Please see the official Weaviate documentation for the latest information on Weaviate.
Clone this repo and navigate into it. This will be your working directory for the workshop.
git clone
cd scalable-ai-workshop
If you have a preferred setup (e.g. Conda/Poetry), please feel free to use that. Otherwise, we recommend following these steps.
Install Python 3.9
or higher (e.g. from the Python website, or pyenv
Then, create & activate a virtual environment:
python -m venv .venv # Or use `python3` if `python` is Python 2
source .venv/bin/activate
Check that you are using the correct Python:
which python
This should point to the Python binary in the .venv
Install the required Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you have network connectivity issues, the installation may time out part way through. If this happens, just try running the command again. It will re-used cached data, so you will make further
If you open new terminal or shell window, you will need to activate the virtual environment again. Navigate to the project directory and run source .venv/bin/activate
The workshop is set up for three different embeddings & LLM providers options (Ollama, Cohere, or OpenAI).
We provide helper CLI to download the data & prepare your project for you:
- Recommended if you have 16+ GB of RAM and a modern computer
- We will use pre-embedded data for this workshop, so Ollama will be used for vectorizing queries & LLM use
- No account or API key required
Download & install Ollama from the Ollama website. Make sure Ollama is running, by:
ollama -v
You should see something like:
❯ ollama -v
ollama version is 0.3.8
Run the following command to set up the workshop, and delete your existing collection data.
python --provider ollama
If you have already downloaded the data file, it will use a cached version. To overwrite the file, specify this flag::
python --provider ollama --use-cache False
While the download is progressing, you can continue to the next section (1.3). Open a new terminal window, and continue along.
- Recommended if you want to use an API-based solution
- Cohere account & API key required
- Once you have a key, set it as an environment variable:
export COHERE_API_KEY=your-key
- We will use pre-embedded data for this workshop, so the expense will be for queries only & minimal
- Still, please set a budget limit in your account for extra safety
- Once you have a key, set it as an environment variable:
Run the following command to set up the workshop, and delete your existing collection data.
python --provider cohere
If you have already downloaded the data file, it will use a cached version. To overwrite the file, specify this flag::
python --provider cohere --use-cache False
While the download is progressing, you can continue to the next section (1.3). Open a new terminal window, and continue along.
- Recommended if you want to use an API-based solution
- OpenAI account & API key required
- Once you have a key, set it as an environment variable:
export OPENAI_API_KEY=your-key
- We will use pre-embedded data for this workshop, so the expense will be for queries only & minimal
- Still, please set a budget limit in your account for extra safety
- Once you have a key, set it as an environment variable:
Run the following command to set up the workshop, and delete your existing collection data.
python --provider openai
If you have already downloaded the data file, it will use a cached version. To overwrite the file, specify this flag::
python --provider openai --use-cache False
While the download is progressing, you can continue to the next section (1.3). Open a new terminal window, and continue along.
You should have:
- Selected your provider from
. - Acquired a key if needed, and set it as an environment variable.
- Run the associated command:
python --provider <YOUR_PROVIDER>
If the download is going to take very long (e.g. more than 10 minutes), maybe stop the download & use a smaller dataset. Do this by adding --dataset-size 10000
to the end of your command, like:
python --provider <YOUR_PROVIDER> --dataset-size 10000
Install Docker Desktop: Docker will also be used as a container runtime for Minikube.
For running Weaviate in a Kubernetes cluster, you can use Minikube & Helm.
Minikube ( Helm (
You will get the most out of the workshop if you have Minikube & Helm installed.
Now, you are ready to start running Weaviate!
If you are waiting, you can check out the introductory materials. Take a look at the slide deck PDF, or the intro_workshop.ipynb
[!INFO] For simplicity, we will use Docker in the online workshop.
But for a setup closer to production, try the Kubernetes setup following section 2.2 instead.
Start up a single-node Weaviate cluster with the following command:
docker compose up -d
This will start a single-node Weaviate cluster.
Check an Weaviate endpoint:
curl http://localhost:8080/v1/meta | jq
You should see a response - this means Weaviate is running!
You should be able to see the memory usage of the Weaviate pod by running:
go tool pprof -top http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap
Now, go to Step 3
This is not an actual production setup. But, we can approximate a production set-up by using a local cluster and using Kubernetes to orchestrate our local cluster, just like we would a cluster in production.
Update helm chart & add the Weaviate repository:
helm repo update weaviate
helm repo add weaviate
Get the default values:
helm show values weaviate/weaviate > values-default.yaml
This file shows you the set of available options for the Weaviate helm chart. (Optionally - take a look at the file with your favorite text editor.)
You could edit this file, or create a new one with just the values you want to change.
We will use a pre-configured values file (values.yaml
) that sets up a single-node Weaviate cluster.
