Prometheus exporter for Azure Monitor metrics. Supports metrics fetching from all resource with one scrape (automatic service discovery), custom metric names with template system, full dimensions support and caching.
Configuration (except Azure connection) of this exporter is made entirely in Prometheus instead of a seperate configuration file, see examples below.
- Features
- Configuration
- Metrics
- HTTP Endpoints
- Prometheus configuration examples
- Development and testing query webui
- Uses of official Azure SDK for go
- Supports all Azure environments (Azure public cloud, Azure governmant cloud, Azure china cloud, ...) via Azure SDK configuration
- Caching of Azure ServiceDiscovery to reduce Azure API calls
- Caching of fetched metrics (no need to request every minute from Azure Monitor API; you can keep scrape time of
for metrics) - Customizable metric names (with template system with metric information)
- Ability to fetch metrics from one or more resources via
parameter (see/probe/metrics/resource
) - Ability to fetch metrics from resources found with ServiceDiscovery via Azure resources API based on $filter (see
) - Ability to fetch metrics from resources found with ServiceDiscovery via Azure resources API based on $filter with configuration inside Azure resource tags (see
) - Ability to fetch metrics from resources found with ServiceDiscovery via Azure ResourceGraph API based on Kusto query (see
) - Configuration based on Prometheus scraping config or ServiceMonitor manifest (Prometheus operator)
- Metric manipulation (adding, removing, updating or filtering of labels or metrics) can be done in scraping config (eg
) - Full metric dimension support
- Docker image is based on Google's distroless static image to reduce attack surface (no shell, no other binaries inside image)
- Available via Docker Hub and Quay (see badges on top)
- Can run non-root and with readonly root filesystem, doesn't need any capabilities (you can safely use
drop: ["All"]
) - Publishes Azure API rate limit metrics (when exporter sends Azure API requests, available via
useful with additional exporters:
- azure-resourcegraph-exporter for exporting Azure resource information from Azure ResourceGraph API with custom Kusto queries (get the tags from resources and ResourceGroups with this exporter)
- azure-resourcemanager-exporter for exporting Azure subscription information (eg ratelimit, subscription quotas, ServicePrincipal expiry, RoleAssignments, resource health, ...)
- azure-keyvault-exporter for exporting Azure KeyVault information (eg expiry date for secrets, certificates and keys)
- azure-loganalytics-exporter for exporting Azure LogAnalytics workspace information with custom Kusto queries (eg ingestion rate or application error count)
Normally no configuration is needed but can be customized using environment variables.
azure-metrics-exporter [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
--log.debug debug mode [$LOG_DEBUG]
--log.devel development mode [$LOG_DEVEL]
--log.json Switch log output to json format [$LOG_JSON]
--azure-environment= Azure environment name (default: AZUREPUBLICCLOUD) [$AZURE_ENVIRONMENT]
--azure-ad-resource-url= Specifies the AAD resource ID to use. If not set, it defaults to ResourceManagerEndpoint for operations with Azure Resource Manager
--azure.servicediscovery.cache= Duration for caching Azure ServiceDiscovery of workspaces to reduce API calls (time.Duration) (default: 30m)
--azure.resource-tag= Azure Resource tags (space delimiter) (default: owner) [$AZURE_RESOURCE_TAG]
--metrics.template= Template for metric name (default: {name}) [$METRIC_TEMPLATE] Metric help (with template support) (default: Azure monitor insight metric) [$METRIC_HELP]
--metrics.dimensions.lowercase Lowercase dimension values [$METRIC_DIMENSIONS_LOWERCASE]
--concurrency.subscription= Concurrent subscription fetches (default: 5) [$CONCURRENCY_SUBSCRIPTION]
--concurrency.subscription.resource= Concurrent requests per resource (inside subscription requests) (default: 10) [$CONCURRENCY_SUBSCRIPTION_RESOURCE]
--enable-caching Enable internal caching [$ENABLE_CACHING]
--server.bind= Server address (default: :8080) [$SERVER_BIND] Server read timeout (default: 5s) [$SERVER_TIMEOUT_READ]
--server.timeout.write= Server write timeout (default: 10s) [$SERVER_TIMEOUT_WRITE]
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
for Azure API authentication (using ENV vars) see following documentations:
Enable the webui (--development.webui
) to get a basic web frontend to query the exporter which helps you to find
the right settings for your configuration.
