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Merge pull request #2179 from weaveworks/revert-2128-graph-layout-opt…
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Revert "Graph layout optimizations"
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fbarl authored Feb 2, 2017
2 parents 95c688d + 8eaa12e commit 834eb61
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Showing 33 changed files with 867 additions and 792 deletions.
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions client/app/scripts/charts/__tests__/node-layout-test.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -167,6 +167,54 @@ describe('NodesLayout', () => {

it('shifts layouts to center', () => {
let xMin;
let xMax;
let yMin;
let yMax;
let xCenter;
let yCenter;

// make sure initial layout is centered
const original = NodesLayout.doLayout(
xMin = original.nodes.minBy(n => n.get('x'));
xMax = original.nodes.maxBy(n => n.get('x'));
yMin = original.nodes.minBy(n => n.get('y'));
yMax = original.nodes.maxBy(n => n.get('y'));
xCenter = (xMin.get('x') + xMax.get('x')) / 2;
yCenter = (yMin.get('y') + yMax.get('y')) / 2;
expect(xCenter).toEqual(NodesLayout.DEFAULT_WIDTH / 2);
expect(yCenter).toEqual(NodesLayout.DEFAULT_HEIGHT / 2);

// make sure re-running is idempotent
const rerun = NodesLayout.shiftLayoutToCenter(original);
xMin = rerun.nodes.minBy(n => n.get('x'));
xMax = rerun.nodes.maxBy(n => n.get('x'));
yMin = rerun.nodes.minBy(n => n.get('y'));
yMax = rerun.nodes.maxBy(n => n.get('y'));
xCenter = (xMin.get('x') + xMax.get('x')) / 2;
yCenter = (yMin.get('y') + yMax.get('y')) / 2;
expect(xCenter).toEqual(NodesLayout.DEFAULT_WIDTH / 2);
expect(yCenter).toEqual(NodesLayout.DEFAULT_HEIGHT / 2);

// shift after window was resized
const shifted = NodesLayout.shiftLayoutToCenter(original, {
width: 128,
height: 256
xMin = shifted.nodes.minBy(n => n.get('x'));
xMax = shifted.nodes.maxBy(n => n.get('x'));
yMin = shifted.nodes.minBy(n => n.get('y'));
yMax = shifted.nodes.maxBy(n => n.get('y'));
xCenter = (xMin.get('x') + xMax.get('x')) / 2;
yCenter = (yMin.get('y') + yMax.get('y')) / 2;
expect(xCenter).toEqual(128 / 2);
expect(yCenter).toEqual(256 / 2);

it('lays out initial nodeset in a rectangle', () => {
const result = NodesLayout.doLayout(
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90 changes: 47 additions & 43 deletions client/app/scripts/charts/edge-container.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,102 +5,106 @@ import { Map as makeMap } from 'immutable';
import { line, curveBasis } from 'd3-shape';
import { each, omit, times, constant } from 'lodash';

import { NODES_SPRING_ANIMATION_CONFIG } from '../constants/animation';
import { uniformSelect } from '../utils/array-utils';
import { round } from '../utils/math-utils';
import Edge from './edge';

// Spring stiffness & damping respectively
const ANIMATION_CONFIG = [80, 20];
// Tweak this value for the number of control
// points along the edge curve, e.g. values:
// * 2 -> edges are simply straight lines
// * 4 -> minimal value for loops to look ok
const WAYPOINTS_CAP = 8;

const spline = line()
.x(d => d.x)
.y(d => d.y);

const transformedEdge = (props, path) => (
<Edge {...props} path={spline(path)} />

// Converts a waypoints map of the format {x0: 11, y0: 22, x1: 33, y1: 44}
// that is used by Motion to an array of waypoints in the format
// [{x: 11, y: 22}, {x: 33, y: 44}] that can be used by D3.
const waypointsMapToArray = (waypointsMap) => {
const waypointsArray = times(WAYPOINTS_COUNT, () => ({}));
each(waypointsMap, (value, key) => {
const [axis, index] = [key[0], key.slice(1)];
waypointsArray[index][axis] = value;
const buildPath = (points, layoutPrecision) => {
const extracted = [];
each(points, (value, key) => {
const axis = key[0];
const index = key.slice(1);
if (!extracted[index]) {
extracted[index] = {};
extracted[index][axis] = round(value, layoutPrecision);
return waypointsArray;
return extracted;

