Remake of Milton Brother's classic 1978 game Notes Game not functioning properly. Only level 1 works. Color is flashing instead of displaying once for comp logic.
Project Title Simon
Motivation I played Simon at my grandparents house growing up. It is way better than "Bop-it", but not better than "Bop-it Extreme".
Build status Game progresses as far as you can go!
Code Style AirBnb JS
Tech/framework JavaScript
Features User selected colors display and play sound correctly. Works as a functioning piano soundboard with the colors corresponding with the notes as listed below: red - a note yellow - c note blue - f note green - e note
Code Example Random integer is generated between 0 and 3, which is used as the index for an array of the 4 colors. The color is then pushed to compArray and displayed to the user. User then repeats pattern shown.
Compare function with set timeout of 5 seconds. Compare function is then called to compare userArray & compArray. If arrays match, score is increased, game loop repeats (print color to array, get user input, compare arrays) until score reaches 15 or userArray !== compArray.
API Reference