Return a promise that waits until a selector matches an element. It will resolve when the element exists in the DOM or reject if the timeout is reached.
var promise = $('.future-class').waitForIt()
function($element) {
console.log('resolved: ', $element)
function($element) {
console.log('rejected: ', $element)
// testing it out
.waitForIt({timeout: 1000, interval: 10})
.then(x => console.log('resolved: ', x), x => console.log('rejected: ', x))
setTimeout(function() {
$('body').append($('<div />').addClass('invalid-class'))
}, 1000)
- interval: How often to run the resolveCheck (in milliseconds). The default is every 100 milliseconds.
- timeout: Reject the promise after checking for this long (in milliseconds) default is 1 minute (60,000 milliseconds). To run until resolved set the timeout to -1.
- minLength: The default check resolves when this many elements match the selector
- selector: This selector is used to match against each interval. The default uses the deprecated .selector from the jQuery object.
- resolveCheck: this function is run each interval, if it returns a truthy value the promise is resolved.
- rejectCheck: this function is run each interval, if it returns a truthy value the promise is rejected.
The resolveCheck and rejectCheck functions have the same arguments
- the jQuery object
- the options default Options extended with those provided
- the ammount of time the check has run for so far (in milliseconds)
var defaultOptions = {
interval: 100,
timeout: 6e4,
selector: $(this).selector,
minLength: 1,
resolveCheck: function($ele, settings, runTime) {
return $ele.length >= settings.minLength
rejectCheck: function($ele, settings, runTime) {
return $ele.length < settings.minLength && settings.timeout <= runTime