Start a small cluster with Minikube:
minikube config set memory 2048
minikube start --nodes 1
Install Weaviate:
kubectl create namespace weaviate
helm upgrade --install "weaviate" weaviate/weaviate --namespace "weaviate" --values ./values.yaml
Check the status:
kubectl get pods -n weaviate
Shortly, you should see the Weaviate pods running. This should take about a minute.
❯ kubectl get pods -n weaviate
weaviate-0 0/1 Running 0 48s
Can we access the cluster? Try running this, for example:
curl http://localhost:80/v1/meta | jq
We can't access the Weaviate service yet, because it's not exposed to the outside world.
To expose the service, we can use minikube tunnel
minikube tunnel
Note that this command will block the terminal. Open a new terminal and continue on.
If you want to stop the tunnel, you can do so by pressing Ctrl+C
or closing the terminal.
Now, you can connect to Weaviate - e.g. to check an Weaviate endpoint:
curl http://localhost:80/v1/meta | jq
You should see a response - this means Weaviate is running!
We'll also expose the pprof service, which we can use to monitor the memory usage of the Weaviate pod. (To delete, run kubectl delete service pprof-service -n weaviate
kubectl apply -f pprof-service.yaml
You should be able to see the memory usage of the Weaviate pod by running:
go tool pprof -top http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap
The Docker-based Weaviate is configured to run on port 8080, whereas the Kubernetes deployment uses port 80. Open
and update port=8080
to port=80
and restart the Streamlit app.
Now, go to Step 3
If you are new to Weaviate, you can take a look at the introductory materials. Take a look at the slide deck PDF, or the intro_workshop.ipynb
For complete examples, see intro_workshop_finished.ipynb
We have a Streamlit app that will help you to visualise basic cluster statistics, and to make use of the data. (Remember to navigate to the project directory and activate the virtual environment.) Run it with:
streamlit run
This will throw an error, but that's OK. We'll fix that in the next step.
Now, let's load some data into Weaviate. You should now have these files:
Run the first script to create a collection:
We will take a look together at the script.
But if you would like, review it to see what it does. See what settings are being configured, and explore what options are available (or commented out - as alternatives).
Now, refresh your streamlit app from the browser. The app should no longer throw an error.
So let's run the second script to add data to the collection:
This should take just a few seconds to run. (We'll talk more about this, but that's because we're using pre-vectorized data.)
You should see the memory profile of the Weaviate pod increase as the data is added.
Now, refresh the Streamlit app. You should see the data in the app. Explore the app, and see what types of results you get for different search queries.
Here, we'll try things like change the index types, quantization schemes, and talk about multi-tenancy.
We don't want to spoil the whole workshop for you, so we'll leave it here for now. But - if you find yourself ahead of the group, you can try playing with the following sections and ideas:
First, shut down the existing Docker-based Weaviate.
docker compose down
Now, spin up a three-node Weaviate cluster:
docker compose -f docker-compose-three-nodes.yml up -d
(Earlier, we were using the default docker-compose.yml
file, so we did not need to specify it. Now, we need to specify the file with the -f
Then, run the scripts to create the collection and add data.
Note that this is a slightly different exercise to the Kubernetes-based one. The reason is that the Kubernetes pods were configured with an artificially small amount of RAM, to showcase the benefits of scaling up or out.
To scale Weaviate out with Minikube, you need to do two things.
First, shut down minikube. So, close the tunnel, and stop minikube:
minikube stop
Then, start minikube with more nodes:
minikube start --nodes 3
Update your values file to have more replicas:
replicas: 3
Then, install Weaviate again:
helm upgrade --install "weaviate" weaviate/weaviate --namespace "weaviate" --values ./values.yaml
Now, once the pods are ready, go through the same steps as before.
Expose the service with minikube tunnel
Then, run the scripts to create the collection and add data.
How do the results change? Do you notice the same limitations?
, you can change the settings for the vector index and quantization.
Notice the commented out lines for quantization
. Try each one, and see how it affects the memory usage. Do you notice changes to the search results? Would you expect it to?
Try changing .hnsw
to .flat
. How does this affect the memory usage and the search performance of the system?
- Note: The
index can only be used with thebq
If you want to experiment with even larger (or smaller) datasets, you can run the following command:
python --provider <YOUR_PROVIDER> --dataset-size <SIZE>
Where <SIZE>
is one of 10000
, 50000
(default), 100000
or 200000
They are pre-vectorized datasets, so you can experiment with different sizes without having to wait for the data to be vectorized, or spend money on the inference.
Increase its memory, e.g. to:
cpu: '500m'
memory: '1000Mi'
cpu: '1000m'
memory: '1000Mi'
Actually, we have a pre-configured values file for this. Run the following command to upgrade Weaviate with the new values:
helm upgrade --install "weaviate" weaviate/weaviate --namespace "weaviate" --values ./values-larger.yaml
Close the tunnel by closing the terminal on which it is running, and stop minikube:
minikube stop
When finished with the workshop, you can stop the cluster with:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml down
And a three-node cluster with:
docker compose -f docker-compose-three-nodes.yml down