webui is available under url /query
Metric | Description |
azurerm_stats_metric_collecttime |
General exporter stats |
azurerm_stats_metric_requests |
Counter of resource metric requests with result (error, success) |
azurerm_resource_metric (customizable) |
Resource metrics exported by probes (can be changed using name parameter and template system) |
azurerm_api_ratelimit |
Azure ratelimit metrics (only on /metrics, resets after query) |
azurerm_api_request_* |
Azure request count and latency as histogram |
see armclient tagmanager documentation
see armclient tracing documentation |
(with 21.5.3 and later)
By default Azure monitor metrics are generated with the name specified in the request (see parameter name
This can be modified via environment variable $METRIC_TEMPLATE
or as request parameter template
HINT: Used templates are removed from labels!
Metric name recommendation: {name}_{metric}_{aggregation}_{unit}
Help recommendation: Azure metrics for {metric} with aggregation {aggregation} as {unit}
Following templates are available:
Template | Description |
{name} |
Name of template specified by request parameter name |
{type} |
The ResourceType or MetricNamespace specified in the request (not applicable to all APIs) |
{metric} |
Name of Azure monitor metric |
{dimension} |
Dimension value of Azure monitor metric (if dimension is used) |
{unit} |
Unit name of Azure monitor metric (eg count , percent , ...) |
{aggregation} |
Aggregation of Azure monitor metric (eg total , average ) |
{interval} |
Interval of requested Azure monitor metric |
{timespan} |
Timespan of requested Azure monitor metric |
Prometheus config:
- job_name: azure-metrics-keyvault
scrape_interval: 1m
metrics_path: /probe/metrics/list
name: ["azure_metric_keyvault"]
- xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
filter: ["resourceType eq 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults'"]
- Availability
- ServiceApiHit
- ServiceApiLatency
interval: ["PT15M"]
timespan: ["PT15M"]
- average
- total
- targets: ["azure-metrics:8080"]
generated metrics:
# HELP azure_metric_keyvault Azure monitor insight metric
# TYPE azure_metric_keyvault gauge
azure_metric_keyvault{aggregation="average",dimension="",interval="PT12H",metric="Availability",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H",unit="Percent"} 100
azure_metric_keyvault{aggregation="average",dimension="",interval="PT12H",metric="Availability",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H",unit="Percent"} 100
azure_metric_keyvault{aggregation="average",dimension="",interval="PT12H",metric="ServiceApiHit",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H",unit="Count"} 0
azure_metric_keyvault{aggregation="average",dimension="",interval="PT12H",metric="ServiceApiHit",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H",unit="Count"} 0
azure_metric_keyvault{aggregation="total",dimension="",interval="PT12H",metric="ServiceApiHit",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H",unit="Count"} 0
azure_metric_keyvault{aggregation="total",dimension="",interval="PT12H",metric="ServiceApiHit",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H",unit="Count"} 0
# HELP azurerm_ratelimit Azure ResourceManager ratelimit
# TYPE azurerm_ratelimit gauge
azurerm_ratelimit{scope="subscription",subscriptionID="...",type="read"} 11997
Prometheus config:
- job_name: azure-metrics-keyvault
scrape_interval: 1m
metrics_path: /probe/metrics/list
name: ["azure_metric_keyvault"]
template: ["{name}_{metric}_{unit}"]
help: ["Custom help with {metric}"]
- xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
filter: ["resourceType eq 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults'"]
- Availability
- ServiceApiHit
- ServiceApiLatency
interval: ["PT15M"]
timespan: ["PT15M"]
- average
- total
- targets: ["azure-metrics:8080"]
generated metrics:
# HELP azure_metric_keyvault_availability_percent Custom help with availability
# TYPE azure_metric_keyvault_availability_percent gauge
azure_metric_keyvault_availability_percent{aggregation="average",dimension="",interval="PT12H",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H"} 100
azure_metric_keyvault_availability_percent{aggregation="average",dimension="",interval="PT12H",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H"} 100
# HELP azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapihit_count Custom help with serviceapihit
# TYPE azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapihit_count gauge
azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapihit_count{aggregation="average",dimension="",interval="PT12H",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H"} 0
azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapihit_count{aggregation="average",dimension="",interval="PT12H",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H"} 0
azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapihit_count{aggregation="total",dimension="",interval="PT12H",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H"} 0
azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapihit_count{aggregation="total",dimension="",interval="PT12H",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H"} 0
# HELP azurerm_ratelimit Azure ResourceManager ratelimit
# TYPE azurerm_ratelimit gauge
azurerm_ratelimit{scope="subscription",subscriptionID="...",type="read"} 11996
Prometheus config:
- job_name: azure-metrics-keyvault
scrape_interval: 1m
metrics_path: /probe/metrics/list
name: ["azure_metric_keyvault"]
template: ["{name}_{metric}_{aggregation}_{unit}"]
- xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
filter: ["resourceType eq 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults'"]
- Availability
- ServiceApiHit
- ServiceApiLatency
interval: ["PT15M"]
timespan: ["PT15M"]
- average
- total
- targets: ["azure-metrics:8080"]
generated metrics:
# HELP azure_metric_keyvault_availability_average_percent Azure monitor insight metric
# TYPE azure_metric_keyvault_availability_average_percent gauge
azure_metric_keyvault_availability_average_percent{dimension="",interval="PT12H",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H"} 100
azure_metric_keyvault_availability_average_percent{dimension="",interval="PT12H",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H"} 100
# HELP azure_metric_keyvault_availability_total_percent Azure monitor insight metric
# TYPE azure_metric_keyvault_availability_total_percent gauge
azure_metric_keyvault_availability_total_percent{dimension="",interval="PT12H",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H"} 9
# HELP azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapihit_average_count Azure monitor insight metric
# TYPE azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapihit_average_count gauge
azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapihit_average_count{dimension="",interval="PT12H",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H"} 0
azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapihit_average_count{dimension="",interval="PT12H",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H"} 1
# HELP azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapihit_total_count Azure monitor insight metric
# TYPE azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapihit_total_count gauge
azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapihit_total_count{dimension="",interval="PT12H",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H"} 0
azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapihit_total_count{dimension="",interval="PT12H",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H"} 9
# HELP azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapilatency_average_milliseconds Azure monitor insight metric
# TYPE azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapilatency_average_milliseconds gauge
azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapilatency_average_milliseconds{dimension="",interval="PT12H",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H"} 38.666666666666664
# HELP azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapilatency_total_milliseconds Azure monitor insight metric
# TYPE azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapilatency_total_milliseconds gauge
azure_metric_keyvault_serviceapilatency_total_milliseconds{dimension="",interval="PT12H",resourceID="/subscriptions/...",timespan="PT12H"} 348
# HELP azurerm_ratelimit Azure ResourceManager ratelimit
# TYPE azurerm_ratelimit gauge
azurerm_ratelimit{scope="subscription",subscriptionID="...",type="read"} 11999
Endpoint | Description |
/metrics |
Default prometheus golang metrics |
/probe/metrics |
Probe metrics by subscription and region, split by resource (one query per subscription and region; see azurerm_resource_metric ) |
/probe/metrics/resource |
Probe metrics for one resource (one query per resource; see azurerm_resource_metric ) |
/probe/metrics/list |
Probe metrics for list of resources (sone query per resource; see azurerm_resource_metric ) |
