This package fits a very specific use case. It's purpose is to keep help keep track of new tokens everytime a request is made. It works by capturing the dispatch and updating the axios config with the new headers recieved from devise. There is also a validate token option as well as a logout option.
- You are using devise token authentiation
- You are using axios
- You are using redux
npm install redux-devise-axios
import { createStore, compose, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
//This could be saga or promise or any other async middleware
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import apiMiddleware from 'redux-devise-axios';
import rootReducer from './reducers/index';
import axios from 'axios';
axios: Your axios instance *required
customHeaders: An array of headers you want to add. Defaults: ['access-token', 'token-type', 'client', 'expiry', 'uid']
validateAction: default 'VALIDATE_TOKEN'
logoutAction: default 'LOGOUT'
const options = { axios }
//redux-devise-axios middleware must come after your async middleware
const enhancers = compose(
applyMiddleware(thunk, apiMiddleware(options)),
window.devToolsExtension ? window.devToolsExtension() : f => f
const store = createStore(rootReducer, {}, enhancers);
- axios: This is your instance of axios and is required
- customHeaders: Array of additional Headers you want to use
- default: ['access-token', 'token-type', 'client', 'expiry', 'uid'] This is what devise sends by default
- validateAction: This is the action you dispatch in an HOC (Usually because the user refreshed the browser)
- default: 'VALIDATE_TOKEN'
- logoutAction: This is the action you dispatch to logout your user.
- default: 'LOGOUT'
NOTE: You are resposible for the implementation of LOGOUT and VALIDATE token. These actions simply add to and clear localStorage.
import axios from 'axios';
import { setFlash } from '../actions/flash';
export const registerUser = (email, password, passwordConfirmation, history) => {
return(dispatch) => {'/api/auth', { email, password, password_confirmation: passwordConfirmation })
.then( res => {
let { data: { data: user }, headers } = res;
dispatch({ type: 'LOGIN', user, headers });
.catch( res => {
const message =',');
dispatch(setFlash(message, 'error'));
export const handleLogout = (history) => {
return(dispatch) => {
.then( res => {
dispatch({ type: 'LOGOUT' });
dispatch(setFlash('Logged out successfully!', 'success'));
.catch( res => {
// TODO: handle errors for the client
export const handleLogin = (email, password, history) => {
return(dispatch) => {'/api/auth/sign_in', { email, password })
.then( res => {
let { data: { data: user }, headers } = res
dispatch({ type: 'LOGIN', user, headers });
.catch( res => {
// TODO: handle errors for the client
export const validateToken = (cb = f => f) => {
return (dispatch) => {
dispatch({ type: 'VALIDATE_TOKEN' })
let headers = axios.defaults.headers.common
axios.get('/api/auth/validate_token', headers)
.then( res => dispatch({ type: 'LOGIN', user: }) )
.catch(() => cb())
Notice that we are sending the headers when we dispatch. This is key to how this package works. Anytime any action is dispatched with a key of headers axios headers will be updated.
This will work for React State as well as long as you dispatch some action with the res.headers from axios.
componentDidMount() {
.then( res => {
this.setState({ bio: });
.catch( res => {
console.log(`Bio GET Fail: ${res}`);
$ clone project
$ cd demo
$ bundle
$ bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate
$ rails s -p 3001
$ cd client (new tab / pane)
$ yarn or npm install
$ yarn start or npm start