56; // int | Project id

try {
    final result = api_instance.apiV3ProjectsIdGet(id);
} catch (e) {
    print('Exception when calling ProjectsApi->apiV3ProjectsIdGet: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
id int Project id

Return type



basicAuth, oAuth

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/hal+json

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Project apiV3ProjectsIdPatch(id, project)

update project

Updates the given project by applying the attributes provided in the body.


import 'package:openproject_dart_sdk/api.dart';
// TODO Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';
// TODO Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<OAuth>('oAuth').accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

final api_instance = ProjectsApi();
final id = 56; // int | Project id
final project = Project(); // Project | Project changes

try {
    final result = api_instance.apiV3ProjectsIdPatch(id, project);
} catch (e) {
    print('Exception when calling ProjectsApi->apiV3ProjectsIdPatch: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
id int Project id
project Project Project changes

Return type



basicAuth, oAuth

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json, application/hal+json

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Project apiV3ProjectsPost(project, filters, sortBy)

create project

Creates a new project, applying the attributes provided in the body. You can use the form and schema to be retrieve the valid attribute values and by that be guided towards successful creation.


import 'package:openproject_dart_sdk/api.dart';
// TODO Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';
// TODO Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<OAuth>('oAuth').accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

final api_instance = ProjectsApi();
final project = Project(); // Project | New project attributes
final filters = filters_example; // String | JSON specifying filter conditions. Accepts the same format as returned by the [queries](#queries) endpoint. Currently supported filters are:  + ancestor: filters projects by their ancestor. A project is not considered to be it's own ancestor.
final sortBy = sortBy_example; // String | JSON specifying sort criteria. Currently supported orders are: + id + name + created_on + public + latest_activity_at + required_disk_space: There might also be additional orders based on the custom fields that have been configured.

try {
    final result = api_instance.apiV3ProjectsPost(project, filters, sortBy);
} catch (e) {
    print('Exception when calling ProjectsApi->apiV3ProjectsPost: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
project Project New project attributes
filters String JSON specifying filter conditions. Accepts the same format as returned by the queries endpoint. Currently supported filters are: + ancestor: filters projects by their ancestor. A project is not considered to be it's own ancestor. [optional]
sortBy String JSON specifying sort criteria. Currently supported orders are: + id + name + created_on + public + latest_activity_at + required_disk_space: There might also be additional orders based on the custom fields that have been configured. [optional]

Return type



basicAuth, oAuth

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json, application/hal+json

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List projects with version

This endpoint lists the projects where the given version is available. The projects returned depend on the sharing settings of the given version, but are also limited to the projects that the current user is allowed to see.


import 'package:openproject_dart_sdk/api.dart';
// TODO Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';
// TODO Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<OAuth>('oAuth').accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

final api_instance = ProjectsApi();
final id = 56; // int | Version id

try {
} catch (e) {
    print('Exception when calling ProjectsApi->apiV3VersionsIdProjectsGet: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
id int Version id

Return type

void (empty response body)


basicAuth, oAuth

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/hal+json

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