/probe/metrics/scrape |
Probe metrics for list of resources and config on resource by tag name (one query per resource; see azurerm_resource_metric ) |
/probe/metrics/resourcegraph |
Probe metrics for list of resources based on a kusto query and the resource graph API (one query per resource) |
one metric request per subscription and region
GET parameter | Default | Required | Multiple | Description |
subscription |
yes | yes | Azure Subscription ID | |
region |
no | yes | Azure Regions (eg. westeurope , northeurope ). If omit, ResourceGrapth will be used to discover regions |
resourceType |
yes | no | Azure Resource type | |
timespan |
PT1M |
no | no | Metric timespan |
interval |
no | no | Metric timespan | |
metricNamespace |
no | no | Metric namespace | |
metric |
no | yes | Metric name | |
aggregation |
no | yes | Metric aggregation (minimum , maximum , average , total , count , multiple possible separated with , ) |
name |
azurerm_resource_metric |
no | no | Prometheus metric name |
metricFilter |
no | no | Prometheus metric filter (dimension support; supports only 2 filters in subscription query mode as the first filter is used to split by resource id) | |
metricTop |
no | no | Prometheus metric dimension count (dimension support) | |
metricOrderBy |
no | no | Prometheus metric order by (dimension support) | |
validateDimensions |
true |
no | no | When set to false, invalid filter parameter values will be ignored. |
cache |
(same as timespan) | no | no | Use of internal metrics caching |
template |
no | no | see metric name and help template system |
help |
set to $METRIC_HELP |
no | no | see metric name and help template system |
Hint: Multiple values can be specified multiple times or with a comma in a single value.
metrics are requested per resource in chunks of 20 metric names (35 metric names = 2 requests per resource)
GET parameter | Default | Required | Multiple | Description |
subscription |
yes | yes | Azure Subscription ID | |
target |
yes | yes | Azure Resource URI | |
timespan |
PT1M |
no | no | Metric timespan |
interval |
no | no | Metric timespan | |
metricNamespace |
no | yes | Metric namespace | |
metric |
no | yes | Metric name | |
aggregation |
no | yes | Metric aggregation (minimum , maximum , average , total , count , multiple possible separated with , ) |
name |
azurerm_resource_metric |
no | no | Prometheus metric name |
metricFilter |
no | no | Prometheus metric filter (dimension support) | |
metricTop |
no | no | Prometheus metric dimension count (dimension support) | |
metricOrderBy |
no | no | Prometheus metric order by (dimension support) | |
validateDimensions |
true |
no | no | When set to false, invalid filter parameter values will be ignored. |
cache |
(same as timespan) | no | no | Use of internal metrics caching |
template |
no | no | see metric name and help template system |
help |
set to $METRIC_HELP |
no | no | see metric name and help template system |
Hint: Multiple values can be specified multiple times or with a comma in a single value.
metrics are requested per resource in chunks of 20 metric names (35 metric names = 2 requests per resource)
HINT: service discovery information is cached for duration set by $AZURE_SERVICEDISCOVERY_CACHE
(set to 0
to disable)
GET parameter | Default | Required | Multiple | Description |
subscription |
yes | yes | Azure Subscription ID (or multiple separate by comma) | |
resourceType or filter |
yes | no | Azure Resource type or filter query ( | |
timespan |
PT1M |
no | no | Metric timespan |
interval |
no | no | Metric timespan | |
metricNamespace |
no | yes | Metric namespace | |
metric |
no | yes | Metric name | |
aggregation |
no | yes | Metric aggregation (minimum , maximum , average , total , count , multiple possible separated with , ) |
name |
azurerm_resource_metric |
no | no | Prometheus metric name |
metricFilter |
no | no | Prometheus metric filter (dimension support) | |
metricTop |
no | no | Prometheus metric dimension count (dimension support) | |
metricOrderBy |
no | no | Prometheus metric order by (dimension support) | |
validateDimensions |
true |
no | no | When set to false, invalid filter parameter values will be ignored. |
cache |
(same as timespan) | no | no | Use of internal metrics caching |
template |
no | no | see metric name and help template system |
help |
set to $METRIC_HELP |
no | no | see metric name and help template system |
Hint: Multiple values can be specified multiple times or with a comma in a single value.
