NAS-Bench-Compre is a benchmark for neural architecture search (NAS), which aims to provide a fair and comprehensive evaluation of search spaces, search strategies, estimation strategies. The NAS algorithms he currently supports include: DARTS, GMAENAS, NAG, OFA, AutoFormer, ViTSoup, TrainingFreeNAS.
This repostory contains six main files and directories:
- configs: The directory of the yaml configuration files that are used to configure the NAS algorithm to be run.
- lib: The directory of library files that define supernets, subnets, neural architecture generators, neural architecture performance predictors, training-free proxies, dataloaders, logging, etc.
- search_spaces: The directory of search spaces.
- search_strategies: The directory of search strategies.
- estimation_strategies: The directory of estimation strategies.
- It defines the class API to use this benchmark.
In addition, there are also some other directories that store model files, datasets, and output logs:
- datasets: The directory of datasets.
- model-ckpts: The directory of model checkpoint. Download the necessary files of model checkpoints in Baidu Netdisk (link:
- output: The directory of output log files.
- More comprehensive: It can achieve the evaluation of search spaces, search strategies, estimation strategies.
- Simpler: It can decouple the three components of neural architecture search. We only need to focus on the implementation of the parts to be evaluated.
- Fairer: Decoupled components can ensure fairness.
To use NAS-Bench-Compre, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install the necessary dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Add your search spaces, search strategies, or estimation strategies:
- Create a your file for your search space, search strategy, or estimation strategy in corresponding directory
- For your search space,
@_register class YourSearchSpace(Base): def __init__(self, config): super(YourSearchSpace, self).__init__(config) # add your initialization def is_valid(self, arch): # add code to determine whether the architecture is valid, generally used for controlling model parameters, FLOPs, and latency. return True def encode(self, decoded_arch): arch = None # add code to encode architectures return arch def decode(self, arch): decoded_arch = None # add code to deconde architectures return decoded_arch def sample(self): arch = list() # sample an architecture return tuple(arch)
- For your search strategy,
@_register class YourSearchStrategy(Base): def __init__(self, config): super(YourSearchStrategy, self).__init__(config) # add your initialization def __call__(self): history = None # search history best = None # best architecture cost = None # time cost # define your search strategy return best, history, cost
- For your estimation strategy,
@_register class YourEstimationStrategy(Base): def __init__(self, config): super(YourEstimationStrategy, self).__init__(config) # add your initialization def __call__(self): val_res = None # validate result test_res = None # test result # define your estimation strategy return val_res, test_res
- Modify the configuration file, and modify the path of your configuration file in or your code
- Run the script:
or your code
Useing example:
config = get_config(cfg_file=os.path.join('configs', <Filepath to Your Config>))
if config.OUTPUT:
Path(config.OUTPUT).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
prepare_logger(config=config)'Available search spaces:')'Available search strategies:')'Available estimation strategies:')
api = API(config=config)'='*5 + 'Search Start' + '='*5)
best, history, time_cost ='*Best:')'History:')'Time cost:')
'best': best,
'history': history,
'time_cost': time_cost
os.path.join(config.OUTPUT, '')
)'='*5 + 'Search End' + '='*5)
We welcome contributions from the community! If you find any issues or have any suggestions, please submit a pull request or issue report on GitHub.