class EdgeContainer extends React.Component {

constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
this.state = { waypointsMap: makeMap() };
this.state = {
pointsMap: makeMap()

componentWillMount() {
if (this.props.isAnimated) {

componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
// immutablejs allows us to `===`! \o/
if (this.props.isAnimated && nextProps.waypoints !== this.props.waypoints) {
if (nextProps.points !== this.props.points) {

render() {
const { isAnimated, waypoints } = this.props;
const forwardedProps = omit(this.props, 'isAnimated', 'waypoints');
const { layoutPrecision, points } = this.props;
const other = omit(this.props, 'points');

if (!isAnimated) {
return transformedEdge(forwardedProps, waypoints.toJS());
if (layoutPrecision === 0) {
const path = spline(points.toJS());
return <Edge {...other} path={path} />;

return (
// For the Motion interpolation to work, the waypoints need to be in a map format like
// {x0: 11, y0: 22, x1: 33, y1: 44} that we convert to the array format when rendering.
<Motion style={this.state.waypointsMap.toJS()}>
{interpolated => transformedEdge(forwardedProps, waypointsMapToArray(interpolated))}
<Motion style={this.state.pointsMap.toJS()}>
{(interpolated) => {
// convert points to path string, because that lends itself to
// JS-equality checks in the child component
const path = spline(buildPath(interpolated, layoutPrecision));
return <Edge {...other} path={path} />;

prepareWaypointsForMotion(nextWaypoints) {
nextWaypoints = nextWaypoints.toJS();
preparePoints(nextPoints) {
nextPoints = nextPoints.toJS();

// Motion requires a constant number of waypoints along the path of each edge
// for the animation to work correctly, but dagre might be changing their number
// depending on the dynamic topology reconfiguration. Here we are transforming
// the waypoints array given by dagre to the fixed size of `WAYPOINTS_COUNT` that
// the waypoints array given by dagre to the fixed size of `WAYPOINTS_CAP` that
// Motion could take over.
const waypointsMissing = WAYPOINTS_COUNT - nextWaypoints.length;
if (waypointsMissing > 0) {
const pointsMissing = WAYPOINTS_CAP - nextPoints.length;
if (pointsMissing > 0) {
// Whenever there are some waypoints missing, we simply populate the beginning of the
// array with the first element, as this leaves the curve interpolation unchanged.
nextWaypoints = times(waypointsMissing, constant(nextWaypoints[0])).concat(nextWaypoints);
} else if (waypointsMissing < 0) {
nextPoints = times(pointsMissing, constant(nextPoints[0])).concat(nextPoints);
} else if (pointsMissing < 0) {
// If there are 'too many' waypoints given by dagre, we select a sub-array of
// uniformly distributed indices. Note that it is very important to keep the first
// and the last endpoints in the array as they are the ones connecting the nodes.
nextWaypoints = uniformSelect(nextWaypoints, WAYPOINTS_COUNT);
nextPoints = uniformSelect(nextPoints, WAYPOINTS_CAP);

let { waypointsMap } = this.state;
nextWaypoints.forEach((point, index) => {
waypointsMap = waypointsMap.set(`x${index}`, spring(point.x, NODES_SPRING_ANIMATION_CONFIG));
waypointsMap = waypointsMap.set(`y${index}`, spring(point.y, NODES_SPRING_ANIMATION_CONFIG));
let { pointsMap } = this.state;
nextPoints.forEach((point, index) => {
pointsMap = pointsMap.set(`x${index}`, spring(point.x, ANIMATION_CONFIG));
pointsMap = pointsMap.set(`y${index}`, spring(point.y, ANIMATION_CONFIG));

this.setState({ waypointsMap });
this.setState({ pointsMap });


export default connect()(EdgeContainer);
18 changes: 6 additions & 12 deletions client/app/scripts/charts/edge.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import classNames from 'classnames';

import { enterEdge, leaveEdge } from '../actions/app-actions';
import { isContrastMode } from '../utils/contrast-utils';
import { NODE_BASE_SIZE } from '../constants/styles';

class Edge extends React.Component {

Expand All @@ -15,19 +13,15 @@ class Edge extends React.Component {

render() {
const { id, path, highlighted, blurred, focused, scale } = this.props;
const className = classNames('edge', { highlighted, blurred, focused });
const thickness = scale * (isContrastMode() ? 0.02 : 0.01) * NODE_BASE_SIZE;
const { id, path, highlighted, blurred, focused } = this.props;
const className = classNames('edge', {highlighted, blurred, focused});

