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This module provides bindings to the Core, Project and certain extent PluginBase APIs of WebGME. This allows developers to implement plugin logic without using JavaScript. The implementation is a simple client-server approach using ZeroMQ.

  • Currently only Python is supported (info on how to add another language)
  • A non-native plugin still needs a "wrapping" plugin in JavaScript that starts the ZeroMQ-server and invokes the non-native plugin. For Python - the boiler-plate code (including a debug entry) can be generated from webgme-cli with the command:
webgme new plugin MyPythonPlugin --language Python

Getting started

Before getting started make sure that you have all the webgme dependencies and set up and a webgme-app repo initialized and working. Make sure your webgme version is >= 2.30. (and the webgme-engine version >= 2.21.1 in the global webgme-cli module).

  • Add webgme-bindings as a dependency.
npm install webgme-bindings --save

(To install directly from github instead use: npm install webgme/bindings#master --save.)

To add a router to your deployment that serves the documentation invoke:

webgme import router BindingsDocs webgme-bindings

Once your webgme-server is up and running the documentation will be available at <host>/bindings-docs/, e.g. http://localhost:8888/bindings-docs/

Setting up Python

The python api is confirmed to work both with both 2.7 and 3.x. The only third part dependency is pyzmq which should work down to 2.5.

Note that in the Python API strings are documented as str even though in python 2.7 they technically are unicode. (PyZMQ has an explanation of the differences for the interested one over here.)

  1. Install python and make sure it's added to PATH (typing python in a shell/cmd should start the python REPL).
  2. Install pip (with the later versions of python 3 it comes packaged with some installers).

Installing from

pip install webgme-bindings

Installing from source

  1. git clone
  2. cd bindings/python/webgme_bindings
  3. pip install -e .

Generating a python plugin

From the root of your repository generate a new plugin with (replacing MyPythonPlugin with something more suitable):

webgme new plugin MyPythonPlugin --language Python

This will generate three python files:

  • - The entry point when running MyPythonPlugin.js
  • - An entry point for debugging the python code.
  • MyPythonPlugin/__init__py - The actual implementation of your python plugin.

Make sure to read through the documentation at the top of each file!

Since the python plugins must run on the server, server-side execution of plugins must be enabled. In your ./config/config.default.js add the following line (right before the module.exports = config; statement:

config.plugin.allowServerExecution = true;

Debugging the plugin

Note that all of these commands should run from the root of your repository:

  1. Running the JS plugin from command-line:
node node_modules/webgme-engine/src/bin/run_plugin.js MyPythonPlugin MyProject

For details about available options:

node node_modules/webgme-engine/src/bin/run_plugin.js --help
  1. Running with python as main process:
python src/plugins/MyPythonPlugin/

Listing details about options for the corezmq_server.js (called from

node node_modules/webgme-bindings/bin/corezmq_server.js --help

Working with PyCharm IDE

If working with the Pycharm IDE make sure to follow these points:

  1. Execute pycharm from the commandline, so that it properly captures the nodejs PATH settings from the terminal's ~/.bashrc file(if using nvm for managing node)
  2. Set the working-dir from the run/debug configuration for the project to point to the project's root. Pycharm Setting1
  3. Set the project name and other associated variables in the file Pycharm Setting

Architectural Overview


Why ZeroMQ?

It is:

  • cross-platform and runs on windows and unix-like systems.
  • providing bindings in a wide range of languages.
  • lightweight and designed with performance in mind.
  • used elsewhere to bridge APIs over language barriers.
  • a living and maintained technology with a large community (at least in August 2018).
  • open source and has a non-invasive license.


Some notes on versioning

Compatible clients (e.g. python) and server (the npm module) should always have the same major version.

When to bump the major version?
  1. When the webgme-engine version needs to be bumped (see below for details).
  2. If any currently published clients (e.g. python package) aren't compatible with the new server.
If a new version of webgme-engine is required.
  1. Modify the version of the webgme-engine peerDependency to include a max version to the previous engine (e.g. "^2.21.0 <= 2.23.0")
  2. Publish webgme-bindings under a new micro version
  3. Modify the version of the webgme-engine peerDependency to have the new engine version as the minimum (e.g. "^2.24.0")
  4. Publish webgme-bindings under a new major version
  5. Publish all clients (e.g. python) under the new major version as well

(If a new major version of webgme-bindings is released without any new requirements on webgme-engine the last step still needs to be performed.)

Running UnitTests

  1. start mongodb server at default port
  2. install python, pip and venv (could use system wide python too)
  3. create venv python3 -m virtualenv venv
  4. activate venv source venv/bin/activate
  5. install bidings as a python package cd python/webgme_bindings and pip install -e .
  6. npm run test

Creating new NPM release

npm install
npm version 1.0.0 -m "Release %s"
git push origin master
git checkout v1.0.0
git push origin v1.0.0
npm publish ./