HINT: service discovery information is cached for duration set by $AZURE_SERVICEDISCOVERY_CACHE
(set to 0
to disable)
GET parameter | Default | Required | Multiple | Description |
subscription |
yes | yes | Azure Subscription ID (or multiple separate by comma) | |
resourceType or filter |
yes | no | Azure Resource type or filter query ( | |
metricTagName |
yes | no | Resource tag name for getting "metrics" list | |
aggregationTagName |
yes | no | Resource tag name for getting "aggregations" list | |
timespan |
PT1M |
no | no | Metric timespan |
interval |
no | no | Metric timespan | |
metricNamespace |
no | yes | Metric namespace | |
metric |
no | yes | Metric name | |
aggregation |
no | yes | Metric aggregation (minimum , maximum , average , total , multiple possible separated with , ) |
name |
azurerm_resource_metric |
no | no | Prometheus metric name |
metricFilter |
no | no | Prometheus metric filter (dimension support) | |
metricTop |
no | no | Prometheus metric dimension count (integer, dimension support) | |
metricOrderBy |
no | no | Prometheus metric order by (dimension support) | |
validateDimensions |
true |
no | no | When set to false, invalid filter parameter values will be ignored. |
cache |
(same as timespan) | no | no | Use of internal metrics caching |
template |
no | no | see metric name and help template system |
help |
set to $METRIC_HELP |
no | no | see metric name and help template system |
Hint: Multiple values can be specified multiple times or with a comma in a single value.
This endpoint is using Azure ResoruceGraph API for servicediscovery (with 21.9.0 and later)
metrics are requested per resource in chunks of 20 metric names (35 metric names = 2 requests per resource)
HINT: service discovery information is cached for duration set by $AZURE_SERVICEDISCOVERY_CACHE
(set to 0
to disable)
GET parameter | Default | Required | Multiple | Description |
subscription |
yes | yes | Azure Subscription ID (or multiple separate by comma) | |
resourceType |
yes | no | Azure Resource type | |
filter |
no | no | Additional Kusto query part (eg. where id contains "/xzy/" ) |
timespan |
PT1M |
no | no | Metric timespan |
interval |
no | no | Metric timespan | |
metricNamespace |
no | yes | Metric namespace | |
metric |
no | yes | Metric name | |
aggregation |
no | yes | Metric aggregation (minimum , maximum , average , total , count , multiple possible separated with , ) |
name |
azurerm_resource_metric |
no | no | Prometheus metric name |
metricFilter |
no | no | Prometheus metric filter (dimension support) | |
metricTop |
no | no | Prometheus metric dimension count (dimension support) | |
metricOrderBy |
no | no | Prometheus metric order by (dimension support) | |
validateDimensions |
true |
no | no | When set to false, invalid filter parameter values will be ignored. |
cache |
(same as timespan) | no | no | Use of internal metrics caching |
template |
no | no | see metric name and help template system |
help |
set to $METRIC_HELP |
no | no | see metric name and help template system |
Hint: Multiple values can be specified multiple times or with a comma in a single value.
using target (single instances):
- job_name: azure-metrics-redis
scrape_interval: 1m
metrics_path: /probe/metrics/resource
name: ["my_own_metric_name"]
- xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
- /subscriptions/.../resourceGroups/.../providers/Microsoft.Cache/Redis/...
- /subscriptions/.../resourceGroups/.../providers/Microsoft.Cache/Redis/...
- /subscriptions/.../resourceGroups/.../providers/Microsoft.Cache/Redis/...
- /subscriptions/.../resourceGroups/.../providers/Microsoft.Cache/Redis/...