// Draws the edge so that its thickness reflects the zoom scale.
// Edge shadow is always made 10x thicker than the edge itself.
return (
id={id} className={className}
<path className="shadow" d={path} style={{ strokeWidth: 10 * thickness }} />
<path className="link" d={path} style={{ strokeWidth: thickness }} />
className={className} onMouseEnter={this.handleMouseEnter}
onMouseLeave={this.handleMouseLeave} id={id}>
<path d={path} className="shadow" />
<path d={path} className="link" />
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45 changes: 17 additions & 28 deletions client/app/scripts/charts/node-container.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,40 +3,29 @@ import { omit } from 'lodash';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { Motion, spring } from 'react-motion';

import { NODES_SPRING_ANIMATION_CONFIG } from '../constants/animation';
import { NODE_BASE_SIZE, NODE_BLUR_OPACITY } from '../constants/styles';
import { round } from '../utils/math-utils';
import Node from './node';

const transformedNode = (otherProps, { x, y, k }) => (
<Node transform={`translate(${x},${y}) scale(${k})`} {...otherProps} />

class NodeContainer extends React.Component {
render() {
const { dx, dy, isAnimated, magnified, blurred } = this.props;
const forwardedProps = omit(this.props, 'dx', 'dy', 'isAnimated', 'magnified', 'blurred');
const opacity = blurred ? NODE_BLUR_OPACITY : 1;
const scale = magnified * NODE_BASE_SIZE;
const { dx, dy, focused, layoutPrecision, zoomScale } = this.props;
const animConfig = [80, 20]; // stiffness, damping
const scaleFactor = focused ? (1 / zoomScale) : 1;
const other = omit(this.props, 'dx', 'dy');

// NOTE: Controlling blurring from here seems to re-render faster
// than adding a CSS class and controlling it from there.
return (
<g className="node-container" style={{opacity}}>
{!isAnimated ?

// Show static node for optimized rendering
transformedNode(forwardedProps, { x: dx, y: dy, k: scale }) :

// Animate the node if the layout is sufficiently small
{interpolated => transformedNode(forwardedProps, interpolated)}
x: spring(dx, animConfig),
y: spring(dy, animConfig),
f: spring(scaleFactor, animConfig)
{(interpolated) => {
const transform = `translate(${round(interpolated.x, layoutPrecision)},`
+ `${round(interpolated.y, layoutPrecision)})`;
return <Node {...other} transform={transform} scaleFactor={interpolated.f} />;
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48 changes: 29 additions & 19 deletions client/app/scripts/charts/node-networks-overlay.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,40 +4,50 @@ import { List as makeList } from 'immutable';
import { getNetworkColor } from '../utils/color-utils';
import { isContrastMode } from '../utils/contrast-utils';

// Min size is about a quarter of the width, feels about right.
const minBarWidth = 0.25;
const barHeight = 0.08;
const innerPadding = 0.04;
const borderRadius = 0.01;

// Gap size between bar segments.
const minBarHeight = 3;
const padding = 0.05;
const rx = 1;
const ry = rx;
const x = scaleBand();

function NodeNetworksOverlay({offset, stack, networks = makeList()}) {
const barWidth = Math.max(1, minBarWidth * networks.size);
const yPosition = offset - (barHeight * 0.5);
function NodeNetworksOverlay({offset, size, stack, networks = makeList()}) {
// Min size is about a quarter of the width, feels about right.
const minBarWidth = (size / 4);
const barWidth = Math.max(size, minBarWidth * networks.size);
const barHeight = Math.max(size * 0.085, minBarHeight);

// Update singleton scale.
x.domain(, i) => i).toJS());
x.range([barWidth * -0.5, barWidth * 0.5]);

const bandwidth = x.bandwidth();
const bars =, i) => (
y={offset - (barHeight * 0.5)}
style={{ fill: getNetworkColor(n.get('colorKey', n.get('id'))) }}
fill: getNetworkColor(n.get('colorKey', n.get('id')))

const translateY = stack && isContrastMode() ? 0.15 : 0;
let transform = '';
if (stack) {
const contrastMode = isContrastMode();
const [dx, dy] = contrastMode ? [0, 8] : [0, 0];
transform = `translate(${dx}, ${dy * -1.5})`;

return (
<g transform={`translate(0, ${translateY})`}>
<g transform={transform}>
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