- connectedclients
- totalcommandsprocessed
- cachehits
- cachemisses
- getcommands
- setcommands
- operationsPerSecond
- evictedkeys
- totalkeys
- expiredkeys
- usedmemory
- usedmemorypercentage
- usedmemoryRss
- serverLoad
- cacheWrite
- cacheRead
- percentProcessorTime
- cacheLatency
- errors
interval: ["PT1M"]
timespan: ["PT1M"]
- average
- total
- targets: ["azure-metrics:8080"]
using ServiceDiscovery:
- job_name: azure-metrics-redis
scrape_interval: 1m
metrics_path: /probe/metrics/list
name: ["my_own_metric_name"]
- xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
resourceType: ["Microsoft.Cache/Redis"]
- connectedclients
- totalcommandsprocessed
- cachehits
- cachemisses
- getcommands
- setcommands
- operationsPerSecond
- evictedkeys
- totalkeys
- expiredkeys
- usedmemory
- usedmemorypercentage
- usedmemoryRss
- serverLoad
- cacheWrite
- cacheRead
- percentProcessorTime
- cacheLatency
- errors
interval: ["PT1M"]
timespan: ["PT1M"]
- average
- total
- targets: ["azure-metrics:8080"]
using ServiceDiscovery with custom resource filter query:
- job_name: azure-metrics-redis
scrape_interval: 1m
metrics_path: /probe/metrics/list
name: ["my_own_metric_name"]
- xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
filter: ["resourceType eq 'Microsoft.Cache/Redis'"]
- connectedclients
- totalcommandsprocessed
- cachehits
- cachemisses
- getcommands
- setcommands
- operationsPerSecond
- evictedkeys
- totalkeys
- expiredkeys
- usedmemory
- usedmemorypercentage
- usedmemoryRss
- serverLoad
- cacheWrite
- cacheRead
- percentProcessorTime
- cacheLatency
- errors
interval: ["PT1M"]
timespan: ["PT1M"]
- average
- total
- targets: ["azure-metrics:8080"]
- job_name: azure-metrics-virtualNetworkGateways
scrape_interval: 1m
metrics_path: /probe/metrics/list
name: ["my_own_metric_name"]
- xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
resourceType: ["Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways"]
- AverageBandwidth
- P2SBandwidth
- P2SConnectionCount
- TunnelAverageBandwidth
- TunnelEgressBytes
- TunnelIngressBytes
- TunnelEgressPackets
- TunnelIngressPackets
- TunnelEgressPacketDropTSMismatch
- TunnelIngressPacketDropTSMismatch
interval: ["PT5M"]
timespan: ["PT5M"]
- average
- total
- targets: ["azure-metrics:8080"]
Virtual Gateway connection metrics (dimension support)
- job_name: azure-metrics-virtualNetworkGateways-connections
scrape_interval: 1m
metrics_path: /probe/metrics/list
name: ["my_own_metric_name"]
- xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
resourceType: ["Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways"]
- TunnelAverageBandwidth
- TunnelEgressBytes
- TunnelIngressBytes
- TunnelEgressPackets
- TunnelIngressPackets
- TunnelEgressPacketDropTSMismatch
- TunnelIngressPacketDropTSMismatch
interval: ["PT5M"]
timespan: ["PT5M"]
- average
- total
# by connection (dimension support)
metricFilter: ["ConnectionName eq '*'"]
metricTop: ["10"]
- targets: ["azure-metrics:8080"]
- job_name: azure-metrics-virtualNetworkGateways-connections
scrape_interval: 1m
metrics_path: /probe/metrics/list
name: ["my_own_metric_name"]
- xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
resourceType: ["Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"]
metricNamespace: ["Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices"]
- BlobCapacity
interval: ["PT1H"]
timespan: ["PT1H"]
- average
- count
# by blobtype (dimension support)
metricFilter: ["BlobType eq '*'"]
metricTop: ["10"]
- targets: ["azure-metrics:8080"]
In these examples all metrics are published with metric name my_own_metric_name
The List of supported metrics is available in the Microsoft Azure docs.
azure-metrics-exporter provides a query webui at http://url-to-exporter/query
where you can
test different query settings and endpoints. the query webui also generates an example prometheus scrape_config.